[1 of 3]Fixing Import Cycles.

timeless timeless at gmail.com
Mon Feb 29 23:37:03 UTC 2016

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On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 3:29 PM, Pulkit Goyal <7895pulkit at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I was working on fixing import cycles in the codebase. The first import
> cycle was between hgext/largefiles/basestore and
> hgext/largefiles/localstore. The dependency can be solved by resolving the
> dependency of localstore on basestore. The dependency was of StoreError
> class which was required in the both the files but the only reason to import
> basestore in localstore.
> So rather we define the StoreError class in localstore rather than
> basestore. Its necessary to import localstore in basestore. So this is the
> only way around. I guess.
> Well now I feel like i going on the right track but still I doubt. After
> running hg locate 'mercurial/**.py' 'hgext/**.py' | sed 's-\\-/-g' | python
> "$import_checker" - I was getting new import cycles so I think i fixed this
> one.
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