[PATCH WIP] help: show help content for disabled extension
piotr.listkiewicz at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 15:22:26 UTC 2016
# HG changeset patch
# User liscju <piotr.listkiewicz at gmail.com>
# Date 1475926049 -7200
# Sat Oct 08 13:27:29 2016 +0200
# Node ID 5497a92be82db414f6913f869d5acd18b205cb2b
# Parent 91a3c58ecf938ed675f5364b88f0d663f12b0047
help: show help content for disabled extension
So far for disabled extension help showed only extension
summary. This commit makes help read content of the help
comments in extension module without actually loading
the module.
diff --git a/mercurial/help.py b/mercurial/help.py
--- a/mercurial/help.py
+++ b/mercurial/help.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
+import ast
import itertools
import os
import textwrap
@@ -300,6 +301,38 @@ addtopicsymbols('templates', '.. functio
addtopicsymbols('hgweb', '.. webcommandsmarker', webcommands.commands,
+def parsedisabledext(modname):
+ # return list of (command_name, command_module, command_doc)
+ def finddisabledext(name):
+ paths = extensions._disabledpaths()
+ if name in paths:
+ return paths[name]
+ return None
+ def iscmd(funast):
+ for decorator in funast.decorator_list:
+ if isinstance(decorator, ast.Call) and decorator.func.id == 'command':
+ return True
+ return False
+ def extractcmds(extast):
+ return [funast.name for funast in extast.body if isinstance(funast, ast.FunctionDef) and iscmd(funast)]
+ def extractcmddoc(extast, cmd):
+ funasts = [funast for funast in extast.body
+ if isinstance(funast, ast.FunctionDef) and iscmd(funast) and funast.name == cmd]
+ if len(funasts) > 0:
+ return ast.get_docstring(funasts[0])
+ else:
+ return None
+ extfile = open(finddisabledext(modname), 'r')
+ try:
+ extast = ast.parse(extfile.read())
+ return [(cmdname, modname, extractcmddoc(extast, cmdname)) for cmdname in extractcmds(extast)]
+ except SyntaxError:
+ return []
def help_(ui, name, unknowncmd=False, full=True, subtopic=None, **opts):
Generate the help for 'name' as unformatted restructured text. If
@@ -395,7 +428,7 @@ def help_(ui, name, unknowncmd=False, fu
return rst
- def helplist(select=None, **opts):
+ def helplist(select=None, disabledext=None, **opts):
# list of commands
if name == "shortlist":
header = _('basic commands:\n\n')
@@ -406,17 +439,24 @@ def help_(ui, name, unknowncmd=False, fu
h = {}
cmds = {}
- for c, e in commands.table.iteritems():
+ if not disabledext:
+ commandinfos = [(c, e[0].__module__, e[0].__doc__) for c, e in commands.table.iteritems()]
+ else:
+ commandinfos = parsedisabledext(disabledext)
+ for cmdname, cmdmod, cmddoc in commandinfos:
+ c = cmdname
f = c.partition("|")[0]
if select and not select(f):
if (not select and name != 'shortlist' and
- e[0].__module__ != commands.__name__):
+ cmdmod != commands.__name__):
if name == "shortlist" and not f.startswith("^"):
f = f.lstrip("^")
- doc = e[0].__doc__
+ doc = cmddoc
if filtercmd(ui, f, name, doc):
doc = gettext(doc)
@@ -548,7 +588,8 @@ def help_(ui, name, unknowncmd=False, fu
modcmds = set([c.partition('|')[0] for c in ct])
- rst.append(_("(use 'hg help extensions' for information on enabling"
+ rst.extend(helplist(lambda w: True, disabledext=name))
+ rst.append(_("\n(use 'hg help extensions' for information on enabling"
" extensions)\n"))
return rst
diff --git a/tests/test-extension.t b/tests/test-extension.t
--- a/tests/test-extension.t
+++ b/tests/test-extension.t
@@ -1040,11 +1040,23 @@ Disabled extensions:
$ hg help churn
churn extension - command to display statistics about repository history
+ list of commands:
+ churn histogram of changes to the repository
+ (use 'hg help -v -e churn' to show built-in aliases and global options)
(use 'hg help extensions' for information on enabling extensions)
$ hg help patchbomb
patchbomb extension - command to send changesets as (a series of) patch emails
+ list of commands:
+ email send changesets by email
+ (use 'hg help -v patchbomb' to show built-in aliases and global options)
(use 'hg help extensions' for information on enabling extensions)
@@ -1065,6 +1077,8 @@ Broken disabled extension and command:
$ hg --config extensions.path=./path.py help broken
broken extension - (no help text available)
+ no commands defined
(use 'hg help extensions' for information on enabling extensions)
diff --git a/tests/test-help.t b/tests/test-help.t
--- a/tests/test-help.t
+++ b/tests/test-help.t
@@ -1636,6 +1636,8 @@ Show help content of disabled extensions
$ hg help -e ambiguous
ambiguous extension - (no help text available)
+ no commands defined
(use 'hg help extensions' for information on enabling extensions)
Test dynamic list of merge tools only shows up once
diff --git a/tests/test-qrecord.t b/tests/test-qrecord.t
--- a/tests/test-qrecord.t
+++ b/tests/test-qrecord.t
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ help record (no record)
record extension - commands to interactively select changes for
commit/qrefresh (DEPRECATED)
+ list of commands:
+ qrecord interactively record a new patch
+ record interactively select changes to commit
+ (use 'hg help -v -e record' to show built-in aliases and global options)
(use 'hg help extensions' for information on enabling extensions)
help qrecord (no record)
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