[PATCH 1 of 5] transaction: introduce scope

Durham Goode durham at fb.com
Tue Feb 28 22:53:40 UTC 2017

On 2/28/17 2:41 PM, Martin von Zweigbergk wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 2:34 PM, Durham Goode <durham at fb.com> wrote:
>> On 2/27/17 9:35 AM, Jun Wu wrote:
>>> # HG changeset patch
>>> # User Jun Wu <quark at fb.com>
>>> # Date 1488185788 28800
>>> #      Mon Feb 27 00:56:28 2017 -0800
>>> # Node ID 5dac612ec9a87553fcd329100846bcb01bae9d80
>>> # Parent  b4cb86ab4c719eb615a4308eafd8b1386a511eeb
>>> # Available At
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bitbucket.org_quark-2Dzju_hg-2Ddraft&d=DwIGaQ&c=5VD0RTtNlTh3ycd41b3MUw&r=nuarHzhP1wi1T9iURRCj1A&m=32KRbLZXwqv-6cN9kkgbRvm2CXLXQaqOiiVERyotxSQ&s=QQPzFUNWmG02Bz8xilA5LPRAfljxDn-s2-q1qSGuXps&e=
>>> #              hg pull
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bitbucket.org_quark-2Dzju_hg-2Ddraft&d=DwIGaQ&c=5VD0RTtNlTh3ycd41b3MUw&r=nuarHzhP1wi1T9iURRCj1A&m=32KRbLZXwqv-6cN9kkgbRvm2CXLXQaqOiiVERyotxSQ&s=QQPzFUNWmG02Bz8xilA5LPRAfljxDn-s2-q1qSGuXps&e=
>>> -r 5dac612ec9a8
>>> transaction: introduce scope
>>> Previously, transaction tries to cover everything: bookmarks, dirstate,
>>> phaseroots, and branch. It backs them up unconditionally.
>>> That could be inefficient if we still back up the dirstate in a giant
>>> repo,
>>> where the transaction is only intended to change bookmarks.
>>> This patch introduces "scope" to transactions, which is a set of things
>>> that
>>> the transaction should cover. For bookmark-only update, it could avoid
>>> specifying the "dirstate" scope to be more efficient.
>> I was talking with Jun about this in person and a few things came up.  I
>> proposed we just reenable hardlink support for transaction backups of
>> atomic-rewrite-files like the dirstate. That would remove the IO of copying
>> that I assumed was the problem. However, it turns out the dirstate doesn't
>> even use the tr.addbackup() mechanism that everything else uses.  Instead,
>> it writes out the *current* contents of the inmemory dirstate and treats
>> that as the backup, which seems extra wrong since the current inmemory data
>> may not match the data on disk that we're about to overwrite, and extra
>> wrong since it means CPU time spent serializing the dirstate whenever a
>> transaction opens.
>> Seems like we should refactor the dirstate/dirstateguard business to use the
>> real transaction logic, then we could benefit from the hardlink backups
>> optimization.
> I was also wondering why it was treated differently. Great if we can
> clean that up.

Jun tried and it seems it will require some significant effort.

>> Not that such a refactor should block this series.
> If what you describe above is done, would there still be a desire for
> this series or would we undo this series once the dirstate-cleanup and
> hard-linking is done?

If the only benefit from the scope work is for the dirstate, then yea we 
could undo this series after the dirstate refactor is done.

There may be other benefits to having the concept of scope though. If we 
moved the scope concept up to the lock level too (I've always said we 
should combine lock and transactions into one concept...) it might allow 
us to get rid of the repo.wlock() and repo.lock() differences, and the 
user just specifies a scope they care about.  If we take it farther, we 
could identify scopes that are independent and allow multiple locks at 
the same time. But that's very future work.

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