[PATCH 31 of 55 RFC c-hglib:level1] hg_log: creating a high level function for mercurial log command

Iulian Stana julian.stana at gmail.com
Sat Sep 14 00:35:43 UTC 2013

# HG changeset patch
# User Iulian Stana <julian.stana at gmail.com>
# Date 1379112656 -10800
#      Sat Sep 14 01:50:56 2013 +0300
# Node ID c67bbcf6e45df6deb1e0f009c5f1145c541b4b83
# Parent  f878cd8368a6d91d2107af4e93ead5f4b7dc69e5
hg_log: creating a high level function for mercurial log command

diff --git a/client.c b/client.c
--- a/client.c
+++ b/client.c
@@ -932,6 +932,27 @@
 	return lbuf;
+/* The high level log command for hglib API. */
+hg_csetstream_buffer *hg_log(hg_handle *handle, int (*callback)(const char *msg,
+						size_t len), char *argument[])
+	hg_csetstream_buffer *cbuf = malloc(sizeof(hg_csetstream_buffer));
+	cbuf->handle = handle;
+	cbuf->command = cmdbuilder("log", argument, "--template", CHANGESET,
+							NULL);
+	if(hg_rawcommand(handle, cbuf->command) < 0){
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	cbuf->callback = callback;
+	cbuf->buffer = NULL;
+	cbuf->buf_size = 0;
+	return cbuf;
 /* The yield next step. Getting the next entry. */
 int hg_fetch_entry(hg_stream_buffer *stream, int (*detect_byte)(char *buff, 
 			int buf_size, int data_on_pipe), int func_type)
diff --git a/client.h b/client.h
--- a/client.h
+++ b/client.h
@@ -1324,8 +1324,68 @@
  *      - hg_rawcommand errors
  * */
 hg_linestream_buffer *hg_locate(hg_handle *handle, int (*callback)
-			(const char *msg, size_t len), char *argument[]);
+			(const char *msg, size_t len), char *argument[]);		
+ * \brief hg_log command for hglib API.
+ *
+ * Print the revision history of the specified files or the entire project.
+ *
+ * If no revision range is specified, the default is tip:0 unless --follow is
+ * set, in which case the working directory parent is used as the starting
+ * revision.
+ *
+ * File history is shown without following rename or copy history of files. Use
+ * -f/--follow with a filename to follow history across renames and copies.
+ *  --follow without a filename will only show ancestors or descendants of the
+ *  starting revision.
+ *
+ * Options/Argument list option:
+ *
+ *	-f, --follow	follow changeset history, or file history across 
+ *				copies and renames
+ *	--follow-first	only follow the first parent of merge changesets
+ *	-d, --date		show revisions matching date spec
+ *	-C, --copies	show copied files
+ *	-k, --keyword	do case-insensitive search for a given text
+ *	-r, --rev		show the specified revision or range
+ *	--removed		include revisions where files were removed
+ *	-m, --only-merges	show only merges (DEPRECATED)
+ *	-u, --user		revisions committed by user
+ *	--only-branch	show only changesets within the given named branch
+ *	-b, --branch	show changesets within the given named branch
+ *	-P, --prune	do not display revision or any of its ancestors
+ *	-p, --patch	show patch
+ *	-g, --git		use git extended diff format
+ *	-l, --limit	limit number of changes displayed
+ *	-M, --no-merges	do not show merges
+ *	--stat		output diffstat-style summary of changes
+ *	-G, --graph	show the revision DAG
+ *	--style		display using template map file
+ *	--template		display with template
+ *	-I, --include	include names matching the given patterns
+ *	-X, --exclude	exclude names matching the given patterns
+ *	aliases: history
+ *
+ * To get incoming information use the returned hg_csetstream_buffer structure 
+ * with hg_fetch_cset_entry() function.
+ *
+ * \param handle The handle of the connection, wherewith I want to communicate
+ * \param callback A function that will handle error data. 
+ *                 A NULL pointer will ignore error data.
+ * \param argument The option list. Will contain all option that you wish.
+ * \retval hg_csetstream_buffer A pointer to hg_csetstream_buffer structure if 
+ *                              successful
+ * \retval NULL to indicate an error, with errno set appropriately.
+ *
+ * errno can be:
+ *      - hg_rawcommand errors
+ * */
+hg_csetstream_buffer *hg_log(hg_handle *handle, int (*callback)(const char *msg,
+						size_t len), char *argument[]);
  * \brief The yield mechanism that will get the next entry.

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