i18n repo is broken

Nikolaj Sjujskij sterkrig at myopera.com
Sun Jan 13 11:43:56 UTC 2013

> On Thu, 2013-01-10 at 21:59 +0400, Nikolaj Sjujskij wrote:
>> Den 2013-01-10 17:34:22 skrev Martin Schröder
>>> Yes. All translation work should be done on stable.
>>   Er... So every new major version has to be translated during feature
>> freeze, isn't it? Seems a bit weird to me.
> My model for how things should work is Wagner Bruna, who's kept the
> Brazilian Portugese translation fully in sync for years now:
> $ hg log -r 'keyword(i18n) and branch(default) and keyword(wagner) and
> not merge()' | less
> He stopped doing actual translation work on default back in 2010. His
> changes to sync with 2.4 look like this:
> $ hg diff -r '"2.4-rc"::2.4' pt_BR.po  | egrep '[+]msgstr ".+"' | wc
>      60     420    2925
> ..which seems like a manageable amount of catch-up work.
> Perhaps Wagner is not a realistic role-model. But there's also no
> necessity or expectation that every translation catch up immediately
> either.

All right, that seems fair. At least that saves a bit of confusion about  
selecting a branch (which is probably common, since I remember myself  
thinking about proper branch). The wiki article is also consistent, so  
there will be probably no problems like this anymore.

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