[PATCH evolve v4] evolve: make split respect rev args passed without --rev or -r

Kostia Balytskyi ikostia at fb.com
Thu Feb 4 10:48:40 UTC 2016

Please disregard, wrong tag.

On 2/4/16, 10:48 AM, "Mercurial-devel on behalf of Kostia Balytskyi" <mercurial-devel-bounces at mercurial-scm.org on behalf of ikostia at fb.com> wrote:

># HG changeset patch
># User Kostia Balytskyi <ikostia at fb.com>
># Date 1454582800 28800
>#      Thu Feb 04 02:46:40 2016 -0800
># Node ID 1e11ccaf25c178014d9eb7ba2057244bd4cf83d8
># Parent  983f2e4dbe5d4d97d6ca82f6679913d75c1f2577
>evolve: make split respect rev args passed without --rev or -r
>Currently, if one runs `hg split .` or `hg split`, it will fail
>with an exception. This happens becuase we only expect revision
>args to be passed as --rev/-r ones and don't treat unnamed args
>properly or add default values if no args are provided.
>diff --git a/hgext/evolve.py b/hgext/evolve.py
>--- a/hgext/evolve.py
>+++ b/hgext/evolve.py
>@@ -2729,16 +2729,13 @@
>     tr = wlock = lock = None
>     newcommits = []
>-    revopt = opts.get('rev')
>-    if revopt:
>-        revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, revopt)
>-        if len(revs) != 1:
>-            raise error.Abort(_("you can only specify one revision to split"))
>-        else:
>-            rev = list(revs)[0]
>-    else:
>-        rev = '.'
>+    revarg = (list(revs) + opts.get('rev')) or ['.']
>+    if len(revarg) != 1:
>+        msg = _("more than one revset is given")
>+        hnt = _("use either `hg split <rs>` or `hg split --rev <rs>`, not both")
>+        raise error.Abort(msg, hint=hnt)
>+    rev = scmutil.revsingle(repo, revarg[0])
>     try:
>         wlock = repo.wlock()
>         lock = repo.lock()
>diff --git a/tests/test-split.t b/tests/test-split.t
>--- a/tests/test-split.t
>+++ b/tests/test-split.t
>@@ -320,9 +320,14 @@
>      bookA                     19:a2b5c9d9b362
>    * bookB                     19:a2b5c9d9b362
>-Cannot specify multiple revisions with -r
>+Lastest revision is selected if multiple are given to -r
>   $ hg split -r "desc(_a)::"
>-  abort: you can only specify one revision to split
>+  (leaving bookmark bookB)
>+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
>+  adding _d
>+  diff --git a/_d b/_d
>+  new file mode 100644
>+  examine changes to '_d'? [Ynesfdaq?] abort: response expected
>   [255]
> Cannot split a commit that is not a head if instability is not allowed
>@@ -335,4 +340,41 @@
>   abort: cannot split commit: ced8fbcce3a7 not a head
>   [255]
>+Changing evolution level to createmarkers
>+  $ echo "[experimental]" >> $HGRCPATH
>+  $ echo "evolution=createmarkers" >> $HGRCPATH
>+Running split without any revision operates on the parent of the working copy
>+  $ hg split << EOF
>+  > q
>+  > EOF
>+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
>+  adding _d
>+  diff --git a/_d b/_d
>+  new file mode 100644
>+  examine changes to '_d'? [Ynesfdaq?] q
>+  abort: user quit
>+  [255]
>+Running split with tip revision, specified as unnamed argument
>+  $ hg split . << EOF
>+  > q
>+  > EOF
>+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
>+  adding _d
>+  diff --git a/_d b/_d
>+  new file mode 100644
>+  examine changes to '_d'? [Ynesfdaq?] q
>+  abort: user quit
>+  [255]
>+Running split with both unnamed and named revision arguments shows an error msg
>+  $ hg split . --rev .^ << EOF
>+  > q
>+  > EOF
>+  abort: more than one revset is given
>+  (use either `hg split <rs>` or `hg split --rev <rs>`, not both)
>+  [255]
>Mercurial-devel mailing list
>Mercurial-devel at mercurial-scm.org

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