[PATCH STABLE] runtests: skip json for blacklisted tests

timeless timeless at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 19:17:39 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Laurent Charignon <lcharignon at fb.com> wrote:
> I already sent a patch doing almost the same thing (issue5050).
> Your patch completely removes the test from the output which is not what my patch is doing, I am not sure which idea makes more sense here.

I'd rather be told if i'm skipping a test.
but, i'd like to know if i'm skipping a test that exists vs. skipping
a test that doesn't exist. they're different. also, it's sorta
important for me to know "i'm skipping a test i explicitly asked for"
v. "i'm skipping a test that I didn't explicitly exclude".

./run-tests.py --blacklist stuff
./run-tests.py --blacklist stuff test-not-there.t
./run-tests.py --blacklist stuff test-will-be-skipped.t
are all different

> We should definitely add a test though :)

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