Evolve naming troubles

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Mon Jan 23 17:03:50 UTC 2017

On 01/20/2017 07:11 PM, Sean Farley wrote:
> While we are in a freeze and have some time to think about things
> outside of features, I'd like to bring up naming evolution terms before
> they are permanently frozen.
> I'll keep this mostly short with a list of current names and suggested
> replacements but I hope we can finalize this at the next sprint. The
> following suggestions are from an IRC a little while ago.

Thanks you very much, for looking into this and starting this thread.

I've spent some time today to build a wiki page to gather the result of 
that discussion: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/CEDVocabulary

I've also reached out to "Timeless" to act as a "word expert" on this. 
The idea is to build a small group of people willing to dissect the 
semantic and etymology of all proposals. The goal is to prepare and 
curate the list we'll have to discuss at the sprint. Reach out to me if 
you are interested in spending time doing such analysis (I'm contacting 
Sean too).

I'll spend more time this week to:
  * make a clean-up pass on the definition of that page,
  * update the page with reply from this thread (feel free to do it 
yourself as you reply),
  * give my own opinion on the proposals,

Thanks again to Sean Farley for pulling this topic forward.

Pierre-Yves David

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