[PATCH 05 of 12] phases: make _filterunknown a member function of phasecache

Idan Kamara idankk86 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 15:35:30 UTC 2012

# HG changeset patch
# User Idan Kamara <idankk86 at gmail.com>
# Date 1355682488 -7200
# Branch stable
# Node ID ded30a7d2cc2d32e20bf6a14b9579e10210a0673
# Parent  aa6a85e47fb4edc705959da93fb024aef56dafd4
phases: make _filterunknown a member function of phasecache

We'd like the ability to call filterunknown on an existing phasecache
instance after nodes are destroyed.

diff --git a/mercurial/phases.py b/mercurial/phases.py
--- a/mercurial/phases.py
+++ b/mercurial/phases.py
@@ -110,24 +110,6 @@
 trackedphases = allphases[1:]
 phasenames = ['public', 'draft', 'secret']
-def _filterunknown(ui, changelog, phaseroots):
-    """remove unknown nodes from the phase boundary
-    Nothing is lost as unknown nodes only hold data for their descendants.
-    """
-    updated = False
-    nodemap = changelog.nodemap # to filter unknown nodes
-    for phase, nodes in enumerate(phaseroots):
-        missing = [node for node in nodes if node not in nodemap]
-        if missing:
-            for mnode in missing:
-                ui.debug(
-                    'removing unknown node %s from %i-phase boundary\n'
-                    % (short(mnode), phase))
-            nodes.symmetric_difference_update(missing)
-            updated = True
-    return updated
 def _readroots(repo, phasedefaults=None):
     """Read phase roots from disk
@@ -156,8 +138,6 @@
             for f in phasedefaults:
                 roots = f(repo, roots)
         dirty = True
-    if _filterunknown(repo.ui, repo.changelog, roots):
-        dirty = True
     return roots, dirty
 class phasecache(object):
@@ -165,6 +145,7 @@
         if _load:
             # Cheap trick to allow shallow-copy without copy module
             self.phaseroots, self.dirty = _readroots(repo, phasedefaults)
+            self.filterunknown(repo)
             self.opener = repo.sopener
             self._phaserevs = None
@@ -264,6 +245,26 @@
             self._updateroots(targetphase, currentroots)
+    def filterunknown(self, repo):
+        """remove unknown nodes from the phase boundary
+        Nothing is lost as unknown nodes only hold data for their descendants.
+        """
+        filtered = False
+        nodemap = repo.changelog.nodemap # to filter unknown nodes
+        for phase, nodes in enumerate(self.phaseroots):
+            missing = [node for node in nodes if node not in nodemap]
+            if missing:
+                for mnode in missing:
+                    repo.ui.debug(
+                        'removing unknown node %s from %i-phase boundary\n'
+                        % (short(mnode), phase))
+                nodes.symmetric_difference_update(missing)
+                filtered = True
+        if filtered:
+            self.dirty = True
+            self._phaserevs = None
 def advanceboundary(repo, targetphase, nodes):
     """Add nodes to a phase changing other nodes phases if necessary.

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