D1136: templatefilters: defend against evil unicode strs in json filter

yuja (Yuya Nishihara) phabricator at mercurial-scm.org
Tue Oct 17 13:50:35 UTC 2017

yuja requested changes to this revision.
yuja added inline comments.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.


> ryanmce wrote in templatefilters.py:241-242
> I fear that this is is an non-actionable error. How might I see it as a user? If I see it, what do I do?
> Also, why is this a TypeError? Should this be a ProgrammingError instead? Or is there a way user input could trigger this?

It's okay to be non actionable error because it's plain wrong
to pass unicode to Mercurial functions. But I agree it should be
a ProgrammingError. TypeError in filter functions is caught
at templater.runfilter().

  rHG Mercurial


To: durin42, #hg-reviewers, yuja
Cc: yuja, ryanmce, mercurial-devel

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