D1806: filemerge: fix backing up an in-memory file to a custom location

phillco (Phil Cohen) phabricator at mercurial-scm.org
Thu Jan 4 20:18:29 UTC 2018

phillco added a comment.

  > Should we even be calling _makebackup in the case of an inmemory merge? Like, maybe the makebackup should be conditional based on if the source file context is actually a workingctx?
  The merge process itself uses the backup, it's not just for the user.


> durham wrote in filemerge.py:623
> I know you're just documenting the parameter that already existed, but might be nice to explain why this is (if you happen to know why right now).

I think I can

  rHG Mercurial


To: phillco, #hg-reviewers, durham
Cc: durham, mercurial-devel

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