[PATCH 3 of 9] branchmap: takes filtered revision in account for cache calculation

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Fri Dec 28 00:55:08 UTC 2012

On 26 déc. 2012, at 23:25, Dave S wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Dave S <snidely.too at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Tracking tipnode and tiprev is not enough to ensure validaty of the cache as
>>> they do not help to distinct cache that ignored various revision bellow tiprev.
>> "distinct" -> "distinguish"?  Or maybe "give a distinct signature"?
>> If "distinguish", then we need to know what it (the cache) is being
>> distinguished from.
>>> To detect such difference, we build a cache of all revision ignored. This hash
>>> is then used when checking validity of a cache for a repo.
>> I think you want to say that you provide a hash (key) for a
>> cache-of-all-revisions-ignored (revisions is the usual plural) that
>> you build here.  I've probably got that a bit back-to-front, and it
>> would be better as "build a cache [...] and then return the hash (key)
>> to use when ..."
> The 2nd version would be even clearer as
> "build a cache [...] and then return the hash of the cache to use when ..."
> My current thinking, such as it is, is that being explicit about the
> relationship of the hash to the cache is valuable.

You got me totally confused here :-(

Whats wrong? what do you suggest as an alternative ?


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