[PATCH 1 of 2 v2] localrepo: persistent caching of branch names
Augie Fackler
raf at durin42.com
Wed Oct 15 19:02:11 UTC 2014
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Mads Kiilerich <mads at kiilerich.com> wrote:
> On 10/15/2014 08:32 PM, Augie Fackler wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 08:14:22PM +0200, Mads Kiilerich wrote:
>>> # HG changeset patch
>>> # User Mads Kiilerich <madski at unity3d.com>
>>> # Date 1413396806 -7200
>>> # Wed Oct 15 20:13:26 2014 +0200
>>> # Node ID bf7a0169677c0545a63e64690b0e49e50b376703
>>> # Parent 48c0b101a9de1fdbd638daa858da845cd05a6be7
>>> localrepo: persistent caching of branch names
>>> It is expensive to retrieve the branch name. Very expensive when creating
>>> a
>>> changectx and calling .branch() - slightly less when using
>>> changelog.branchinfo().
>>> Now, to really speed things up, cache the results on disk. For each repo
>>> revision store the node hash and a reference to the branch name. To avoid
>>> using
>>> too much space, each branch name is only stored once. To make it 100%
>>> stable
>>> against repository mutations, always check the node hash before using the
>>> cache content.
>> So we only store one entry for each branch? Maybe we could do
>> something more LRU-ish to have bounded storage but still get more
>> performance benefit?
> Eh. We only store the name of each branch once in a list. For each revision
> we store the index of the corresponding branch name.
Oh, I see. I think the format description in the changlog message
could use some help then, because I *wildly* misunderstood what you
are doing until this email.
> A hg log -r 'branch(stable)' has to retrieve the branch name of every single
> revision in the repository. (That could be avoided by having clever indices
> that are closely integrated with the revset query plans ... but that sounds
> like a project for another year. This cache can help until we get there.)
> I don't think anything LRU-ish can help.
>>> +
>>> + self._branches = []
>>> + self._branchrecs = array.array('c') # bytes of struct type
>>> bcrecfmt
>>> + self.__dict__['_branchcachedirty'] = True
>> Why are you poking __dict__ instead of just assigning to the property?
>> That at least merits a comment, but if I had to guess it more merits a
>> cleanup of some logic.
> I wish I knew. It is related to the filtering crazyness. There is a comment
> elsewhere:
> if '_tagscache' in vars(self):
> # can't use delattr on proxy
> del self.__dict__['_tagscache']
> Doing it the obvious way doesn't work. It is possible that some combination
> of .filtered and .unfiltered could work.
> I could add a comment like that every time I have to use that hack, but I
> guess it is or should be common knowledge that localrepo is special.
Urgh. That's awful.
>>> + reporecslen = len(self) * bcrecsize
>>> + if len(data) >= bcheadsize:
>>> + v, recsstart, recslen = struct.unpack_from(bcheadfmt, data)
>>> + if v == bcversion and len(data) == recsstart + recslen:
>>> + if recsstart:
>>> + self._branches = \
>>> + data[bcheadsize:recsstart].split('\0')
>>> + self._branchrecs.fromstring(
>>> + buffer(data, recsstart, min(recslen, reporecslen)))
>>> + self.__dict__['_branchcachedirty'] = recslen >
>>> reporecslen
>>> + else:
>>> + self.ui.debug('branch cache file was invalid\n')
>>> +
>>> + if len(self._branchrecs) < reporecslen:
>>> + self._branchrecs.extend(
>>> + '\xff' * (reporecslen - len(self._branchrecs)))
>>> +
>>> + self._branchnamesindex = dict((b, r)
>>> + for r, b in
>>> enumerate(self._branches))
>>> +
>>> + def branch(self, rev):
>>> + """return branch name of rev, using and updating persistent
>>> cache."""
>>> + if self._branchcachedirty is None:
>> I can't say I'm a fan of the None/False/True three-state boolean thing
>> going on here. Can we do better somehow? Perhaps by moving the
>> branchcache into its own object rather than wedging it into
>> repofilecache?
> Doing it that way would add an extra indirection and we do not like classes.
Says who? We've been growing more of them as it makes sense, and I
think this is one of those cases where it makes a /ton/ of sense.
> It would have to be non-intrusive when constructing localrepos but efficient
> when using them. I can try to wrap it around and come up with something.
something like
class branchcache(object):
def __init__(self, path):
self._loaded = False
self._path = path
self._dirty = False
def save(): # write and clear self._dirty
def load(): # read and clear self._dirty
def branch(node):
if not self._loaded:
> /Mads
>>> + self._branchcacheload()
>>> +
>>> + node = self.changelog.node(rev)
>>> + cachenode, branchidx = struct.unpack_from(bcrecfmt,
>>> self._branchrecs,
>>> + rev * bcrecsize)
>>> + if cachenode == node and branchidx < len(self._branches):
>>> + return self._branches[branchidx]
>>> + b, _close = self.changelog.branchinfo(rev)
>>> + if b in self._branchnamesindex:
>>> + branchidx = self._branchnamesindex[b]
>>> + else:
>>> + branchidx = len(self._branches)
>>> + self._branches.append(b)
>>> + self._branchnamesindex[b] = branchidx
>>> + struct.pack_into(bcrecfmt, self._branchrecs, rev * bcrecsize,
>>> + node, branchidx)
>>> + self.__dict__['_branchcachedirty'] = True
>>> + return b
>>> +
>>> + def _branchcachesave(self):
>>> + """save branch cache if it is dirty"""
>>> + if self._branchcachedirty:
>>> + self.ui.debug('writing branch cache file\n')
>>> + try:
>>> + f = self.vfs.open(bcfilename, 'w', atomictemp=True)
>>> + s = '\0'.join(self._branches)
>>> + f.write(struct.pack(bcheadfmt, bcversion,
>>> + bcheadsize + len(s),
>>> len(self._branchrecs)))
>>> + f.write(s)
>>> + f.write(self._branchrecs)
>>> + f.close()
>>> + except IOError:
>>> + pass
>>> + self.__dict__['_branchcachedirty'] = False
>>> +
>>> def known(self, nodes):
>>> nm = self.changelog.nodemap
>>> pc = self._phasecache
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