[PATCH 02 of 10 V2] bundle2: use new compression engine API for compression

Gregory Szorc gregory.szorc at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 03:13:50 UTC 2016

# HG changeset patch
# User Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc at gmail.com>
# Date 1478572543 28800
#      Mon Nov 07 18:35:43 2016 -0800
# Node ID 9c4c59fa0b44412bd59170f850463c68497b43da
# Parent  f3c9da54ff5e23becaa4d0e90a20c9de704a70ba
bundle2: use new compression engine API for compression

Now that we have a new API to define compression engines, let's put it
to use!

The new code stores a reference to the compression engine instead of
a low-level compressor object. This will allow us to more easily
transition to different APIs on the compression engine interface
once we implement them.

As part of this, we change the registration in bundletypes to use 'UN'
instead of None. Previously, util.compressors had the no-op compressor
registered under both the 'UN' and None keys. Since we're switching to
a new API, I don't see the point in carrying this dual registration

diff --git a/mercurial/bundle2.py b/mercurial/bundle2.py
--- a/mercurial/bundle2.py
+++ b/mercurial/bundle2.py
@@ -485,11 +485,11 @@ def encodecaps(caps):
     return '\n'.join(chunks)
 bundletypes = {
-    "": ("", None),       # only when using unbundle on ssh and old http servers
+    "": ("", 'UN'),       # only when using unbundle on ssh and old http servers
                           # since the unification ssh accepts a header but there
                           # is no capability signaling it.
     "HG20": (), # special-cased below
-    "HG10UN": ("HG10UN", None),
+    "HG10UN": ("HG10UN", 'UN'),
     "HG10BZ": ("HG10", 'BZ'),
     "HG10GZ": ("HG10GZ", 'GZ'),
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ class bundle20(object):
         self._params = []
         self._parts = []
         self.capabilities = dict(capabilities)
-        self._compressor = util.compressors[None]()
+        self._compengine = util.compengines.forbundletype('UN')
     def setcompression(self, alg):
         """setup core part compression to <alg>"""
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ class bundle20(object):
         assert not any(n.lower() == 'Compression' for n, v in self._params)
         self.addparam('Compression', alg)
-        self._compressor = util.compressors[alg]()
+        self._compengine = util.compengines.forbundletype(alg)
     def nbparts(self):
@@ -572,11 +572,12 @@ class bundle20(object):
         if param:
             yield param
         # starting compression
+        compressor = self._compengine.compressorobj()
         for chunk in self._getcorechunk():
-            data = self._compressor.compress(chunk)
+            data = compressor.compress(chunk)
             if data:
                 yield data
-        yield self._compressor.flush()
+        yield compressor.flush()
     def _paramchunk(self):
         """return a encoded version of all stream parameters"""
@@ -1318,18 +1319,19 @@ def writebundle(ui, cg, filename, bundle
             raise error.Abort(_('old bundle types only supports v1 '
         header, comp = bundletypes[bundletype]
-        if comp not in util.compressors:
+        if comp not in util.compengines.supportedbundletypes:
             raise error.Abort(_('unknown stream compression type: %s')
                               % comp)
-        z = util.compressors[comp]()
+        compengine = util.compengines.forbundletype(comp)
+        compressor = compengine.compressorobj()
         subchunkiter = cg.getchunks()
         def chunkiter():
             yield header
             for chunk in subchunkiter:
-                data = z.compress(chunk)
+                data = compressor.compress(chunk)
                 if data:
                     yield data
-            yield z.flush()
+            yield compressor.flush()
         chunkiter = chunkiter()
     # parse the changegroup data, otherwise we will block

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