[PATCH 1 of 2] record: refactored prompt choices to clean code and offer better choices

Wagner Bruna wagner.bruna+mercurial at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 14:24:39 UTC 2012

On 02/23/2012 09:44 AM, A. S. Budden wrote:
> On 23 February 2012 11:23, timeless <timeless at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So. Localized command letters can be an interesting disaster. -
>> Especially for users likely to switch between en and some other
>> language that uses Latin letters (it's a *different* disaster for non
>> Latin languages...).
> Okay.  This does beg the question: how do you cope if the translated
> string doesn't contain the prompt letter?  I guess one alternative
> would be to use the prompt string:
>     &s - skip remaining changes to this file
> and translate it to (obviously there are several 's's in this example,
> but that's beside the point):
>     &s - überspringe die restlichen änderungen an dieser datei
> You could then implement it as something like (not tested):
>     choices = ('Y', _('record this change'),
>                'n', _('skip this change'),
>                's', _('skip remaining changes to this file'),
>                'f', _('record remaining changes to this file'),
>                'd', _('skip remaining changes and files'),
>                'a', _('record all changes to all remaining files'),
>                'q', _('quit, recording no changes'),
>                '?', _('show help'))
>     prompts = ['&%s - %s' % x for x in choices]
>     keychars = ''.join([x[0] for x in choices])
>     r = ui.promptchoice('%s [%s]' % (query, keychars), prompts)
>     # ...
>     # ...
>     if choices[r][0] == '?':
>         # Help text is the same as prompts but without the & and
> joined by new-lines
>         ui.write(''.join(['%s - %s\n' % x for x in choices]))
> Thoughts?

<puts translator hat on>

IMHO that would be an improvement, yes. But see


for a previous discussion about translating prompt keys.


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