[PATCH] largefiles: Commit directories that only contain largefiles (issue3548)
Levi Bard
taktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktak at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 11:53:24 UTC 2012
> One small issue- this command used to get rejected:
I'll revise the patch to address this behavior change.
> > + if not matcheddir:
> > + actualfiles.append(lfutil.standin(f))
> > + matcheddir = True
> I can't figure out why the previous 3 lines are needed. I commented them
> out and the test blew up, so they are needed. It appears that all of the
> largefiles are added to actualfiles, and at the same time, only the first
> corresponding standin (per directory) is. Why are the standins needed at
> all here, since the largefiles are provided? And since at least one
> seems to be needed, why aren't all of the standins needed?
It's adding the standin for the directory, for consistency.
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