[PATCH 2 of 8] _addrevision: choose between ifh and dfh once for all

Paul Morelle paul.morelle at octobus.net
Mon Jan 15 08:39:39 UTC 2018

On 01/14/2018 10:08 PM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 2:28 AM, Paul Morelle
> <paul.morelle at octobus.net <mailto:paul.morelle at octobus.net>> wrote:
>     # HG changeset patch
>     # User Paul Morelle <paul.morelle at octobus.net
>     <mailto:paul.morelle at octobus.net>>
>     # Date 1515771775 -3600
>     #      Fri Jan 12 16:42:55 2018 +0100
>     # Node ID 84eb864137a7b27e2357eb4f6d465f726670dc98
>     # Parent  7526dfca3d32e7c51864c21de2c2f4735c4cade6
>     # EXP-Topic refactor-revlog
>     # Available At https://bitbucket.org/octobus/mercurial-devel/
>     <https://bitbucket.org/octobus/mercurial-devel/>
>     #              hg pull
>     https://bitbucket.org/octobus/mercurial-devel/
>     <https://bitbucket.org/octobus/mercurial-devel/> -r 84eb864137a7
>     _addrevision: choose between ifh and dfh once for all
> Queued parts 2-8. The entire series is now queued.
> FWIW, I was thinking about enabling aggressivemergedeltas by default.
> Perf work around bdiff optimization in the past ~1 year has made it
> fast enough that only very large fulltexts have noticeable performance
> loss from enabling the feature. If you make delta generation faster in
> the remainder of this series, I think there should be little reason to
> not enable aggressivemergedeltas by default.
Hello Gregory, and thank you for your review,

The idea would be indeed to increase delta generation speed.
In order to do so, it would be parallelized into threads (see
af25237be091 for the implementation in perfbdiff), which would store the
deltas in a buffer ready to be used by _addrevision and consor.
Once a revision is done, the buffer would be notified, and the
corresponding slot would be freed for another revision's deltas.

This series is a first step to reorganize the code a bit in order to be
able to separate things more easily between the threads and the main
process; however I am not sure to reach the goal in time for the freeze.

And yes, the real aim would be to generalize aggressivemergedeltas, and
even later to evolve the algorithm so that other revisions may be used
too (intermediate semi-fulltexts, ...).
However, the parallelization should be disabled if only one logical CPU
is available, as it would just slow things.
And in this case, the current behavior should be maintained.
As nowadays most computers have multiple threads, it shouldn't affect
most users, but codewise it may be a burden.
My idea would be to use an object for delta computation, which could be
replaced by a threaded version if multiple CPUs are found.

Do you have any comments about these ideas?

Have a nice day!

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