[PATCH 1 of 2 v8] graft: support grafting across move/copy (issue4028)

Yuya Nishihara yuya at tcha.org
Mon Sep 12 15:49:11 UTC 2016

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 10:13:20 +0000, Gábor STEFANIK wrote:
> > > +    # In certain scenarios (e.g. graft, update or rebase), ca can be
> > overridden
> > > +    # We still need to know a real common ancestor in this case
> > > +    # We can't just compute _c1.ancestor(_c2) and compare it to ca,
> > because
> > > +    # there can be multiple common ancestors, e.g. in case of bidmerge.
> > > +    cta = ca
> > > +    # ca.descendant(wc) and ca.descendant(ca) are False, work around that
> > > +    _c1 = c1.p1() if c1.rev() is None else c1
> > > +    _c2 = c2.p1() if c2.rev() is None else c2
> > > +    dirty_c1 = not (ca == _c1 or ca.descendant(_c1))
> > > +    dirty_c2 = not (ca == _c2 or ca.descendant(_c2))
> > > +    graft = dirty_c1 or dirty_c2
> > > +    if graft:
> > > +        cta = _c1.ancestor(_c2)
> >
> > Can we know if we're doing graft-type merge beforehand? I think
> > ca.descendant() isn't fast so it should be avoided for normal merges.
> This has been argued repeatedly. Basically the only way you can know in advance that your merge is going to be graftlike is by  doing a few descendant() calls yourself. So, with the exception of the "hg merge" command (which is guaranteed to yield ungraftlike merges), all commands wishing to do a merge will have to run through this whole descendant game.
> In the first few versions of the patches, I actually did graftlikeness detection in mergemod.graft(), but it was a nightmare to get it to work properly, and as it turns out, graft() isn't the only thing doing a graftlike merge. I was informed that calling descendant() once in a command is fine, it's only too slow for calling in a loop.

I thought callers could compute ca and cta by themselves since they explicitly
pass a pseudo ca, but maybe I'm wrong. If that's already been discussed, there's
no reason to complain. Sorry for the noise.

> > According to Matt's comment, we need two copy traces split at 'ca', but we
> > use ones split at 'cta' (and somewhat 'ca' is taken into account?), because it
> > wouldn't be easy to track copies backwards.
> >
> > https://www.mercurial-scm.org/pipermail/mercurial-devel/2016-
> > August/086915.html
> >
> > I guess that are addressed these "incomplete" dicts and "if"s in
> > checkcopies(), but I wonder if there are unhandled cases such as non-linear
> > DAG to be rotated, which might include "ypoc". I'm not sure, though.
> See the tests. Virtually every imaginable case is tested.
> Matt actually wanted 3 copy traces, one between "cta" and "ca", one from one parent to "ca", and one from the other parent to "cta". The problem with this approach is that checkcopies can't just stop after going "behind" some cutoff revision, since it's operating in a low-level way in which "behind" doesn't really make sense. This is presumably for perf reasons. As a result, the checkcopies pass going from a parent to "ca" will actually go back to "cta", and find spurious copies. We could perhaps identify and remove those spurious copies by comparing the output to that of the ca->cta pass, but then we would need post-processing as complex as what this patch has to accomplish that, so we win nothing by going 3-pass.

My vague concern is that we always walk graph from top to bottom keeping linear
data for fixing up rotated copy trace.

I'm not sure if this is a relevant example, but given the following history,
I got different results by a) "graft 6 to 10" and b) "graft 7 to 10", which
seems suspicious.

@  10: a
| +  9: c
| |
| +  8: d->()
| |
| | +  7: d
| |/
| | +  6: c
| |/
| +    5: c,d
| |\
| | +  4: b->d
| | |
| + |  3: b->c
| |/
| +  2: a->b
o  1: a
o  0: ()->a

hg init foo
cd foo

echo 0 >> a
hg add a
hg ci -m '()->a'

echo 1 >> a
hg ci -m 'a'

hg mv a b
echo 2 >> b
hg ci -m 'a->b'

hg mv b c
echo 3 >> c
hg ci -m 'b->c'

hg up 2
hg mv b d
echo 4 >> d
hg ci -m 'b->d'

hg up 3
hg merge 4
echo 5 >> c
echo 5 >> d
hg ci -m 'c,d'

echo 6 >> c
hg ci -m 'c'

hg up 5
echo 7 >> d
hg ci -m 'd'

hg up 5
hg rm d
hg ci -m 'd->()'

echo 9 >> c
hg ci -m 'c'

hg up 1
echo 10 >> a
hg ci -m 'a'

hg log -G -T '{rev}: {desc|firstline}\n'

# a) c->a (but there is also d->a)
hg graft 6
other [graft] changed c which local [local] deleted

# b) d->a (but there is also c->a)
hg graft 7
merging a and d to a

# c) c->a (d was deleted)
hg graft 9
merging a and c to a

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