[issue3245] Command qprev doesn't work with an applied guarded patch

Jonathan Keatley bugs at mercurial.selenic.com
Fri Feb 3 16:28:44 UTC 2012

New submission from Jonathan Keatley <jckeatley at gmail.com>:

When a series of patches is applied, and there is an unapplied patch above 
the current one that is guarded, then hg qprev returns nothing.

For example:

1. Create a series of patches: A.patch, B.patch, and C.patch. Then apply a 
guard to A.patch:
  $ hg qguard A.patch +a
  $ hg qser -v
  0 G A.patch
  1 U B.patch
  2 U C.patch

3. Now go to C.patch:
  $ hg qgoto C.patch
  applying B.patch
  applying C.patch
  now at: C.patch

4. Now try qprev:
  $ hg qprev

5. The command, which should output "B.patch", outputs nothing.

messages: 18952
nosy: jckeatley
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Command qprev doesn't work with an applied guarded patch
topic: 2.0, hg, mq

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