[PATCH 5 of 5 remotefilelog-ext debs] Makefile: add `make deb` rule for convenience

Durham Goode durham at fb.com
Thu Sep 10 20:40:09 UTC 2015

On 9/10/15, 8:34 AM, "Augie Fackler" <raf at durin42.com> wrote:

># HG changeset patch
># User Augie Fackler <augie at google.com>
># Date 1441899102 14400
>#      Thu Sep 10 11:31:42 2015 -0400
># Node ID 937116e5408258b3d359cc486218e966557aeed7
># Parent  9fec75539a1e42cee876b481f1e748dafc1f347c
>Makefile: add `make deb` rule for convenience
>This matches what Mercurial has, so I figure we may as well be
>diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
>--- a/Makefile
>+++ b/Makefile
>@@ -20,3 +20,6 @@ install:
> clean:
> 	-$(PYTHON) setup.py clean --all # ignore errors from this command
> 	find . \( -name '*.py[cdo]' -o -name '*.so' \) -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
>+	contrib/builddeb

I've pushed all 5 patches.  Feel free to send a fixer-upper if you want to address the mercurial dependency and the Architecture spec things you mentioned.  I don't have a strong opinion there since my knowledge of packaging is pretty weak.

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