[PATCH] smartset: add a "toset" method

Jun Wu quark at fb.com
Sat Jun 3 20:54:18 UTC 2017

Excerpts from Augie Fackler's message of 2017-06-03 16:25:52 -0400:
> I like where you're headed with this, but I think I'd rather have
> classes with an efficient way to produce a set implement toset
> themselves and leave the default implementation as set(self) so we can
> avoid the spooky action at a distance implied by this hasattr().

The problem is the lack of ability to customize "set(smartset)" logic in the
Python language. "set" will always treat "smartset" as an iterable, which
makes the operation O(N log N) even if we have O(1) fast path.

Between syntactic simplicity and ability to have fast code path, I want to
choose the latter.

For "hasattr", do you mean we might need to do hasattr(x, 'toset')? That
looks like a sign of poorly designed APIs (sometimes return a smartset,
sometimes return a set, so you never know what "x" is). It shouldn't happen
in a clean codebase.

> [...]

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