Hackable Mercurial: linker_exe and no-cygwin

Adrian Buehlmann adrian at cadifra.com
Fri Jun 8 07:00:28 UTC 2012

On 2012-06-08 08:38, Eduard-Cristian Stefan wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Adrian Buehlmann <adrian at cadifra.com> wrote:
>> On 2012-06-08 03:42, Eduard-Cristian Stefan wrote:
>>> On 2012-06-08 03:59, Eduard-Cristian Stefan wrote:
>>>> I have fixed the absolute path detection in exemaker just
>>>> to be able to specify a relative path to the python bin.
>>> I'm tired and wrong, sorry.
>>> When I first read about hackable I have tried
>>> the provided exemaker binary with an existing hg repo
>>> and with a python interpreter installed on different drives,
>>> and that was the case that wasn't working.
>>> Relative paths were working just fine.
>> Does that mean that your change
>> https://bitbucket.org/timeless/exemaker/changeset/385eaa517487
>> was unneeded?
> It's needed only for absolute paths: keeping the .py script on k:\hg
> and using python from c:\python27

Ok, thanks. So, it's needed because of your "different drives" scenario
(k: versus c:), right?

On a somewhat unrelated note (and sorry for the repeat, but I think it's
really handy), I have recently switched to have only one "main" Python
on my system at C:/python (a Windows 7 symlink) and putting only that
one on $PATH, switching C:/python to different real Python install
directories (e.g. C:/Python26_x86 and C:/Python26_x64) with different
variants of Python as needed (as already mentioned elsewhere in this

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