[PATCH] treemanifest: don't use a manifest in the cache if it's dirty
Tony Tung
tonytung at instagram.com
Mon Feb 22 22:42:30 UTC 2016
> On Feb 20, 2016, at 9:52 PM, Martin von Zweigbergk <martinvonz at google.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Tony Tung <tonytung at fb.com> wrote:
>> # HG changeset patch
>> # User Tony Tung <tonytung at merly.org>
>> # Date 1455839061 28800
>> # Thu Feb 18 15:44:21 2016 -0800
>> # Node ID a7cd652b0f4398e939ebc10c6ceff86c4c119a72
>> # Parent c4ee1010595a7cae4aad0c7dbcd152719f780e6a
>> treemanifest: don't use a manifest in the cache if it's dirty.
> Drop the trailing period and add " (issue5076)" instead (see
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.mercurial-2Dscm.org_wiki_ContributingChanges-23Submission-5Fchecklist&d=CwIBaQ&c=5VD0RTtNlTh3ycd41b3MUw&r=nX46-h6uPFfl2aGGFhBQbg&m=kj1Em7qqtj4fSbjVd3KC92KDCH1vKBgo45lrg82b8zI&s=XGXEMdVOTsQ6ObOYMeSjsuEn-gDSsEHfkIeppaPaL7E&e= ).
Thanks, will do.
>> When doing hg convert, we may encounter subrepo merges. In that case, the
>> working directory subrepo will be dirty (i.e., differ from the repository
>> state), which will cause the manifest to be written to. Subsequent reads
>> of this manifest entry will note that it's dirty, and calls to node() will
>> fail.
> Nice find!
> However, it wasn't clear to me why this would be specific to
> treemanifests, so I added dirty checking to the flat manifest code as
> well (see patch on https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__paste.debian.net_402058_&d=CwIBaQ&c=5VD0RTtNlTh3ycd41b3MUw&r=nX46-h6uPFfl2aGGFhBQbg&m=kj1Em7qqtj4fSbjVd3KC92KDCH1vKBgo45lrg82b8zI&s=GQhm80laTpyUYP6IY5JZG3FvWnv7io_Q7f1r29o4iKE&e= ) and ran the test
> in the issue tracker (probably the same as in your patch) *without*
> treemanifests. Sure enough, it fails there too. So it seems like the
> only reason this is failing only with treemanifests is that only
> treemanifests check that they are clean in some cases. Please test it
> for yourself to make sure I didn't just see what I wanted to see when
> I tested it.
> As I said on the issue tracker, I've spent a lot of time trying to
> understand how manifestmerge() interacts with submerge(). Perhaps the
> reading of dirty manifests is the reason I never understood what was
> happening.
> Anyway, what do we do now? I think the test case should be moved out
> of test-treemanifest.t at least. Is the fix to add dirty-checking in
> manifestdict as well and not bypass the cache there too? Or perhaps
> the bug is in the subrepo code?
I think the fundamental issue (bearing in mind that I’m pretty inexperienced in mercurial internals :) ) is that the convert code is doing a manifestmerge into a working context. This is not actually the case, as it does not update the working directory (which is why the subrepo is considered dirty).
I had an alternate fix that went deep into merge.py, but was pretty ugly. It would behave differently if called with a special argument indicating that it was not a working context. However, it may be more correct.
Happy to move the test case out, and to add dirty checking for alternate manifest implementations.
Love to hear your thoughts.
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