sharing secret changesets with friends

Kaz Nishimura kazssym at
Wed Feb 19 01:33:04 UTC 2014

Probably, you might want something like ACL on changesets.  What would
happen if one of your "friends" shares your secret changesets with his/her
friends who are not your friends?

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Dov Feldstern <dovdevel at> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 2:40 AM, Dov Feldstern <dovdevel at> wrote:
> > ...
> > Perhaps a solution like that suggested by Kaz, of having a
> > 'non-publishing' option to push, could work: I would personally set
> > that option to always be on, and that would provide the protection I
> > am used to from mq; and the equivalent to "qfinish" would be to change
> > the phase of the work that I'm ready to publish to be public. And
> > "secret" is not part of the scheme at all...
> >
> Actually, it's not a 'non-publishing' option to *push* that would be
> needed, but rather an option that would affect all of the commands
> that share with peers, whether push or pull or clone, saying that they
> should not share anything that would cause drafts to become public...
> And also, actually, if I'm going to rely on this behavior as a guard,
> then using a repo's "publish=no" is not good enough, either: I don't
> want to share my half-baked patches with anyone, even if they *did*
> define their repo as non-publishing. So in addition to this setting,
> I'd *still* need a way of specifying who my "friends" are -- with whom
> I'm willing to share my drafts.
> Essentially, the scheme I'm describing now is actually changing the
> semantics of *drafts*... I'd rather stick with changing the semantics
> of "secrets", I think...
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