[PATCH 11 of 11 V2] filemerge: use 'basic' as the default of '[ui] mergemarkers' for safety

Shun-ichi Goto shunichi.goto at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 16:44:33 UTC 2014

2014-07-08 7:38 GMT+09:00 Durham Goode <durham at fb.com>:
>>> Iʼm not familiar enough with encoding issues to think of a good
>>> alternative here.
>>IMHO, for safety of novice users who don't know well about encoding
>>and/or Mercurial, '[ui] mergemarkers' should be 'basic' in default,
>>even though 'detailed' marker looks rich and good (I think so, too).
> K. I’d be disappointed to not provide the new experience by default, but I
> can’t think of a solution. I’ll leave this up to Matt and crew to queue.

I think 'basic' style must be default.

Breaking the file encoding is a bad thing.
Mixed encoding is a horror.

When I encountered this issue,  I cannot understand what's happened
for a while, although I'm familier about file encodings.
Emacs failed to detect encoding and opened as raw binary text.
It needs to specify the file encoding explicitly.
Finally I found that it is caused by new feature enabled by default, shit!
And worse, there was no option to disable such a feature,
so I needed to set the 'mergemarkertemplate' in .hgrc for workaround.

That is "bad experience" for me.

Shun-ichi GOTO

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