[PATCH 4 of 4 evolve-ext] evolve: make fold aware of allowunstable

Laurent Charignon lcharignon at fb.com
Thu Jun 4 21:41:41 UTC 2015

I will fix the last one and send a rebased V2

> On Jun 4, 2015, at 2:09 PM, Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org> wrote:
> On 06/04/2015 11:52 AM, Laurent Charignon wrote:
>> # HG changeset patch
>> # User Laurent Charignon <lcharignon at fb.com>
>> # Date 1432072589 25200
>> #      Tue May 19 14:56:29 2015 -0700
>> # Node ID da540b5fc4afd9fc7d02957f30a72321fbf3ecb4
>> # Parent  1c2467a8f3a936b7e1d9c02a5a750ef0de140187
>> evolve: make fold aware of allowunstable
>> Before this patch, the fold command was performing the same way regardless of
>> the value of experimental.evolution.
>> With this patch if the configuration does not allow unstability, fold won't
>> create instability.
> The three other patches seems okay, but have trouble applying on the current default branch. Can you rebase and provide a pull URL?
> The message could maybe use a hint, but this will be fine for now.
> -- 
> Pierre-Yves David

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