[PATCH 4 of 5] topoiter: support for non-contiguous revset

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Tue Nov 18 23:56:10 UTC 2014

# HG changeset patch
# User Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david at fb.com>
# Date 1409850336 -7200
#      Thu Sep 04 19:05:36 2014 +0200
# Node ID 026932aa1c4f05cf930c5853ae894636399de111
# Parent  ee131567469924b1642956ad5adfa9f6122ba6d3
topoiter: support for non-contiguous revset

The algorithm now work when some revision are skipped. We now use "first
included ancestors" instead of just "parent" to link changesets with each other.

diff --git a/mercurial/graphmod.py b/mercurial/graphmod.py
--- a/mercurial/graphmod.py
+++ b/mercurial/graphmod.py
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ Data depends on type.
 from mercurial.node import nullrev
 import util
+import heapq
 def topoiter(revs, parentsfunc):
     """topologically iter over a set of revision, one branch at a time.
-    Currently does not handle non contigious <revs> input.
     Currently consider every changeset under a merge to be on the same branch
     using revision number to sort them.
     Could be easily extend to give priority to an initial branch.
@@ -89,20 +89,31 @@ def topoiter(revs, parentsfunc):
     # and the <blocked> set contains the parents revisions of already emitted
     # revision.
     # You could pre-seed the <parents> set of groups[0] to a specific
     # changesets to select what the first emitted branch should be.
-    #
-    # We do not support revisions will hole yet, but adding such support
-    # would be easy. The iteration will have to be done using both input
-    # revision and parents (see cl.ancestors function + a few tweaks) but
-    # only revisions parts of the initial set should be emitted.
     groups = [([], unblocked)]
-    for current in revs:
-        if True:
-            # Look for a group awaiting on the current revision.
-            matching = [i for i, g in enumerate(groups) if current in g[1]]
+    pendingheap = []
+    pendingset = set()
+    heapq.heapify(pendingheap)
+    heappop = heapq.heappop
+    heappush = heapq.heappush
+    for currentrev in revs:
+        # heap works with smallest element, we want highest so we invert
+        if currentrev not in pendingset:
+            heappush(pendingheap, -currentrev)
+            pendingset.add(currentrev)
+        # iterates on pending rev until after the current rev have been
+        # processeed.
+        rev = None
+        while rev != currentrev:
+            rev = -heappop(pendingheap)
+            pendingset.remove(rev)
+            # seek for a group awaiting on the current revision.
+            matching = [i for i, g in enumerate(groups) if rev in g[1]]
             if matching:
                 # The main idea is to gather together all set that await on the
                 # same revision.
@@ -128,23 +139,29 @@ def topoiter(revs, parentsfunc):
                 for i in reversed(matching):
                     del groups[i]
                 # his is a new head we create a new group for it.
                 targetidx = len(groups)
-                groups.append(([], set([current])))
+                groups.append(([], set([rev])))
             gr = groups[targetidx]
             # We now adds the current nodes to this groups. This is done after
             # the group merging because all elements from a group that relied
             # on this rev must preceed it.
             # we also update the <parents> set to includes the parents on the
             # new nodes.
-            gr[0].append(current)
-            gr[1].remove(current)
-            gr[1].update([p for p in parentsfunc(current) if p > nullrev])
+            if rev == currentrev: # only display stuff in rev
+                gr[0].append(rev)
+            gr[1].remove(rev)
+            parents = [p for p in parentsfunc(rev) if p > nullrev]
+            gr[1].update(parents)
+            for p in parents:
+                if p not in pendingset:
+                    pendingset.add(p)
+                    heappush(pendingheap, -p)
             # Look for a group to display
             # When unblocked is empty (if clause), We are not waiting over any
             # revision during the first iteration (if no priority was given) or
@@ -173,10 +190,15 @@ def topoiter(revs, parentsfunc):
                 # unless it is group[0] in which case you just empty it.
                 if targetidx:
                     del groups[targetidx]
                     gr[0][:] = []
+    # Check if we have some group waiting for revision we are not going to
+    # iterate over
+    for g in groups:
+        for r in g[0]:
+            yield r
 def dagwalker(repo, revs):
     """cset DAG generator yielding (id, CHANGESET, ctx, [parentids]) tuples
     This generator function walks through revisions (which should be ordered
diff --git a/tests/test-glog-topological.t b/tests/test-glog-topological.t
--- a/tests/test-glog-topological.t
+++ b/tests/test-glog-topological.t
@@ -35,10 +35,13 @@ later.
   | |
   o |  1
   o  0
+(display all nodes)
   $ hg --config experimental.graph-topological=1 log -G
   o  8
   o  3
@@ -54,5 +57,24 @@ later.
   | |
   | o  4
   o  0
+(revset skipping nodes)
+  $ hg --config experimental.graph-topological=1 log -G --rev 'not (2+6)'
+  o  8
+  |
+  o  3
+  |
+  o  1
+  |
+  | o  7
+  | |
+  | o  5
+  | |
+  | o  4
+  |/
+  o  0

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