[PATCH] revset: add the 'subrev' symbol
Yuya Nishihara
yuya at tcha.org
Sat Jun 27 08:42:45 UTC 2015
On Wed, 24 Jun 2015 22:16:10 -0400, Matt Harbison wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Jun 2015 21:34:54 -0400, Pierre-Yves David
> <pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org> wrote:
> > On 06/24/2015 02:55 PM, Matt Harbison wrote:
> >> # HG changeset patch
> >> # User Matt Harbison <matt_harbison at yahoo.com>
> >> # Date 1435179910 14400
> >> # Wed Jun 24 17:05:10 2015 -0400
> >> # Node ID 74b79bc0f22824f1858750f987915671e3ecf1b9
> >> # Parent 1de5b35cecd32a4691d0542d03348c13e5813c95
> >> revset: add the 'subrev' symbol
> >>
> >> This finds revisions in the outer repo that track a named revision of a
> >> subrepo.
> >> It allows for a partial match, as long as the named revision is at
> >> least as long
> >> as the 'shortid' form defined by the subrepo. Allowing shorter strings
> >> seems
> >> risky- the user may specify a "{rev}" value, and not realize it only
> >> partially
> >> matches on a full "{node}".
> >>
> >> A more general query is to figure out what revisions in the outer repo
> >> track the
> >> named revision, _or a descendant of it_. This would make it much
> >> easier to
> >> figure out where a subrepo change becomes visible if there are a series
> >> of
> >> subrepo changes, with one lockin commit to the outer repo. But that
> >> looks much
> >> more complicated. If that makes sense to implement in this revset in
> >> the
> >> future, we can probably do so by adding an argument to the revset that
> >> controls
> >> the behavior, similar to the -key arg to sort().
> >
> > What I would expect from such feature is
> >
> > hg log --rev 'subrepo([pattern], revs="anyrevset")'
> >
> > 1) This would allow to select the subrepo we are targeting (which have
> > usability and performance benefit).
> >
> > 2) having revset would allow any kind of operation (including revision X
> > or descendant to be done).
> >
> > Doing (1) seems simple. Doing (2) is a bit tricker because as far as I
> > know, the subrepo is not necessarly checked out. So we should maybe
> > design the API so it could support any revsets but only support hex-node
> > for now.
> > We can probably use revset now if the repo is checkout in the repository
> > or if the subrepo cache is operational. But supporting (2) seems a bit
> > premature(as this changeset already points).
> >
> > What do you think about (1) (reusing the subrepo revset?
> The only reason I didn't add this to the existing subrepos() is that I
> don't see a precedent for how to skip the first parameter and specify the
> second. I assume the 'revs=' bit is for clarity here, not part of the
> actual query that needs parsing?
Tried just for fun:
diff --git a/mercurial/revset.py b/mercurial/revset.py
--- a/mercurial/revset.py
+++ b/mercurial/revset.py
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ elements = {
"or": (4, None, ("or", 4)),
"|": (4, None, ("or", 4)),
"+": (4, None, ("or", 4)),
+ "=": (3, None, ("keyvalue", 3)),
",": (2, None, ("list", 2)),
")": (0, None, None),
"symbol": (0, ("symbol",), None),
@@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ def tokenize(program, lookup=None, symin
elif c == '#' and program[pos:pos + 2] == '##': # look ahead carefully
yield ('##', None, pos)
pos += 1 # skip ahead
- elif c in "():,-|&+!~^%": # handle simple operators
+ elif c in "():=,-|&+!~^%": # handle simple operators
yield (c, None, pos)
elif (c in '"\'' or c == 'r' and
program[pos:pos + 2] in ("r'", 'r"')): # handle quoted strings
@@ -281,6 +282,25 @@ def getargs(x, min, max, err):
raise error.ParseError(err)
return l
+def getkwargs(x, keys, err):
+ keys = keys.split()
+ l = getlist(x)
+ args = {}
+ # consume positional args
+ for k, y in zip(keys, l):
+ if y[0] == 'keyvalue':
+ break
+ args[k] = y
+ # remainder should be keyword args
+ for y in l[len(args):]:
+ if y[0] != 'keyvalue' or not isvalidsymbol(y[1]):
+ raise error.ParseError(err) # XXX better error message
+ k = getsymbol(y[1])
+ if k not in keys or k in args:
+ raise error.ParseError(err) # XXX better error message
+ args[k] = y[2]
+ return args
def isvalidsymbol(tree):
"""Examine whether specified ``tree`` is valid ``symbol`` or not
@@ -385,6 +405,9 @@ def orset(repo, subset, *xs):
def notset(repo, subset, x):
return subset - getset(repo, subset, x)
+def keyvalueset(repo, subset, k, v):
+ raise error.ParseError(_("can't use a key-value pair in this context"))
def listset(repo, subset, a, b):
raise error.ParseError(_("can't use a list in this context"))
@@ -1832,9 +1855,10 @@ def subrepo(repo, subset, x):
pattern is named, any subrepo changes are returned.
# i18n: "subrepo" is a keyword
- args = getargs(x, 0, 1, _('subrepo takes at most one argument'))
- if len(args) != 0:
- pat = getstring(args[0], _("subrepo requires a pattern"))
+ args = getkwargs(x, 'pattern revs', _('subrepo takes at most two argument'))
+ if 'pattern' in args:
+ pat = getstring(args['pattern'], _("subrepo requires a pattern"))
+ print args
m = matchmod.exact(repo.root, repo.root, ['.hgsubstate'])
@@ -2176,6 +2200,7 @@ methods = {
"and": andset,
"or": orset,
"not": notset,
+ "keyvalue": keyvalueset,
"list": listset,
"func": func,
"ancestor": ancestorspec,
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