[PATCH 1 of 2] test-patchbomb: convert the pretendmail program from *.sh to *.py

Yuya Nishihara yuya at tcha.org
Mon Apr 10 12:52:52 UTC 2017

On Sun, 09 Apr 2017 21:52:30 -0400, Matt Harbison wrote:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Matt Harbison <matt_harbison at yahoo.com>
> # Date 1491785368 14400
> #      Sun Apr 09 20:49:28 2017 -0400
> # Node ID 1de38b5ca1886aa41844dc7a80c1b92b65a8171e
> # Parent  9259cf823690e4fcd34a4d2ecd57ced2060d2b3d
> test-patchbomb: convert the pretendmail program from *.sh to *.py
> Windows doesn't know how to execute *.sh, so tests were failing with:
>   abort: 'pretendmail.py' specified as email transport, but not in PATH
> I was able to create a *.bat file to do the same thing, but neither the *.py nor
> *.bat were able to read from stdin[1] and write to stdout on Windows, like `cat`
> was doing in the shell script.  The *.py script is infinitely more readable.
> It isn't possible to specify 'method = python `pwd`/*.py', because everything
> specified on the RHS ends up quoted, because of the space.  Therefore, $PATHEXT
> is modified to include *.py, which causes a registry lookup and Windows to
> figure out that it should open *.py with python.exe.  Unlike the python
> installer, the MSYS installer doesn't add registry entries for *.sh, so it isn't
> possible to execute shell scripts directly.

Does it mean there's still a risk the test will fail? e.g. because .py is
associated with python3, or not associated at all.

I think it's okay to disable the sendmail test at all on Windows because
sendmail is a Unix thing.

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