[PATCH 7 of 7 🚿🍦] patchbomb: extract 'getpatchmsgs' closure in its own function

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Thu Nov 6 15:46:26 UTC 2014

# HG changeset patch
# User Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david at fb.com>
# Date 1415274937 0
#      Thu Nov 06 11:55:37 2014 +0000
# Node ID 3947124af76ea099c53aff2dbb61ffd1400d61d6
# Parent  1c2a64da69f91d37af44d0126ea2c3d73b3a8790
patchbomb: extract 'getpatchmsgs' closure in its own function

Keep marching toward the promised land of simplification!

diff --git a/hgext/patchbomb.py b/hgext/patchbomb.py
--- a/hgext/patchbomb.py
+++ b/hgext/patchbomb.py
@@ -289,10 +289,44 @@ def _makeintro(repo, sender, patches, **
     msg = mail.mimeencode(ui, body, _charsets, opts.get('test'))
     msg['Subject'] = mail.headencode(ui, subj, _charsets,
     return (msg, subj, diffstat)
+def _getpatchmsgs(repo, sender, patches, patchnames=None, **opts):
+    """return a list of emails from a list of patches
+    This involve introduction message creation if necessary.
+    This function return a list of "email" tuple (subject, content, None).
+    """
+    ui = repo.ui
+    _charsets = mail._charsets(ui)
+    msgs = []
+    ui.write(_('this patch series consists of %d patches.\n\n')
+             % len(patches))
+    # build the intro message, or skip it if the user declines
+    if introwanted(opts, len(patches)):
+        msg = _makeintro(repo, sender, patches, **opts)
+        if msg:
+            msgs.append(msg)
+    # are we going to send more than one message?
+    numbered = len(msgs) + len(patches) > 1
+    # now generate the actual patch messages
+    name = None
+    for i, p in enumerate(patches):
+        if patchnames:
+            name = patchnames[i]
+        msg = makepatch(ui, repo, p, opts, _charsets, i + 1,
+                        len(patches), numbered, name)
+        msgs.append(msg)
+    return msgs
 emailopts = [
     ('', 'body', None, _('send patches as inline message text (default)')),
     ('a', 'attach', None, _('send patches as attachments')),
     ('i', 'inline', None, _('send patches as inline attachments')),
     ('', 'bcc', [], _('email addresses of blind carbon copy recipients')),
@@ -449,50 +483,25 @@ def patchbomb(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
         start_time = util.makedate()
     def genmsgid(id):
         return '<%s.%s@%s>' % (id[:20], int(start_time[0]), socket.getfqdn())
-    def getpatchmsgs(patches, patchnames=None):
-        msgs = []
-        ui.write(_('this patch series consists of %d patches.\n\n')
-                 % len(patches))
-        # build the intro message, or skip it if the user declines
-        if introwanted(opts, len(patches)):
-            msg = _makeintro(repo, sender, patches, **opts)
-            if msg:
-                msgs.append(msg)
-        # are we going to send more than one message?
-        numbered = len(msgs) + len(patches) > 1
-        # now generate the actual patch messages
-        name = None
-        for i, p in enumerate(patches):
-            if patchnames:
-                name = patchnames[i]
-            msg = makepatch(ui, repo, p, opts, _charsets, i + 1,
-                            len(patches), numbered, name)
-            msgs.append(msg)
-        return msgs
     sender = (opts.get('from') or ui.config('email', 'from') or
               ui.config('patchbomb', 'from') or
               prompt(ui, 'From', ui.username()))
     if patches:
-        msgs = getpatchmsgs(patches, opts.get('patchnames'))
+        msgs = _getpatchmsgs(repo, sender, patches, opts.get('patchnames'),
+                             **opts)
     elif bundle:
         bundledata = _getbundle(repo, dest, **opts)
         bundleopts = opts.copy()
         bundleopts.pop('bundle', None)  # already processed
         msgs = _getbundlemsgs(repo, sender, bundledata, **bundleopts)
-        msgs = getpatchmsgs(list(_getpatches(repo, revs, **opts)))
+        _patches = list(_getpatches(repo, revs, **opts))
+        msgs = _getpatchmsgs(repo, sender, _patches, **opts)
     showaddrs = []
     def getaddrs(header, ask=False, default=None):
         configkey = header.lower()

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