[PATCH 1 of 2] patchbomb: includes series information in the header

David Soria Parra davidsp at fb.com
Wed May 7 15:01:24 UTC 2014

pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org writes:

> # HG changeset patch
> # User Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david at fb.com>
> # Date 1399355234 25200
> #      Mon May 05 22:47:14 2014 -0700
> # Node ID 860dbc41ea1bc3e3e24943867ac2383a04886ce4
> # Parent  0768cda8b5799dc803dc0ee27a832cd64e05f28a
> patchbomb: includes series information in the header
> We includes information about the series being patch bombed in all email. Two
> new headers are added:
> * X-Mercurial-Serie-index: index of the patches in the series (starts at 1)
> * X-Mercurial-Serie-total: The total number of patches in the series

Is there a particular reason as to why "series" is upercase and and
index lowercase? I would suggest using


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