[PATCH V5] run-tests: added '--json' functionality to store test result data in json file

Anurag Goel anurag.dsps at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 17:11:42 UTC 2014

# HG changeset patch
# User anuraggoel <anurag.dsps at gmail.com>
# Date 1408554532 -19800
#      Wed Aug 20 22:38:52 2014 +0530
# Node ID bd5b8d1a4aebdbd7e249a003fbc1b5b3c2cd6515
# Parent  de783f2403c498ef1e20121acf178b32ec27199c
run-tests: added '--json' functionality to store test result data in json file

This patch added a new functionality '--json'. While testing, if '--json'
is enabled then test result data gets stored in newly created "report.json"
file in the following format.

testreport ={
    "test-success.t": {
        "result": "success",
        "time": "2.041"
    "test-failure.t": {
        "result": "failure",
        "time": "4.430"
    "test-skip.t": {
        "result": "skip"
        "time": "3.754"

This "report.json" file will further accessed by html/javascript file for
graph usage.

diff -r de783f2403c4 -r bd5b8d1a4aeb tests/run-tests.py
--- a/tests/run-tests.py	Sat Aug 16 10:43:59 2014 +0900
+++ b/tests/run-tests.py	Wed Aug 20 22:38:52 2014 +0530
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 import killdaemons as killmod
 import Queue as queue
 from xml.dom import minidom
+import simplejson as json
 import unittest
 processlock = threading.Lock()
@@ -184,6 +185,8 @@
     parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", type="int",
         help="kill errant tests after TIMEOUT seconds"
              " (default: $%s or %d)" % defaults['timeout'])
+    parser.add_option("--json", action="store_true",
+        help="store test result data in 'report.json' file")
     parser.add_option("--time", action="store_true",
         help="time how long each test takes")
     parser.add_option("--tmpdir", type="string",
@@ -1419,6 +1422,30 @@
+        if self._runner.options.json:
+            fp = open(os.path.join(self._runner._testdir, 'report.json'), 'w')
+            try:
+                outcome = []
+                timesd = dict(
+                    (test, real) for test, cuser, csys, real in result.times)
+                for tc in result.successes:
+                    testresult = {'result': 'success',
+                        'time': ('%0.3f' % timesd[tc.name])}
+                    outcome.append((tc.name, testresult))
+                for tc, err in sorted(result.faildata.iteritems()):
+                    testresult = {'result': 'failure',
+                        'time': ('%0.3f' % timesd[tc])}
+                    outcome.append((tc, testresult))
+                for tc, reason in result.skipped:
+                    testresult = {'result': 'skip',
+                        'time': ('%0.3f' % timesd[tc.name])}
+                    outcome.append((tc.name, testresult))
+                testdata = dict(outcome)
+                fp.writelines(("testreport =", (json.dumps(testdata,
+                                    sort_keys=True, indent=4))))
+            finally:
+                fp.close()
         self.stream.writeln('# Ran %d tests, %d skipped, %d warned, %d failed.'
diff -r de783f2403c4 -r bd5b8d1a4aeb tests/test-run-tests.t
--- a/tests/test-run-tests.t	Sat Aug 16 10:43:59 2014 +0900
+++ b/tests/test-run-tests.t	Wed Aug 20 22:38:52 2014 +0530
@@ -357,3 +357,40 @@
   Skipped test-failure.t: blacklisted
   # Ran 0 tests, 2 skipped, 0 warned, 0 failed.
+test for --json
+  $ $TESTDIR/run-tests.py --with-hg=`which hg` --json
+  --- $TESTTMP/test-failure.t
+  +++ $TESTTMP/test-failure.t.err
+  @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+     $ echo babar
+  -  rataxes
+  +  babar
+   This is a noop statement so that
+   this test is still more bytes than success.
+  ERROR: test-failure.t output changed
+  !.s
+  Skipped test-skip.t: irrelevant
+  Failed test-failure.t: output changed
+  # Ran 2 tests, 1 skipped, 0 warned, 1 failed.
+  python hash seed: * (glob)
+  [1]
+  $ cat report.json
+  testreport ={
+      "test-failure.t": [\{] (re)
+          "result": "failure",
+          "time": "\s*[\d\.]{5}" (re)
+      },
+      "test-skip.t": {
+          "result": "skip",
+          "time": "\s*[\d\.]{5}" (re)
+      },
+      "test-success.t": [\{] (re)
+          "result": "success",
+          "time": "\s*[\d\.]{5}" (re)
+      }
+  } (no-eol)

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