Updating rebase help

Kevin Bullock kbullock+mercurial at ringworld.org
Wed Jan 30 16:01:31 UTC 2013

On Jan 30, 2013, at 7:10 AM, Pierre-Yves David wrote:

>> By default, rebase recreates the changesets in the source branch
>> as descendants of dest and then destroys the originals. Use
>> ``--keep`` to preserve the original source changesets. Some
>> changesets in the source branch (e.g. merges from the destination
>> branch) may be dropped if they no longer contribute any change.
> s/destroys/discarded/ small semantical swift make it "correct" for both strip
> and obsolete case.

I'm good with this (but note the tense: 'discards') -- saying 'destroys' is a bit inaccurate even without obsolete, because we do keep a backup bundle locally.

>> One result of the rules for selecting the destination changeset
>> and source branch is that, unlike ``merge``, rebase will do
>> nothing if you are at the latest (tipmost) head of a named branch
>> with two heads. You need to explicitly specify source and/or
>> destination (or ``update`` to the other head, if it's the head of
>> the intended source branch).
> I find this paragraph confusing. Moving it in a verbose section in the --dest
> parameters ?

-1. This is a common situation (for me at least). If we could rephrase it to be less confusing...

pacem in terris / мир / शान्ति / ‎‫سَلاَم‬ / 平和
Kevin R. Bullock

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