[PATCH 8 of 9] pycompat: put single line things above class and function definitions

Yuya Nishihara yuya at tcha.org
Fri Jun 16 14:21:41 UTC 2017

On Fri, 16 Jun 2017 03:04:50 +0530, Pulkit Goyal wrote:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Pulkit Goyal <7895pulkit at gmail.com>
> # Date 1497561930 -19800
> #      Fri Jun 16 02:55:30 2017 +0530
> # Node ID c95d3227e37cfbbb2c687dad98bc978d063c624f
> # Parent  66940f7bf570ebb3a3a43c556e6887dab28c19a4
> pycompat: put single line things above class and function definitions
> Earlier, there are some single line assignments initially then a function, then
> some more single line assignments, then again few functions. This patch gathers
> all those single line assignments at one place and make sure functions are
> continuous so that it's easy to read code. Therefore it also moves the wrapper
> above the bytestr class.

Maybe we've been using different algorithms to sort stuffs in pycompat.py.
I tried to keep py2 and py3 functions in the same order. I'm okay for this
change, but can you adjust the sorting methodology a bit so that related
functions won't be orphaned?

> diff --git a/mercurial/pycompat.py b/mercurial/pycompat.py
> --- a/mercurial/pycompat.py
> +++ b/mercurial/pycompat.py
> @@ -78,6 +78,20 @@
>      bytechr = struct.Struct('>B').pack
> +    def _wrapattrfunc(f):
> +        @functools.wraps(f)
> +        def w(object, name, *args):
> +            return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
> +        return w
> +
> +    # these wrappers are automagically imported by hgloader
> +    delattr = _wrapattrfunc(builtins.delattr)
> +    getattr = _wrapattrfunc(builtins.getattr)
> +    hasattr = _wrapattrfunc(builtins.hasattr)
> +    setattr = _wrapattrfunc(builtins.setattr)
> +    xrange = builtins.range
> +    unicode = str

I want to place bytestr next to bytechr.

> +
>      class bytestr(bytes):
>          """A bytes which mostly acts as a Python 2 str

> -    strkwargs = identity
> -    byteskwargs = identity
> -
> -    oslinesep = os.linesep
> -    osname = os.name
> -    ospathsep = os.pathsep
> -    ossep = os.sep
> -    osaltsep = os.altsep
> -    stdin = sys.stdin
> -    stdout = sys.stdout
> -    stderr = sys.stderr
>      if getattr(sys, 'argv', None) is not None:
>          sysargv = sys.argv
> -    sysplatform = sys.platform
> -    getcwd = os.getcwd
> -    sysexecutable = sys.executable
> -    shlexsplit = shlex.split
> -    stringio = cStringIO.StringIO
> -    maplist = map

Leaving only sysargv doesn't make much sense to me.

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