[PATCH c-hglib] Initial commit

Matt Mackall mpm at selenic.com
Tue Jul 2 17:30:31 UTC 2013

On Tue, 2013-07-02 at 00:31 +0300, Iulian Stana wrote:
> +    #define p_read  rpipe[0]
> +    #define c_write rpipe[1]
> +    #define c_read  wpipe[0]
> +    #define p_write wpipe[1]


> +hg_header* readheader(hg_handle *handle)

Please always put the * on the right side of the space. Why? Compare:

char* a, b;
char *a, b;

In the first, you mislead the reader into thinking that a and b are the
same type, and that C recognizes "char*" as a "thing". It does not, and
it binds the "*" to the right side regardless of where you put the

(In fact, I recently fixed a bug where someone had mislead themselves
with exactly this nonsense.)

> +    //TODO: Make a verification !!!

Let's avoid C++ comments, please. Slightly shorter comments isn't
sufficient reason to abandon compatibility with C89 compilers.

Ignoring the rest of the C code for now because I only wanted to see the
header... before you started actually writing the code.

> @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
> +#ifndef _CLIENT_H_
> +#define _CLIENT_H_
> +#include <stdint.h>
> +
> +
> +struct hg_handle;
> +typedef struct hg_handle hg_handle;


> +
> +typedef struct hg_header{
> +    char channel;
> +    uint32_t length;
> +} hg_header;
> +
> +/*
> + * Create the connection with the mercurial cmdserver
> + * return the handle for this connection
> + * */
> +hg_handle* hg_open(const char *path, char *encoding, char *configs);

More const. Misplaced *. What is configs?

What if we want to run a command without a repository, like init or

> +
> +/*
> + * Close the connection for a specific handle.
> + * */
> +int hg_close(hg_handle *handle);

What does this return?

> +/*
> + * Send the "command" to the cmdserver through handle.
> + * */
> +int hg_rawcommand(hg_handle *handle, const char *command);

What does this return? How do we pass args with spaces?

> +/*
> + * Receive unparse data from the server through handle. 
> + * Put the data into the buffer.
> + * */
> +int hg_rawread(hg_handle *handle, char *buffer, size_t sizebuff);

What does this return?

How do we get exit codes?

How do we send input to a command like 'hg import -'?

How do we handle interactive commands like merge?

How do we get error output and warnings?

DO NOT WRITE ANY CODE to answer these questions because I will have many
more questions. Just show me a proposed API.

Mathematics is the supreme nostalgia of our time.

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