[PATCH stable] dispatch: restore old cwd after dispatch

Gregory Szorc gregory.szorc at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 03:35:16 UTC 2014

# HG changeset patch
# User Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc at gmail.com>
# Date 1398223347 25200
#      Tue Apr 22 20:22:27 2014 -0700
# Node ID cd65b532c59317be2f4efcceded822b9f63bd858
# Parent  86596bc8f89201f9abd294ff6e8f858c4c4788ac
dispatch: restore old cwd after dispatch

diff --git a/mercurial/dispatch.py b/mercurial/dispatch.py
--- a/mercurial/dispatch.py
+++ b/mercurial/dispatch.py
@@ -60,20 +60,24 @@ def dispatch(req):
                              (inst.args[1], inst.args[0]))
             ferr.write(_("hg: parse error: %s\n") % inst.args[0])
         return -1
     msg = ' '.join(' ' in a and repr(a) or a for a in req.args)
     starttime = time.time()
     ret = None
+    # _dispatch() may chdir(). For embeddable scenarios, revert so multiple
+    # calls to dispatch() work.
+    oldcwd = os.getcwd()
         ret = _runcatch(req)
         return ret
+        os.chdir(oldcwd)
         duration = time.time() - starttime
         req.ui.log("commandfinish", "%s exited %s after %0.2f seconds\n",
                    msg, ret or 0, duration)
 def _runcatch(req):
     def catchterm(*args):
         raise error.SignalInterrupt

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