[PATCH] pure: write a really lazy version of pure indexObject

Maciej Fijalkowski fijall at gmail.com
Fri May 6 10:03:01 UTC 2016

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 11:47 AM, Yuya Nishihara <yuya at tcha.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 04 May 2016 19:07:33 +0200, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
>> # HG changeset patch
>> # User Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at gmail.com>
>> # Date 1461496898 -10800
>> #      Sun Apr 24 14:21:38 2016 +0300
>> # Branch stable
>> # Node ID dc57c12a59e7fe6ec010c94316e8d38af9a0036e
>> # Parent  2d3837a4bded5362f26f91033c0a83376c207593
>> pure: write a really lazy version of pure indexObject.
>> On PyPy this version performs reasonably well compared to C version.
>> There is potential for improvements by storing extra as a condensed struct too.
> Yeah, this is fast on pypy. (tested with mozilla-central repo.)
> On CPython, "hg log -T '{phase}\n'" is slow probably because pure version has
> no fast nodemap object and falls back to full-scan, though I don't care much
> about it.
>> --- a/mercurial/pure/parsers.py       Thu Mar 24 22:55:56 2016 +0900
>> +++ b/mercurial/pure/parsers.py       Sun Apr 24 14:21:38 2016 +0300
>> @@ -25,49 +25,101 @@
>>      # x is a tuple
>>      return x
>> +INDEXFORMATNG = ">Qiiiiii20s12x"
>> +INDEX_FIRST = struct.calcsize('Q')
>> +SIZE_INT = struct.calcsize('i')
>> +INDEX_SIZE = struct.calcsize(INDEXFORMATNG)
> Maybe new code needs to follow our style, all lowercase, no underscore?
> https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/CodingStyle
>> +def gettype(q):
>> +    return int(q & 0xFFFF)
>> +
>> +def offset_type(offset, type):
>> +    return long(long(offset) << 16 | type)
>> +
>> +class BaseIndexObject(object):
>> +    def __len__(self):
>> +        return self._lgt + len(self._extra) + 1
>> +
>> +    def insert(self, i, tup):
>> +        assert i == -1
>> +        self._extra.append(tup)
>> +
>> +    def _fix_index(self, i):
>> +        if not isinstance(i, int):
>> +            raise TypeError("expecting int indexes")
>> +        if i < 0:
>> +            i = len(self) + i
>> +        if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
>> +            raise IndexError
>> +        return i
>> +
>> +    def __getitem__(self, i):
>> +        i = self._fix_index(i)
>> +        if i == len(self) - 1:
>> +            return (0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, nullid)
>> +        if i >= self._lgt:
>> +            return self._extra[i - self._lgt]
>> +        index = self._calculate_index(i)
>> +        r = struct.unpack(INDEXFORMATNG, self._data[index:index + INDEX_SIZE])
>> +        if i == 0:
>> +            e = list(r)
>> +            type = gettype(e[0])
>> +            e[0] = offset_type(0, type)
>> +            return tuple(e)
>> +        return r
>> +
>> +class IndexObject(BaseIndexObject):
>> +    def __init__(self, data):
>> +        assert len(data) % INDEX_SIZE == 0
>> +        self._data = data
>> +        self._lgt = len(data) // INDEX_SIZE
>> +        self._extra = []
>> +
>> +    def _calculate_index(self, i):
>> +        return i * INDEX_SIZE
> No-inlined IndexObject lacks __delitem__(), so "hg strip" raises exception.

Would be cool if it exploded some test.

>> +class InlinedIndexObject(BaseIndexObject):
>> +    def __init__(self, data, inline=0):
>> +        self._data = data
>> +        self._lgt = self._inline_scan(None)
>> +        self._inline_scan(self._lgt)
>> +        self._extra = []
>> +
>> +    def _inline_scan(self, lgt):
>> +        off = 0
>> +        if lgt is not None:
>> +            self._offsets = [0] * lgt
>> +        count = 0
>> +        while off <= len(self._data) - INDEX_SIZE:
>> +            s, = struct.unpack('>i',
>> +                self._data[off + INDEX_FIRST:off + SIZE_INT + INDEX_FIRST])
>> +            if lgt is not None:
>> +                self._offsets[count] = off
>> +            count += 1
>> +            off += INDEX_SIZE + s
>> +        if off != len(self._data):
>> +            raise ValueError("corrupted data")
>> +        return count
>> +
>> +    def __delitem__(self, i):
>> +        if not isinstance(i, slice) or not i.stop == -1 or not i.step is None:
>> +            raise ValueError("deleting slices only supports a:-1 with step 1")
>> +        i = self._fix_index(i.start)
>> +        if i < self._lgt:
>> +            self._offsets = self._offsets[:i]
>> +            self._lgt = i
>> +            self._extra = []
>> +        else:
>> +            self._extra = self._extra[:i - self._lgt]
>> +
>> +    def _calculate_index(self, i):
>> +        return self._offsets[i]
> I'm not sure if that's worth doing lazy for inlined revlog. It has to scan
> the whole data anyway.

It's less about scanning and more about allocating a huge list of
tuples. It's not "lazy", but it does create a tuple each time you call
__getitem__ and not all at the beginning, that makes a huge difference

Now, the previous time I posted the exact same patch there were no
complaints like that - can someone write a comprehensive set of things
I have to do or am I risking going back and forth with "but do this,
but do that" and then commit it once those are fulfilled?


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