[PATCH] histedit: improve documentation and behaviour of dates (issue4820)

Ben Schmidt dev at insightful-schmidt.info
Mon Feb 20 04:38:24 UTC 2017

On 20/02/2017 12:39 pm, Augie Fackler wrote:
>> On Feb 19, 2017, at 8:23 PM, Augie Fackler <raf at durin42.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 02:51:46PM +1100, Ben Schmidt wrote:
>>> # HG changeset patch
>>> # User Ben Schmidt <insightfuls at users.noreply.github.com>
>>> # Date 1487413828 -39600
>>> #      Sat Feb 18 21:30:28 2017 +1100
>>> # Node ID 4037ff1c9713d73b21ddc182580eacacba254ea7
>>> # Parent  1f51b4658f21bbb797e922d155c1046eddccf91d
>>> histedit: improve documentation and behaviour of dates (issue4820)
>>> This clarifies in the histedit documentation that the 'edit' action preserves
>>> the date and that the 'fold' action uses the later date. The documentation was
>>> previously silent on this issue which left users in doubt.
>> Wow, that's a great fix.
> I’m excited enough about this that I’ve done the split, see:
> https://hg.durin42.com/hg-wip/log?rev=only%28histedit%29
> With your permission, I’d like to just take that first patch (the documentation fix), and then we can discuss the behavior change to `roll` on the list as a followup. Sound good?

Yes, sorry I didn't split it. I did actually think of it, but about an
hour after I emailed the patch off.

Your split looks pretty good except for the commit messages. It's really
the alteration of the rollup behaviour that addresses issue4820, and of
course the description of that part of the change belongs with that
commit, but it's currently at the bottom of the commit for the doc

But yes, feel free to go ahead and land that part, and we can continue
discussion of the other part.



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