D2639: thirdparty: start vendoring cbor python library
pulkit (Pulkit Goyal)
phabricator at mercurial-scm.org
Sun Mar 4 16:11:29 UTC 2018
pulkit created this revision.
Herald added a subscriber: mercurial-devel.
Herald added a reviewer: hg-reviewers.
CBOR stands for Concise Binary Object Representation, which is a data format
which is very compact and extensible.
This patch moves the python library which can serilaize and deserialize python
objects to/from cbor formats. The library is taken from
https://github.com/brianolson/cbor_py/ and files are taken from version 1.0.0.
The library is not used yet and there are some test-check* fails all of which
will be fixed in the next patch.
I wanted to keep this commit to just import the library.
One thing is changed while importing things is removing Carriage returns from
1. no-check-commit because we are importing a third party library
rHG Mercurial
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/utest.sh b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/utest.sh
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/utest.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/bin/sh -x
+python -m cbor.tests.test_cbor
+python -m cbor.tests.test_objects
+python -m cbor.tests.test_usage
+python -m cbor.tests.test_vectors
+#python cbor/tests/test_cbor.py
+#python cbor/tests/test_objects.py
+#python cbor/tests/test_usage.py
+#python cbor/tests/test_vectors.py
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/setup.py b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/setup.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2014 Brian Olson
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Thanks!
+# to Mic Bowman for a bunch of work and impetus on dumps(,sort_keys=)
+from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
+from distutils.errors import (CCompilerError, DistutilsExecError,
+ DistutilsPlatformError)
+import sys
+from setuptools import setup, Extension
+build_errors = (CCompilerError, DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError)
+if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info > (2, 6):
+ # 2.6's distutils.msvc9compiler can raise an IOError when failing to
+ # find the compiler
+ build_errors += (IOError,)
+class BuildError(Exception):
+ """Raised if compiling extensions failed."""
+class optional_build_ext(build_ext):
+ """build_ext implementation with optional C speedups."""
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ build_ext.run(self)
+ except DistutilsPlatformError:
+ raise BuildError()
+ def build_extension(self, ext):
+ try:
+ build_ext.build_extension(self, ext)
+ except build_errors as be:
+ raise BuildError(be)
+ except ValueError as ve:
+ # this can happen on Windows 64 bit, see Python issue 7511
+ if "'path'" in str(sys.exc_info()[1]): # works with Python 2 and 3
+ raise BuildError(ve)
+ raise
+VERSION = eval(open('cbor/VERSION.py','rb').read())
+setup_options = dict(
+ name='cbor',
+ version=VERSION,
+ description='RFC 7049 - Concise Binary Object Representation',
+ long_description="""
+An implementation of RFC 7049 - Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR).
+CBOR is comparable to JSON, has a superset of JSON's ability, but serializes to a binary format which is smaller and faster to generate and parse.
+The two primary functions are cbor.loads() and cbor.dumps().
+This library includes a C implementation which runs 3-5 times faster than the Python standard library's C-accelerated implementanion of JSON. This is also includes a 100% Python implementation.
+ author='Brian Olson',
+ author_email='bolson at bolson.org',
+ url='https://bitbucket.org/bodhisnarkva/cbor',
+ packages=['cbor'],
+ package_dir={'cbor':'cbor'},
+ ext_modules=[
+ Extension(
+ 'cbor._cbor',
+ include_dirs=['c/'],
+ sources=['c/cbormodule.c'],
+ headers=['c/cbor.h'],
+ )
+ ],
+ license='Apache',
+ classifiers=[
+ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
+ 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
+ 'Programming Language :: C',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',
+ ],
+ cmdclass={'build_ext': optional_build_ext},
+def main():
+ """ Perform setup with optional C speedups.
+ Optional extension compilation stolen from markupsafe, which again stole
+ it from simplejson. Creds to Bob Ippolito for the original code.
+ """
+ is_jython = 'java' in sys.platform
+ is_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_translation_info')
+ if is_jython or is_pypy:
+ del setup_options['ext_modules']
+ try:
+ setup(**setup_options)
+ except BuildError as be:
+ sys.stderr.write('''
+ %s
+''' % (be,))
+ del setup_options['ext_modules']
+ setup(**setup_options)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_vectors.py b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_vectors.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_vectors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Test CBOR implementation against common "test vectors" set from
+import base64
+import json
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+import sys
+import unittest
+_IS_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+#from cbor.cbor import dumps as pydumps
+from cbor.cbor import loads as pyloads
+ #from cbor._cbor import dumps as cdumps
+ from cbor._cbor import loads as cloads
+except ImportError:
+ # still test what we can without C fast mode
+ logger.warn('testing without C accelerated CBOR', exc_info=True)
+ #cdumps, cloads = None, None
+ cloads = None
+from cbor import Tag
+# Accomodate several test vectors that have diagnostic descriptors but not JSON
+ 'Infinity': lambda x: x == float('Inf'),
+ '-Infinity': lambda x: x == float('-Inf'),
+ 'NaN': math.isnan,
+ 'undefined': lambda x: x is None,
+ # TODO: parse into datetime.datetime()
+ '0("2013-03-21T20:04:00Z")': lambda x: isinstance(x, Tag) and (x.tag == 0) and (x.value == '2013-03-21T20:04:00Z'),
+ "h''": lambda x: x == b'',
+ "(_ h'0102', h'030405')": lambda x: x == b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05',
+ '{1: 2, 3: 4}': lambda x: x == {1: 2, 3: 4},
+ "h'01020304'": lambda x: x == b'\x01\x02\x03\x04',
+# We expect these to raise exception because they encode reserved/unused codes in the spec.
+# ['hex'] values of tests we expect to raise
+_EXPECT_EXCEPTION = set(['f0', 'f818', 'f8ff'])
+def _check(row, decoded):
+ cbdata = base64.b64decode(row['cbor'])
+ if cloads is not None:
+ cb = cloads(cbdata)
+ if cb != decoded:
+ anyerr = True
+ sys.stderr.write('expected {0!r} got {1!r} c failed to decode cbor {2}\n'.format(decoded, cb, base64.b16encode(cbdata)))
+ cb = pyloads(cbdata)
+ if cb != decoded:
+ anyerr = True
+ sys.stderr.write('expected {0!r} got {1!r} py failed to decode cbor {2}\n'.format(decoded, cb, base64.b16encode(cbdata)))
+def _check_foo(row, checkf):
+ cbdata = base64.b64decode(row['cbor'])
+ if cloads is not None:
+ cb = cloads(cbdata)
+ if not checkf(cb):
+ anyerr = True
+ sys.stderr.write('expected {0!r} got {1!r} c failed to decode cbor {2}\n'.format(decoded, cb, base64.b16encode(cbdata)))
+ cb = pyloads(cbdata)
+ if not checkf(cb):
+ anyerr = True
+ sys.stderr.write('expected {0!r} got {1!r} py failed to decode cbor {2}\n'.format(decoded, cb, base64.b16encode(cbdata)))
+class TestVectors(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_vectors(self):
+ here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ jf = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, '../../../test-vectors/appendix_a.json'))
+ if not os.path.exists(jf):
+ logging.warning('cannot find test-vectors/appendix_a.json, tried: %r', jf)
+ return
+ if _IS_PY3:
+ testfile = open(jf, 'r')
+ tv = json.load(testfile)
+ else:
+ testfile = open(jf, 'rb')
+ tv = json.load(testfile)
+ anyerr = False
+ for row in tv:
+ rhex = row.get('hex')
+ if 'decoded' in row:
+ decoded = row['decoded']
+ _check(row, decoded)
+ continue
+ elif 'diagnostic' in row:
+ diag = row['diagnostic']
+ checkf = _DIAGNOSTIC_TESTS.get(diag)
+ if checkf is not None:
+ _check_foo(row, checkf)
+ continue
+ # variously verbose log of what we're not testing:
+ cbdata = base64.b64decode(row['cbor'])
+ try:
+ pd = pyloads(cbdata)
+ except:
+ if rhex and (rhex in _EXPECT_EXCEPTION):
+ pass
+ else:
+ logging.error('failed to py load hex=%s diag=%r', rhex, row.get('diagnostic'), exc_info=True)
+ pd = ''
+ cd = None
+ if cloads is not None:
+ try:
+ cd = cloads(cbdata)
+ except:
+ if rhex and (rhex in _EXPECT_EXCEPTION):
+ pass
+ else:
+ logging.error('failed to c load hex=%s diag=%r', rhex, row.get('diagnostic'), exc_info=True)
+ cd = ''
+ logging.warning('skipping hex=%s diag=%r py=%s c=%s', rhex, row.get('diagnostic'), pd, cd)
+ testfile.close()
+ assert not anyerr
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_usage.py b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_usage.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_usage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division # / => float
+import gc
+import logging
+import os
+import resource
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from cbor.tests.test_cbor import _randob
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ from cbor._cbor import dumps as cdumps
+ from cbor._cbor import loads as cloads
+ from cbor._cbor import dump as cdump
+ from cbor._cbor import load as cload
+except ImportError:
+ # still test what we can without C fast mode
+ logger.warn('testing without C accelerated CBOR', exc_info=True)
+ cdumps, cloads, cdump, cload = None, None, None, None
+_TEST_COUNT = 100000
+_IS_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
+if _IS_PY3:
+ _range = range
+ from io import BytesIO as StringIO
+ _range = xrange
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_dumps_usage(self):
+ '''
+ repeatedly serialize, check that usage doesn't go up
+ '''
+ if cdumps is None:
+ logger.warn('no C dumps(), skipping test_dumps_usage')
+ return
+ start_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history = [start_usage]
+ for o in _range(_TEST_OUTER):
+ for i in _range(_TEST_COUNT):
+ ob = _randob()
+ blob = cdumps(ob)
+ # and silently drop the result. I hope the garbage collector works!
+ t_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history.append(t_usage)
+ end_usage = usage_history[-1]
+ dmaxrss = end_usage.ru_maxrss - start_usage.ru_maxrss
+ didrss = end_usage.ru_idrss - start_usage.ru_idrss
+ dmaxrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_maxrss != 0) and (dmaxrss / end_usage.ru_maxrss)) or 0
+ didrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_idrss != 0) and (didrss / end_usage.ru_idrss)) or 0
+ sys.stderr.write('maxrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_maxrss, end_usage.ru_maxrss, dmaxrss, dmaxrsspct * 100.0))
+ sys.stderr.write('idrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_idrss, end_usage.ru_idrss, didrss, didrsspct * 100.0))
+ assert (dmaxrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_maxrss for x in usage_history]
+ assert (didrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_idrss for x in usage_history]
+ def test_loads_usage(self):
+ '''
+ repeatedly serialize, check that usage doesn't go up
+ '''
+ if (cdumps is None) or (cloads is None):
+ logger.warn('no C fast CBOR, skipping test_loads_usage')
+ return
+ ## Just a string passes!
+ #ob = 'sntaoheusnatoheusnaotehuasnoetuhaosentuhaoesnth'
+ ## Just an array passes!
+ #ob = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,12,13]
+ ## Just a dict passes!
+ #ob = {'a':'b', 'c':'d', 'e':'f', 'g':'h'}
+ # dict of dict is doom!
+ #ob = {'a':{'b':'c', 'd':'e', 'f':'g'}, 'x':'p'}
+ ob = {'aoeu':[1,2,3,4],'foo':'bar','pants':{'foo':0xb44, 'pi':3.14}, 'flubber': [{'x':'y', 'z':[None, 2, []]}, 2, 'hello']}
+ blob = cdumps(ob)
+ start_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history = [start_usage]
+ for o in _range(_TEST_OUTER):
+ for i in _range(_TEST_COUNT):
+ dob = cloads(blob)
+ # and silently drop the result. I hope the garbage collector works!
+ t_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history.append(t_usage)
+ end_usage = usage_history[-1]
+ dmaxrss = end_usage.ru_maxrss - start_usage.ru_maxrss
+ didrss = end_usage.ru_idrss - start_usage.ru_idrss
+ dmaxrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_maxrss != 0) and (dmaxrss / end_usage.ru_maxrss)) or 0
+ didrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_idrss != 0) and (didrss / end_usage.ru_idrss)) or 0
+ sys.stderr.write('maxrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_maxrss, end_usage.ru_maxrss, dmaxrss, dmaxrsspct * 100.0))
+ sys.stderr.write('idrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_idrss, end_usage.ru_idrss, didrss, didrsspct * 100.0))
+ assert (dmaxrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_maxrss for x in usage_history]
+ assert (didrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_idrss for x in usage_history]
+ def test_tempfile(self):
+ '''repeatedly seralize to temp file, then repeatedly deserialize from
+ it, checking usage all along the way.
+ '''
+ if cdump is None:
+ logger.warn('no C dump(), skipping test_tempfile')
+ return
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as ntf:
+ # first, write a bunch to temp file
+ with open(ntf.name, 'wb') as fout:
+ sys.stderr.write('write {!r} {}\n'.format(ntf.name, fout))
+ start_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history = [start_usage]
+ for o in _range(_TEST_OUTER):
+ for i in _range(_TEST_COUNT):
+ ob = _randob()
+ cdump(ob, fout)
+ t_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history.append(t_usage)
+ end_usage = usage_history[-1]
+ dmaxrss = end_usage.ru_maxrss - start_usage.ru_maxrss
+ didrss = end_usage.ru_idrss - start_usage.ru_idrss
+ dmaxrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_maxrss != 0) and (dmaxrss / end_usage.ru_maxrss)) or 0
+ didrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_idrss != 0) and (didrss / end_usage.ru_idrss)) or 0
+ sys.stderr.write('maxrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_maxrss, end_usage.ru_maxrss, dmaxrss, dmaxrsspct * 100.0))
+ sys.stderr.write('idrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_idrss, end_usage.ru_idrss, didrss, didrsspct * 100.0))
+ assert (dmaxrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_maxrss for x in usage_history]
+ assert (didrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_idrss for x in usage_history]
+ sys.stderr.write('{!r} is {} bytes\n'.format(ntf.name, os.path.getsize(ntf.name)))
+ # now, read a bunch back from temp file.
+ with open(ntf.name, 'rb') as fin:
+ sys.stderr.write('read {!r} {}\n'.format(ntf.name, fin))
+ start_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history = [start_usage]
+ for o in _range(_TEST_OUTER):
+ for i in _range(_TEST_COUNT):
+ dob = cload(fin)
+ # and silently drop the result. I hope the garbage collector works!
+ gc.collect()
+ t_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history.append(t_usage)
+ end_usage = usage_history[-1]
+ dmaxrss = end_usage.ru_maxrss - start_usage.ru_maxrss
+ didrss = end_usage.ru_idrss - start_usage.ru_idrss
+ dmaxrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_maxrss != 0) and (dmaxrss / end_usage.ru_maxrss)) or 0
+ didrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_idrss != 0) and (didrss / end_usage.ru_idrss)) or 0
+ sys.stderr.write('maxrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_maxrss, end_usage.ru_maxrss, dmaxrss, dmaxrsspct * 100.0))
+ sys.stderr.write('idrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_idrss, end_usage.ru_idrss, didrss, didrsspct * 100.0))
+ assert (dmaxrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_maxrss for x in usage_history]
+ assert (didrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_idrss for x in usage_history]
+ def test_stringio_usage(self):
+ '''serialize data to StringIO, read it back'''
+ if cdump is None:
+ logger.warn('no C dump(), skipping test_tempfile')
+ return
+ # warmup the rusage, allocate everything!
+ fout = StringIO()
+ sys.stderr.write('write 1 to StringIO\n')
+ oblist = []
+ for o in _range(_TEST_OUTER):
+ for i in _range(_TEST_COUNT):
+ ob = _randob()
+ oblist.append(ob)
+ cdump(ob, fout)
+ # position at start to overwrite, but leave allocated
+ fout.seek(0)
+ sys.stderr.write('write 2 to StringIO\n')
+ start_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history = [start_usage]
+ pos = 0
+ for o in _range(_TEST_OUTER):
+ for i in _range(_TEST_COUNT):
+ ob = oblist[pos]
+ pos += 1
+ cdump(ob, fout)
+ gc.collect()
+ t_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history.append(t_usage)
+ end_usage = usage_history[-1]
+ dmaxrss = end_usage.ru_maxrss - start_usage.ru_maxrss
+ didrss = end_usage.ru_idrss - start_usage.ru_idrss
+ dmaxrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_maxrss != 0) and (dmaxrss / end_usage.ru_maxrss)) or 0
+ didrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_idrss != 0) and (didrss / end_usage.ru_idrss)) or 0
+ sys.stderr.write('maxrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_maxrss, end_usage.ru_maxrss, dmaxrss, dmaxrsspct * 100.0))
+ sys.stderr.write('idrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_idrss, end_usage.ru_idrss, didrss, didrsspct * 100.0))
+ assert (dmaxrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_maxrss for x in usage_history]
+ assert (didrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_idrss for x in usage_history]
+ sys.stderr.write('StringIO is {} bytes\n'.format(fout.tell()))
+ fout.seek(0)
+ fin = fout
+ sys.stderr.write('read StringIO\n')
+ start_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history = [start_usage]
+ for o in _range(_TEST_OUTER):
+ for i in _range(_TEST_COUNT):
+ dob = cload(fin)
+ # and silently drop the result. I hope the garbage collector works!
+ gc.collect()
+ t_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
+ usage_history.append(t_usage)
+ end_usage = usage_history[-1]
+ dmaxrss = end_usage.ru_maxrss - start_usage.ru_maxrss
+ didrss = end_usage.ru_idrss - start_usage.ru_idrss
+ dmaxrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_maxrss != 0) and (dmaxrss / end_usage.ru_maxrss)) or 0
+ didrsspct = ((end_usage.ru_idrss != 0) and (didrss / end_usage.ru_idrss)) or 0
+ sys.stderr.write('maxrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_maxrss, end_usage.ru_maxrss, dmaxrss, dmaxrsspct * 100.0))
+ sys.stderr.write('idrss: {} - {}, d={} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(start_usage.ru_idrss, end_usage.ru_idrss, didrss, didrsspct * 100.0))
+ assert (dmaxrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_maxrss for x in usage_history]
+ assert (didrsspct) < 0.05, [x.ru_idrss for x in usage_history]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_objects.py b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_objects.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_objects.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import base64
+import sys
+import unittest
+from cbor.tagmap import ClassTag, TagMapper, Tag, UnknownTagException
+from cbor.tests.test_cbor import TestPyPy, hexstr
+#except ImportError:
+# from .test_cbor import TestPyPy, hexstr
+class SomeType(object):
+ "target type for translator tests"
+ def __init__(self, a, b):
+ self.a = a
+ self.b = b
+ @staticmethod
+ def to_cbor(ob):
+ assert isinstance(ob, SomeType)
+ return (ob.a, ob.b)
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_cbor(data):
+ return SomeType(*data)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ # why isn't this just the default implementation in the object class?
+ return isinstance(other, type(self)) and (self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)
+class UnknownType(object):
+ pass
+known_tags = [
+ ClassTag(4325, SomeType, SomeType.to_cbor, SomeType.from_cbor)
+class TestObjects(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tx = TagMapper(known_tags)
+ def _oso(self, ob):
+ ser = self.tx.dumps(ob)
+ try:
+ o2 = self.tx.loads(ser)
+ assert ob == o2, '%r != %r from %s' % (ob, o2, base64.b16encode(ser))
+ except Exception as e:
+ sys.stderr.write('failure on buf len={0} {1!r} ob={2!r} {3!r}; {4}\n'.format(len(ser), hexstr(ser), ob, ser, e))
+ raise
+ def test_basic(self):
+ self._oso(SomeType(1,2))
+ def test_unk_fail(self):
+ ok = False
+ try:
+ self.tx.dumps(UnknownType())
+ except:
+ ok = True
+ assert ok
+ def test_tag_passthrough(self):
+ self.tx.raise_on_unknown_tag = False
+ self._oso(Tag(1234, 'aoeu'))
+ def test_unk_tag_fail(self):
+ ok = False
+ self.tx.raise_on_unknown_tag = True
+ try:
+ self._oso(Tag(1234, 'aoeu'))
+ except UnknownTagException as ute:
+ ok = True
+ ok = False
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_cbor.py b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_cbor.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/test_cbor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import base64
+import datetime
+import json
+import logging
+import random
+import sys
+import time
+import unittest
+import zlib
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from cbor.cbor import dumps as pydumps
+from cbor.cbor import loads as pyloads
+from cbor.cbor import dump as pydump
+from cbor.cbor import load as pyload
+from cbor.cbor import Tag
+ from cbor._cbor import dumps as cdumps
+ from cbor._cbor import loads as cloads
+ from cbor._cbor import dump as cdump
+ from cbor._cbor import load as cload
+except ImportError:
+ # still test what we can without C fast mode
+ logger.warn('testing without C accelerated CBOR', exc_info=True)
+ cdumps, cloads, cdump, cload = None, None, None, None
+_IS_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
+if _IS_PY3:
+ _range = range
+ from io import BytesIO as StringIO
+ _range = xrange
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+class TestRoot(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def loads(cls, *args):
+ return cls._ld[0](*args)
+ @classmethod
+ def dumps(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ return cls._ld[1](*args, **kwargs)
+ @classmethod
+ def speediterations(cls):
+ return cls._ld[2]
+ @classmethod
+ def load(cls, *args):
+ return cls._ld[3](*args)
+ @classmethod
+ def dump(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ return cls._ld[4](*args, **kwargs)
+ @classmethod
+ def testable(cls):
+ ok = (cls._ld[0] is not None) and (cls._ld[1] is not None) and (cls._ld[3] is not None) and (cls._ld[4] is not None)
+ if not ok:
+ logger.warn('non-testable case %s skipped', cls.__name__)
+ return ok
+# Can't set class level function pointers, because then they expect a
+# (cls) first argument. So, toss them in a list to hide them.
+class TestPyPy(TestRoot):
+ _ld = [pyloads, pydumps, 1000, pyload, pydump]
+class TestPyC(TestRoot):
+ _ld = [pyloads, cdumps, 2000, pyload, cdump]
+class TestCPy(TestRoot):
+ _ld = [cloads, pydumps, 2000, cload, pydump]
+class TestCC(TestRoot):
+ _ld = [cloads, cdumps, 150000, cload, cdump]
+if _IS_PY3:
+ def _join_jsers(jsers):
+ return (''.join(jsers)).encode('utf8')
+ def hexstr(bs):
+ return ' '.join(map(lambda x: '{0:02x}'.format(x), bs))
+ def _join_jsers(jsers):
+ return b''.join(jsers)
+ def hexstr(bs):
+ return ' '.join(map(lambda x: '{0:02x}'.format(ord(x)), bs))
+class XTestCBOR(object):
+ def _oso(self, ob):
+ ser = self.dumps(ob)
+ try:
+ o2 = self.loads(ser)
+ assert ob == o2, '%r != %r from %s' % (ob, o2, base64.b16encode(ser))
+ except Exception as e:
+ sys.stderr.write('failure on buf len={0} {1!r} ob={2!r} {3!r}; {4}\n'.format(len(ser), hexstr(ser), ob, ser, e))
+ raise
+ def _osos(self, ob):
+ obs = self.dumps(ob)
+ o2 = self.loads(obs)
+ o2s = self.dumps(o2)
+ assert obs == o2s
+ def _oso_bytearray(self, ob):
+ ser = self.dumps(ob)
+ try:
+ o2 = self.loads(bytearray(ser))
+ assert ob == o2, '%r != %r from %s' % (ob, o2, base64.b16encode(ser))
+ except Exception as e:
+ sys.stderr.write('failure on buf len={0} {1!r} ob={2!r} {3!r}; {4}\n'.format(len(ser), hexstr(ser), ob, ser, e))
+ raise
+ test_objects = [
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ True,
+ False,
+ None,
+ -1,
+ -1.5,
+ 1.5,
+ 1000,
+ -1000,
+ 1000000000,
+ 2376030000,
+ -1000000000,
+ 1000000000000000,
+ -1000000000000000,
+ [],
+ [1,2,3],
+ {},
+ b'aoeu1234\x00\xff',
+ u'åöéûã®ããäº',
+ b'',
+ u'',
+ Tag(1234, 'aoeu'),
+ ]
+ def test_basic(self):
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ for ob in self.test_objects:
+ self._oso(ob)
+ def test_basic_bytearray(self):
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ xoso = self._oso
+ self._oso = self._oso_bytearray
+ try:
+ self.test_basic()
+ finally:
+ self._oso = xoso
+ def test_random_ints(self):
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ icount = self.speediterations()
+ for i in _range(icount):
+ v = random.randint(-4294967295, 0xffffffff)
+ self._oso(v)
+ oldv = []
+ for i in _range(int(icount / 10)):
+ v = random.randint(-1000000000000000000000, 1000000000000000000000)
+ self._oso(v)
+ oldv.append(v)
+ def test_randobs(self):
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ icount = self.speediterations()
+ for i in _range(icount):
+ ob = _randob()
+ self._oso(ob)
+ def test_tuple(self):
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ l = [1,2,3]
+ t = tuple(l)
+ ser = self.dumps(t)
+ o2 = self.loads(ser)
+ assert l == o2
+ def test_speed_vs_json(self):
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ # It should be noted that the python standard library has a C implementation of key parts of json encoding and decoding
+ icount = self.speediterations()
+ obs = [_randob_notag() for x in _range(icount)]
+ st = time.time()
+ bsers = [self.dumps(o) for o in obs]
+ nt = time.time()
+ cbor_ser_time = nt - st
+ jsers = [json.dumps(o) for o in obs]
+ jt = time.time()
+ json_ser_time = jt - nt
+ cbor_byte_count = sum(map(len, bsers))
+ json_byte_count = sum(map(len, jsers))
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ 'serialized {nobs} objects into {cb} cbor bytes in {ct:.2f} seconds ({cops:.2f}/s, {cbps:.1f}B/s) and {jb} json bytes in {jt:.2f} seconds ({jops:.2f}/s, {jbps:.1f}B/s)\n'.format(
+ nobs=len(obs),
+ cb=cbor_byte_count,
+ ct=cbor_ser_time,
+ cops=len(obs) / cbor_ser_time,
+ cbps=cbor_byte_count / cbor_ser_time,
+ jb=json_byte_count,
+ jt=json_ser_time,
+ jops=len(obs) / json_ser_time,
+ jbps=json_byte_count / json_ser_time))
+ bsersz = zlib.compress(b''.join(bsers))
+ jsersz = zlib.compress(_join_jsers(jsers))
+ sys.stderr.write('compress to {0} bytes cbor.gz and {1} bytes json.gz\n'.format(
+ len(bsersz), len(jsersz)))
+ st = time.time()
+ bo2 = [self.loads(b) for b in bsers]
+ bt = time.time()
+ cbor_load_time = bt - st
+ jo2 = [json.loads(b) for b in jsers]
+ jt = time.time()
+ json_load_time = jt - bt
+ sys.stderr.write('load {nobs} objects from cbor in {ct:.2f} secs ({cops:.2f}/sec, {cbps:.1f}B/s) and json in {jt:.2f} ({jops:.2f}/sec, {jbps:.1f}B/s)\n'.format(
+ nobs=len(obs),
+ ct=cbor_load_time,
+ cops=len(obs) / cbor_load_time,
+ cbps=cbor_byte_count / cbor_load_time,
+ jt=json_load_time,
+ jops=len(obs) / json_load_time,
+ jbps=json_byte_count / json_load_time
+ ))
+ def test_loads_none(self):
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ try:
+ ob = self.loads(None)
+ assert False, "expected ValueError when passing in None"
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_concat(self):
+ "Test that we can concatenate output and retrieve the objects back out."
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ self._oso(self.test_objects)
+ fob = StringIO()
+ for ob in self.test_objects:
+ self.dump(ob, fob)
+ fob.seek(0)
+ obs2 = []
+ try:
+ while True:
+ obs2.append(self.load(fob))
+ except EOFError:
+ pass
+ assert obs2 == self.test_objects
+ # TODO: find more bad strings with which to fuzz CBOR
+ def test_badread(self):
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ try:
+ ob = self.loads(b'\xff')
+ assert False, 'badread should have failed'
+ except ValueError as ve:
+ #logger.info('error', exc_info=True)
+ pass
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logger.info('unexpected error!', exc_info=True)
+ assert False, 'unexpected error' + str(ex)
+ def test_datetime(self):
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ # right now we're just testing that it's possible to dumps()
+ # Tag(0,...) because there was a bug around that.
+ xb = self.dumps(Tag(0, datetime.datetime(1984,1,24,23,22,21).isoformat()))
+ def test_sortkeys(self):
+ if not self.testable(): return
+ obytes = []
+ xbytes = []
+ for n in _range(2, 27):
+ ob = {u'{:02x}'.format(x):x for x in _range(n)}
+ obytes.append(self.dumps(ob, sort_keys=True))
+ xbytes.append(self.dumps(ob, sort_keys=False))
+ allOGood = True
+ someXMiss = False
+ for i, g in enumerate(_GOLDEN_SORTED_KEYS_BYTES):
+ if g != obytes[i]:
+ logger.error('bad sorted result, wanted %r got %r', g, obytes[i])
+ allOGood = False
+ if g != xbytes[i]:
+ someXMiss = True
+ assert allOGood
+ assert someXMiss
+def gen_sorted_bytes():
+ for n in _range(2, 27):
+ sys.stdout.write(repr(cbor.dumps({u'{:02x}'.format(x):x for x in _range(n)}, sort_keys=True)) + ',\n')
+def gen_unsorted_bytes():
+ for n in _range(2, 27):
+ sys.stdout.write(repr(cbor.dumps({u'{:02x}'.format(x):x for x in _range(n)}, sort_keys=False)) + ',\n')
+class TestCBORPyPy(unittest.TestCase, XTestCBOR, TestPyPy):
+ pass
+class TestCBORCPy(unittest.TestCase, XTestCBOR, TestCPy):
+ pass
+class TestCBORPyC(unittest.TestCase, XTestCBOR, TestPyC):
+ pass
+class TestCBORCC(unittest.TestCase, XTestCBOR, TestCC):
+ pass
+def _randob():
+ return _randob_x(_randob_probabilities, _randob_probsum, _randob)
+def _randob_notag():
+ return _randob_x(_randob_probabilities_notag, _randob_notag_probsum, _randob_notag)
+def _randArray(randob=_randob):
+ return [randob() for x in _range(random.randint(0,5))]
+_chars = [chr(x) for x in _range(ord(' '), ord('~'))]
+def _randStringOrBytes(randob=_randob):
+ tstr = ''.join([random.choice(_chars) for x in _range(random.randint(1,10))])
+ if random.randint(0,1) == 1:
+ if _IS_PY3:
+ # default str is unicode
+ # sometimes squash to bytes
+ return tstr.encode('utf8')
+ else:
+ # default str is bytes
+ # sometimes promote to unicode string
+ return tstr.decode('utf8')
+ return tstr
+def _randString(randob=_randob):
+ return ''.join([random.choice(_chars) for x in _range(random.randint(1,10))])
+def _randDict(randob=_randob):
+ ob = {}
+ for x in _range(random.randint(0,5)):
+ ob[_randString()] = randob()
+ return ob
+def _randTag(randob=_randob):
+ t = Tag()
+ # Tags 0..36 are know standard things we might implement special
+ # decoding for. This number will grow over time, and this test
+ # need to be adjusted to only assign unclaimed tags for Tag<->Tag
+ # encode-decode testing.
+ t.tag = random.randint(37, 1000000)
+ t.value = randob()
+ return t
+def _randInt(randob=_randob):
+ return random.randint(-4294967295, 4294967295)
+def _randBignum(randob=_randob):
+ return random.randint(-1000000000000000000000, 1000000000000000000000)
+def _randFloat(randob=_randob):
+ return random.random()
+_CONSTANTS = (True, False, None)
+def _randConst(randob=_randob):
+ return random.choice(_CONSTANTS)
+_randob_probabilities = [
+ (0.1, _randDict),
+ (0.1, _randTag),
+ (0.2, _randArray),
+ (0.3, _randStringOrBytes),
+ (0.3, _randInt),
+ (0.2, _randBignum),
+ (0.2, _randFloat),
+ (0.2, _randConst),
+_randob_probsum = sum([x[0] for x in _randob_probabilities])
+_randob_probabilities_notag = [
+ (0.1, _randDict),
+ (0.2, _randArray),
+ (0.3, _randString),
+ (0.3, _randInt),
+ (0.2, _randBignum),
+ (0.2, _randFloat),
+ (0.2, _randConst),
+_randob_notag_probsum = sum([x[0] for x in _randob_probabilities_notag])
+def _randob_x(probs=_randob_probabilities, probsum=_randob_probsum, randob=_randob):
+ pos = random.uniform(0, probsum)
+ for p, op in probs:
+ if pos < p:
+ return op(randob)
+ pos -= p
+ return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/__init__.py b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tagmap.py b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tagmap.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/tagmap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ # try C library _cbor.so
+ from ._cbor import loads, dumps, load, dump
+ # fall back to 100% python implementation
+ from .cbor import loads, dumps, load, dump
+from .cbor import Tag, CBOR_TAG_CBOR, _IS_PY3
+class ClassTag(object):
+ '''
+ For some CBOR tag_number, encode/decode Python class_type.
+ class_type manily used for isintance(foo, class_type)
+ Call encode_function() taking a Python instance and returning CBOR primitive types.
+ Call decode_function() on CBOR primitive types and return an instance of the Python class_type (a factory function).
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, tag_number, class_type, encode_function, decode_function):
+ self.tag_number = tag_number
+ self.class_type = class_type
+ self.encode_function = encode_function
+ self.decode_function = decode_function
+# TODO: This would be more efficient if it moved into cbor.py and
+# cbormodule.c, happening inline so that there is only one traversal
+# of the objects. But that would require two implementations. When
+# this API has been used more and can be considered settled I should
+# do that. -- Brian Olson 20140917_172229
+class TagMapper(object):
+ '''
+ Translate Python objects and CBOR tagged data.
+ Use the CBOR TAG system to note that some data is of a certain class.
+ Dump while translating Python objects into a CBOR compatible representation.
+ Load and translate CBOR primitives back into Python objects.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, class_tags=None, raise_on_unknown_tag=False):
+ '''
+ class_tags: list of ClassTag objects
+ '''
+ self.class_tags = class_tags
+ self.raise_on_unknown_tag = raise_on_unknown_tag
+ def encode(self, obj):
+ for ct in self.class_tags:
+ if (ct.class_type is None) or (ct.encode_function is None):
+ continue
+ if isinstance(obj, ct.class_type):
+ return Tag(ct.tag_number, ct.encode_function(obj))
+ if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+ return [self.encode(x) for x in obj]
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ # assume key is a primitive
+ # can't do this in Python 2.6:
+ #return {k:self.encode(v) for k,v in obj.iteritems()}
+ out = {}
+ if _IS_PY3:
+ items = obj.items()
+ else:
+ items = obj.iteritems()
+ for k,v in items:
+ out[k] = self.encode(v)
+ return out
+ # fall through, let underlying cbor.dump decide if it can encode object
+ return obj
+ def decode(self, obj):
+ if isinstance(obj, Tag):
+ for ct in self.class_tags:
+ if ct.tag_number == obj.tag:
+ return ct.decode_function(obj.value)
+ # unknown Tag
+ if self.raise_on_unknown_tag:
+ raise UnknownTagException(str(obj.tag))
+ # otherwise, pass it through
+ return obj
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ # update in place. cbor only decodes to list, not tuple
+ for i,v in enumerate(obj):
+ obj[i] = self.decode(v)
+ return obj
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ # update in place
+ if _IS_PY3:
+ items = obj.items()
+ else:
+ items = obj.iteritems()
+ for k,v in items:
+ # assume key is a primitive
+ obj[k] = self.decode(v)
+ return obj
+ # non-recursive object (num,bool,blob,string)
+ return obj
+ def dump(self, obj, fp):
+ dump(self.encode(obj), fp)
+ def dumps(self, obj):
+ return dumps(self.encode(obj))
+ def load(self, fp):
+ return self.decode(load(fp))
+ def loads(self, blob):
+ return self.decode(loads(blob))
+class WrappedCBOR(ClassTag):
+ """Handles Tag 24, where a byte array is sub encoded CBOR.
+ Unpacks sub encoded object on finding such a tag.
+ Does not convert anyting into such a tag.
+ Usage:
+>>> import cbor
+>>> import cbor.tagmap
+>>> tm=cbor.TagMapper([cbor.tagmap.WrappedCBOR()])
+>>> x = cbor.dumps(cbor.Tag(24, cbor.dumps({"a":[1,2,3]})))
+>>> x
+>>> tm.loads(x)
+{'a': [1L, 2L, 3L]}
+>>> cbor.loads(x)
+Tag(24L, '\xa1Aa\x83\x01\x02\x03')
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(WrappedCBOR, self).__init__(CBOR_TAG_CBOR, None, None, loads)
+ @staticmethod
+ def wrap(ob):
+ return Tag(CBOR_TAG_CBOR, dumps(ob))
+ @staticmethod
+ def dump(ob, fp):
+ return dump(Tag(CBOR_TAG_CBOR, dumps(ob)), fp)
+ @staticmethod
+ def dumps(ob):
+ return dumps(Tag(CBOR_TAG_CBOR, dumps(ob)))
+class UnknownTagException(BaseException):
+ pass
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/cbor.py b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/cbor.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/cbor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+# -*- Python -*-
+import datetime
+import re
+import struct
+import sys
+_IS_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
+if _IS_PY3:
+ from io import BytesIO as StringIO
+ try:
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+ except:
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+CBOR_TYPE_MASK = 0xE0 # top 3 bits
+CBOR_INFO_BITS = 0x1F # low 5 bits
+CBOR_UINT = 0x00
+CBOR_BYTES = 0x40
+CBOR_TEXT = 0x60
+CBOR_ARRAY = 0x80
+CBOR_MAP = 0xA0
+CBOR_TAG = 0xC0
+CBOR_7 = 0xE0 # float and other types
+CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS = 24 # 0x18
+CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS = 25 # 0x19
+CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS = 26 # 0x1a
+CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS = 27 # 0x1b
+CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS = 31 # 0x1f
+CBOR_FALSE = (CBOR_7 | 20)
+CBOR_TRUE = (CBOR_7 | 21)
+CBOR_NULL = (CBOR_7 | 22)
+CBOR_UNDEFINED = (CBOR_7 | 23) # js 'undefined' value
+CBOR_FLOAT16 = (CBOR_7 | 25)
+CBOR_FLOAT32 = (CBOR_7 | 26)
+CBOR_FLOAT64 = (CBOR_7 | 27)
+CBOR_TAG_DATE_ARRAY = 1 # any number type follows, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC
+CBOR_TAG_BIGNUM = 2 # big endian byte string follows
+CBOR_TAG_NEGBIGNUM = 3 # big endian byte string follows
+CBOR_TAG_DECIMAL = 4 # [ 10^x exponent, number ]
+CBOR_TAG_BIGFLOAT = 5 # [ 2^x exponent, number ]
+CBOR_TAG_CBOR = 24 # following byte string is embedded CBOR data
+CBOR_TAG_MIME = 36 # following text is MIME message, headers, separators and all
+CBOR_TAG_CBOR_FILEHEADER = 55799 # can open a file with 0xd9d9f7
+def dumps_int(val):
+ "return bytes representing int val in CBOR"
+ if val >= 0:
+ # CBOR_UINT is 0, so I'm lazy/efficient about not OR-ing it in.
+ if val <= 23:
+ return struct.pack('B', val)
+ if val <= 0x0ff:
+ return struct.pack('BB', CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS, val)
+ if val <= 0x0ffff:
+ return struct.pack('!BH', CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS, val)
+ if val <= 0x0ffffffff:
+ return struct.pack('!BI', CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS, val)
+ if val <= 0x0ffffffffffffffff:
+ return struct.pack('!BQ', CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS, val)
+ outb = _dumps_bignum_to_bytearray(val)
+ return _CBOR_TAG_BIGNUM_BYTES + _encode_type_num(CBOR_BYTES, len(outb)) + outb
+ val = -1 - val
+ return _encode_type_num(CBOR_NEGINT, val)
+if _IS_PY3:
+ def _dumps_bignum_to_bytearray(val):
+ out = []
+ while val > 0:
+ out.insert(0, val & 0x0ff)
+ val = val >> 8
+ return bytes(out)
+ def _dumps_bignum_to_bytearray(val):
+ out = []
+ while val > 0:
+ out.insert(0, chr(val & 0x0ff))
+ val = val >> 8
+ return b''.join(out)
+def dumps_float(val):
+ return struct.pack("!Bd", CBOR_FLOAT64, val)
+def _encode_type_num(cbor_type, val):
+ """For some CBOR primary type [0..7] and an auxiliary unsigned number, return CBOR encoded bytes"""
+ assert val >= 0
+ if val <= 23:
+ return struct.pack('B', cbor_type | val)
+ if val <= 0x0ff:
+ return struct.pack('BB', cbor_type | CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS, val)
+ if val <= 0x0ffff:
+ return struct.pack('!BH', cbor_type | CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS, val)
+ if val <= 0x0ffffffff:
+ return struct.pack('!BI', cbor_type | CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS, val)
+ if (((cbor_type == CBOR_NEGINT) and (val <= 0x07fffffffffffffff)) or
+ ((cbor_type != CBOR_NEGINT) and (val <= 0x0ffffffffffffffff))):
+ return struct.pack('!BQ', cbor_type | CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS, val)
+ if cbor_type != CBOR_NEGINT:
+ raise Exception("value too big for CBOR unsigned number: {0!r}".format(val))
+ outb = _dumps_bignum_to_bytearray(val)
+ return _CBOR_TAG_NEGBIGNUM_BYTES + _encode_type_num(CBOR_BYTES, len(outb)) + outb
+if _IS_PY3:
+ def _is_unicode(val):
+ return isinstance(val, str)
+ def _is_unicode(val):
+ return isinstance(val, unicode)
+def dumps_string(val, is_text=None, is_bytes=None):
+ if _is_unicode(val):
+ val = val.encode('utf8')
+ is_text = True
+ is_bytes = False
+ if (is_bytes) or not (is_text == True):
+ return _encode_type_num(CBOR_BYTES, len(val)) + val
+ return _encode_type_num(CBOR_TEXT, len(val)) + val
+def dumps_array(arr, sort_keys=False):
+ head = _encode_type_num(CBOR_ARRAY, len(arr))
+ parts = [dumps(x, sort_keys=sort_keys) for x in arr]
+ return head + b''.join(parts)
+if _IS_PY3:
+ def dumps_dict(d, sort_keys=False):
+ head = _encode_type_num(CBOR_MAP, len(d))
+ parts = [head]
+ if sort_keys:
+ for k in sorted(d.keys()):
+ v = d[k]
+ parts.append(dumps(k, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+ parts.append(dumps(v, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+ else:
+ for k,v in d.items():
+ parts.append(dumps(k, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+ parts.append(dumps(v, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+ return b''.join(parts)
+ def dumps_dict(d, sort_keys=False):
+ head = _encode_type_num(CBOR_MAP, len(d))
+ parts = [head]
+ if sort_keys:
+ for k in sorted(d.iterkeys()):
+ v = d[k]
+ parts.append(dumps(k, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+ parts.append(dumps(v, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+ else:
+ for k,v in d.iteritems():
+ parts.append(dumps(k, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+ parts.append(dumps(v, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+ return b''.join(parts)
+def dumps_bool(b):
+ if b:
+ return struct.pack('B', CBOR_TRUE)
+ return struct.pack('B', CBOR_FALSE)
+def dumps_tag(t, sort_keys=False):
+ return _encode_type_num(CBOR_TAG, t.tag) + dumps(t.value, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+if _IS_PY3:
+ def _is_stringish(x):
+ return isinstance(x, (str, bytes))
+ def _is_intish(x):
+ return isinstance(x, int)
+ def _is_stringish(x):
+ return isinstance(x, (str, basestring, bytes, unicode))
+ def _is_intish(x):
+ return isinstance(x, (int, long))
+def dumps(ob, sort_keys=False):
+ if ob is None:
+ return struct.pack('B', CBOR_NULL)
+ if isinstance(ob, bool):
+ return dumps_bool(ob)
+ if _is_stringish(ob):
+ return dumps_string(ob)
+ if isinstance(ob, (list, tuple)):
+ return dumps_array(ob, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+ # TODO: accept other enumerables and emit a variable length array
+ if isinstance(ob, dict):
+ return dumps_dict(ob, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+ if isinstance(ob, float):
+ return dumps_float(ob)
+ if _is_intish(ob):
+ return dumps_int(ob)
+ if isinstance(ob, Tag):
+ return dumps_tag(ob, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+ raise Exception("don't know how to cbor serialize object of type %s", type(ob))
+# same basic signature as json.dump, but with no options (yet)
+def dump(obj, fp, sort_keys=False):
+ """
+ obj: Python object to serialize
+ fp: file-like object capable of .write(bytes)
+ """
+ # this is kinda lame, but probably not inefficient for non-huge objects
+ # TODO: .write() to fp as we go as each inner object is serialized
+ blob = dumps(obj, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+ fp.write(blob)
+class Tag(object):
+ def __init__(self, tag=None, value=None):
+ self.tag = tag
+ self.value = value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Tag({0!r}, {1!r})".format(self.tag, self.value)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, Tag):
+ return False
+ return (self.tag == other.tag) and (self.value == other.value)
+def loads(data):
+ """
+ Parse CBOR bytes and return Python objects.
+ """
+ if data is None:
+ raise ValueError("got None for buffer to decode in loads")
+ fp = StringIO(data)
+ return _loads(fp)[0]
+def load(fp):
+ """
+ Parse and return object from fp, a file-like object supporting .read(n)
+ """
+ return _loads(fp)[0]
+_MAX_DEPTH = 100
+def _tag_aux(fp, tb):
+ bytes_read = 1
+ tag = tb & CBOR_TYPE_MASK
+ tag_aux = tb & CBOR_INFO_BITS
+ if tag_aux <= 23:
+ aux = tag_aux
+ elif tag_aux == CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS:
+ data = fp.read(1)
+ aux = struct.unpack_from("!B", data, 0)[0]
+ bytes_read += 1
+ elif tag_aux == CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS:
+ data = fp.read(2)
+ aux = struct.unpack_from("!H", data, 0)[0]
+ bytes_read += 2
+ elif tag_aux == CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS:
+ data = fp.read(4)
+ aux = struct.unpack_from("!I", data, 0)[0]
+ bytes_read += 4
+ elif tag_aux == CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS:
+ data = fp.read(8)
+ aux = struct.unpack_from("!Q", data, 0)[0]
+ bytes_read += 8
+ else:
+ assert tag_aux == CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS, "bogus tag {0:02x}".format(tb)
+ aux = None
+ return tag, tag_aux, aux, bytes_read
+def _read_byte(fp):
+ tb = fp.read(1)
+ if len(tb) == 0:
+ # I guess not all file-like objects do this
+ raise EOFError()
+ return ord(tb)
+def _loads_var_array(fp, limit, depth, returntags, bytes_read):
+ ob = []
+ tb = _read_byte(fp)
+ while tb != CBOR_BREAK:
+ (subob, sub_len) = _loads_tb(fp, tb, limit, depth, returntags)
+ bytes_read += 1 + sub_len
+ ob.append(subob)
+ tb = _read_byte(fp)
+ return (ob, bytes_read + 1)
+def _loads_var_map(fp, limit, depth, returntags, bytes_read):
+ ob = {}
+ tb = _read_byte(fp)
+ while tb != CBOR_BREAK:
+ (subk, sub_len) = _loads_tb(fp, tb, limit, depth, returntags)
+ bytes_read += 1 + sub_len
+ (subv, sub_len) = _loads(fp, limit, depth, returntags)
+ bytes_read += sub_len
+ ob[subk] = subv
+ tb = _read_byte(fp)
+ return (ob, bytes_read + 1)
+if _IS_PY3:
+ def _loads_array(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read):
+ ob = []
+ for i in range(aux):
+ subob, subpos = _loads(fp)
+ bytes_read += subpos
+ ob.append(subob)
+ return ob, bytes_read
+ def _loads_map(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read):
+ ob = {}
+ for i in range(aux):
+ subk, subpos = _loads(fp)
+ bytes_read += subpos
+ subv, subpos = _loads(fp)
+ bytes_read += subpos
+ ob[subk] = subv
+ return ob, bytes_read
+ def _loads_array(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read):
+ ob = []
+ for i in xrange(aux):
+ subob, subpos = _loads(fp)
+ bytes_read += subpos
+ ob.append(subob)
+ return ob, bytes_read
+ def _loads_map(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read):
+ ob = {}
+ for i in xrange(aux):
+ subk, subpos = _loads(fp)
+ bytes_read += subpos
+ subv, subpos = _loads(fp)
+ bytes_read += subpos
+ ob[subk] = subv
+ return ob, bytes_read
+def _loads(fp, limit=None, depth=0, returntags=False):
+ "return (object, bytes read)"
+ if depth > _MAX_DEPTH:
+ raise Exception("hit CBOR loads recursion depth limit")
+ tb = _read_byte(fp)
+ return _loads_tb(fp, tb, limit, depth, returntags)
+def _loads_tb(fp, tb, limit=None, depth=0, returntags=False):
+ # Some special cases of CBOR_7 best handled by special struct.unpack logic here
+ if tb == CBOR_FLOAT16:
+ data = fp.read(2)
+ hibyte, lowbyte = struct.unpack_from("BB", data, 0)
+ exp = (hibyte >> 2) & 0x1F
+ mant = ((hibyte & 0x03) << 8) | lowbyte
+ if exp == 0:
+ val = mant * (2.0 ** -24)
+ elif exp == 31:
+ if mant == 0:
+ val = float('Inf')
+ else:
+ val = float('NaN')
+ else:
+ val = (mant + 1024.0) * (2 ** (exp - 25))
+ if hibyte & 0x80:
+ val = -1.0 * val
+ return (val, 3)
+ elif tb == CBOR_FLOAT32:
+ data = fp.read(4)
+ pf = struct.unpack_from("!f", data, 0)
+ return (pf[0], 5)
+ elif tb == CBOR_FLOAT64:
+ data = fp.read(8)
+ pf = struct.unpack_from("!d", data, 0)
+ return (pf[0], 9)
+ tag, tag_aux, aux, bytes_read = _tag_aux(fp, tb)
+ if tag == CBOR_UINT:
+ return (aux, bytes_read)
+ elif tag == CBOR_NEGINT:
+ return (-1 - aux, bytes_read)
+ elif tag == CBOR_BYTES:
+ ob, subpos = loads_bytes(fp, aux)
+ return (ob, bytes_read + subpos)
+ elif tag == CBOR_TEXT:
+ raw, subpos = loads_bytes(fp, aux, btag=CBOR_TEXT)
+ ob = raw.decode('utf8')
+ return (ob, bytes_read + subpos)
+ elif tag == CBOR_ARRAY:
+ if aux is None:
+ return _loads_var_array(fp, limit, depth, returntags, bytes_read)
+ return _loads_array(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read)
+ elif tag == CBOR_MAP:
+ if aux is None:
+ return _loads_var_map(fp, limit, depth, returntags, bytes_read)
+ return _loads_map(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read)
+ elif tag == CBOR_TAG:
+ ob, subpos = _loads(fp)
+ bytes_read += subpos
+ if returntags:
+ # Don't interpret the tag, return it and the tagged object.
+ ob = Tag(aux, ob)
+ else:
+ # attempt to interpet the tag and the value into a Python object.
+ ob = tagify(ob, aux)
+ return ob, bytes_read
+ elif tag == CBOR_7:
+ if tb == CBOR_TRUE:
+ return (True, bytes_read)
+ if tb == CBOR_FALSE:
+ return (False, bytes_read)
+ if tb == CBOR_NULL:
+ return (None, bytes_read)
+ if tb == CBOR_UNDEFINED:
+ return (None, bytes_read)
+ raise ValueError("unknown cbor tag 7 byte: {:02x}".format(tb))
+def loads_bytes(fp, aux, btag=CBOR_BYTES):
+ # TODO: limit to some maximum number of chunks and some maximum total bytes
+ if aux is not None:
+ # simple case
+ ob = fp.read(aux)
+ return (ob, aux)
+ # read chunks of bytes
+ chunklist = []
+ total_bytes_read = 0
+ while True:
+ tb = fp.read(1)[0]
+ if not _IS_PY3:
+ tb = ord(tb)
+ if tb == CBOR_BREAK:
+ total_bytes_read += 1
+ break
+ tag, tag_aux, aux, bytes_read = _tag_aux(fp, tb)
+ assert tag == btag, 'variable length value contains unexpected component'
+ ob = fp.read(aux)
+ chunklist.append(ob)
+ total_bytes_read += bytes_read + aux
+ return (b''.join(chunklist), total_bytes_read)
+if _IS_PY3:
+ def _bytes_to_biguint(bs):
+ out = 0
+ for ch in bs:
+ out = out << 8
+ out = out | ch
+ return out
+ def _bytes_to_biguint(bs):
+ out = 0
+ for ch in bs:
+ out = out << 8
+ out = out | ord(ch)
+ return out
+def tagify(ob, aux):
+ # TODO: make this extensible?
+ # cbor.register_tag_handler(tagnumber, tag_handler)
+ # where tag_handler takes (tagnumber, tagged_object)
+ # TODO: parse RFC3339 date string
+ pass
+ if aux == CBOR_TAG_DATE_ARRAY:
+ return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ob)
+ if aux == CBOR_TAG_BIGNUM:
+ return _bytes_to_biguint(ob)
+ return -1 - _bytes_to_biguint(ob)
+ if aux == CBOR_TAG_REGEX:
+ # Is this actually a good idea? Should we just return the tag and the raw value to the user somehow?
+ return re.compile(ob)
+ return Tag(aux, ob)
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/__init__.py b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ # try C library _cbor.so
+ from ._cbor import loads, dumps, load, dump
+ # fall back to 100% python implementation
+ from .cbor import loads, dumps, load, dump
+from .cbor import Tag
+from .tagmap import TagMapper, ClassTag, UnknownTagException
+from .VERSION import __doc__ as __version__
+__all__ = [
+ 'loads', 'dumps', 'load', 'dump',
+ 'Tag',
+ 'TagMapper', 'ClassTag', 'UnknownTagException',
+ '__version__',
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/VERSION.py b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/VERSION.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/cbor/VERSION.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/c/cbormodule.c b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/c/cbormodule.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/c/cbormodule.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1491 @@
+#include "Python.h"
+#include "cbor.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+//#include <stdio.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+// causes things to be written to stderr
+#define DEBUG_LOGGING 0
+//#define DEBUG_LOGGING 1
+#ifdef Py_InitModule
+// Python 2.7
+#define HAS_FILE_READER 1
+#define IS_PY3 0
+#define HAS_FILE_READER 0
+#define IS_PY3 1
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int sort_keys;
+} EncodeOptions;
+// Hey Look! It's a polymorphic object structure in C!
+// read(, len): read len bytes and return in buffer, or NULL on error
+// read1(, uint8_t*): read one byte and return 0 on success
+// return_buffer(, *): release result of read(, len)
+// delete(): destructor. free thiz and contents.
+ void* (*read)(void* self, Py_ssize_t len); \
+ int (*read1)(void* self, uint8_t* oneByte); \
+ void (*return_buffer)(void* self, void* buffer); \
+ void (*delete)(void* self);
+#define SET_READER_FUNCTIONS(thiz, clazz) (thiz)->read = clazz##_read;\
+ (thiz)->read1 = clazz##_read1;\
+ (thiz)->return_buffer = clazz##_return_buffer;\
+ (thiz)->delete = clazz##_delete;
+typedef struct _Reader {
+} Reader;
+static Reader* NewBufferReader(PyObject* ob);
+static Reader* NewObjectReader(PyObject* ob);
+static Reader* NewFileReader(PyObject* ob);
+static PyObject* loads_tag(Reader* rin, uint64_t aux);
+static int loads_kv(PyObject* out, Reader* rin);
+typedef struct VarBufferPart {
+ void* start;
+ uint64_t len;
+ struct VarBufferPart* next;
+} VarBufferPart;
+static int logprintf(const char* fmt, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ int ret;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ ret = vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+ ret = 0;
+ va_end(ap);
+ return ret;
+// TODO: portably work this out at compile time
+static int _is_big_endian = 0;
+static int is_big_endian(void) {
+ uint32_t val = 1234;
+ _is_big_endian = val == htonl(val);
+ //logprintf("is_big_endian=%d\n", _is_big_endian);
+ return _is_big_endian;
+PyObject* decodeFloat16(Reader* rin) {
+ // float16 parsing adapted from example code in spec
+ uint8_t hibyte, lobyte;// = raw[pos];
+ int err;
+ int exp;
+ int mant;
+ double val;
+ err = rin->read1(rin, &hibyte);
+ if (err) { logprintf("fail in float16[0]\n"); return NULL; }
+ err = rin->read1(rin, &lobyte);
+ if (err) { logprintf("fail in float16[1]\n"); return NULL; }
+ exp = (hibyte >> 2) & 0x1f;
+ mant = ((hibyte & 0x3) << 8) | lobyte;
+ if (exp == 0) {
+ val = ldexp(mant, -24);
+ } else if (exp != 31) {
+ val = ldexp(mant + 1024, exp - 25);
+ } else {
+ val = mant == 0 ? INFINITY : NAN;
+ }
+ if (hibyte & 0x80) {
+ val = -val;
+ }
+ return PyFloat_FromDouble(val);
+PyObject* decodeFloat32(Reader* rin) {
+ float val;
+ uint8_t* raw = rin->read(rin, 4);
+ if (!raw) { logprintf("fail in float32\n"); return NULL; }
+ if (_is_big_endian) {
+ // easy!
+ val = *((float*)raw);
+ } else {
+ uint8_t* dest = (uint8_t*)(&val);
+ dest[3] = raw[0];
+ dest[2] = raw[1];
+ dest[1] = raw[2];
+ dest[0] = raw[3];
+ }
+ rin->return_buffer(rin, raw);
+ return PyFloat_FromDouble(val);
+PyObject* decodeFloat64(Reader* rin) {
+ int si;
+ uint64_t aux = 0;
+ uint8_t* raw = rin->read(rin, 8);
+ if (!raw) { logprintf("fail in float64\n"); return NULL; }
+ for (si = 0; si < 8; si++) {
+ aux = aux << 8;
+ aux |= raw[si];
+ }
+ rin->return_buffer(rin, raw);
+ return PyFloat_FromDouble(*((double*)(&aux)));
+// parse following int value into *auxP
+// return 0 on success, -1 on fail
+static int handle_info_bits(Reader* rin, uint8_t cbor_info, uint64_t* auxP) {
+ uint64_t aux;
+ if (cbor_info <= 23) {
+ // literal value <=23
+ aux = cbor_info;
+ } else if (cbor_info == CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS) {
+ uint8_t taux;
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &taux)) { logprintf("fail in uint8\n"); return -1; }
+ aux = taux;
+ } else if (cbor_info == CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS) {
+ uint8_t hibyte, lobyte;
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &hibyte)) { logprintf("fail in uint16[0]\n"); return -1; }
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &lobyte)) { logprintf("fail in uint16[1]\n"); return -1; }
+ aux = (hibyte << 8) | lobyte;
+ } else if (cbor_info == CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS) {
+ uint8_t* raw = (uint8_t*)rin->read(rin, 4);
+ if (!raw) { logprintf("fail in uint32[1]\n"); return -1; }
+ aux =
+ (((uint64_t)raw[0]) << 24) |
+ (((uint64_t)raw[1]) << 16) |
+ (((uint64_t)raw[2]) << 8) |
+ ((uint64_t)raw[3]);
+ rin->return_buffer(rin, raw);
+ } else if (cbor_info == CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS) {
+ int si;
+ uint8_t* raw = (uint8_t*)rin->read(rin, 8);
+ if (!raw) { logprintf("fail in uint64[1]\n"); return -1; }
+ aux = 0;
+ for (si = 0; si < 8; si++) {
+ aux = aux << 8;
+ aux |= raw[si];
+ }
+ rin->return_buffer(rin, raw);
+ } else {
+ aux = 0;
+ }
+ *auxP = aux;
+ return 0;
+static PyObject* inner_loads_c(Reader* rin, uint8_t c);
+static PyObject* inner_loads(Reader* rin) {
+ uint8_t c;
+ int err;
+ err = rin->read1(rin, &c);
+ if (err) { logprintf("fail in loads tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ return inner_loads_c(rin, c);
+PyObject* inner_loads_c(Reader* rin, uint8_t c) {
+ uint8_t cbor_type;
+ uint8_t cbor_info;
+ uint64_t aux;
+ cbor_type = c & CBOR_TYPE_MASK;
+ cbor_info = c & CBOR_INFO_BITS;
+#if 0
+ if (pos > len) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "misparse, token went longer than buffer");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pos += 1;
+ if (cbor_type == CBOR_7) {
+ if (cbor_info == CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS) { // float16
+ return decodeFloat16(rin);
+ } else if (cbor_info == CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS) { // float32
+ return decodeFloat32(rin);
+ } else if (cbor_info == CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS) { // float64
+ return decodeFloat64(rin);
+ }
+ // not a float, fall through to other CBOR_7 interpretations
+ }
+ if (handle_info_bits(rin, cbor_info, &aux)) { logprintf("info bits failed\n"); return NULL; }
+ PyObject* out = NULL;
+ switch (cbor_type) {
+ case CBOR_UINT:
+ out = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(aux);
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown error decoding UINT");
+ }
+ return out;
+ if (aux > 0x7fffffffffffffff) {
+ PyObject* bignum = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(aux);
+ PyObject* minusOne = PyLong_FromLong(-1);
+ out = PyNumber_Subtract(minusOne, bignum);
+ Py_DECREF(minusOne);
+ Py_DECREF(bignum);
+ } else {
+ out = PyLong_FromLongLong((long long)(((long long)-1) - aux));
+ }
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown error decoding NEGINT");
+ }
+ return out;
+ case CBOR_BYTES:
+ if (cbor_info == CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS) {
+ size_t total = 0;
+ VarBufferPart* parts = NULL;
+ VarBufferPart* parts_tail = NULL;
+ uint8_t sc;
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &sc)) { logprintf("r1 fail in var bytes tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ while (sc != CBOR_BREAK) {
+ uint8_t scbor_type = sc & CBOR_TYPE_MASK;
+ uint8_t scbor_info = sc & CBOR_INFO_BITS;
+ uint64_t saux;
+ void* blob;
+ if (scbor_type != CBOR_BYTES) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "expected subordinate BYTES block under VAR BYTES, but got %x", scbor_type);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if(handle_info_bits(rin, scbor_info, &saux)) { logprintf("var bytes sub infobits failed\n"); return NULL; }
+ blob = rin->read(rin, saux);
+ if (!blob) { logprintf("var bytes sub bytes read failed\n"); return NULL; }
+ if (parts_tail == NULL) {
+ parts = parts_tail = (VarBufferPart*)PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(VarBufferPart) + saux);
+ } else {
+ parts_tail->next = (VarBufferPart*)PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(VarBufferPart) + saux);
+ parts_tail = parts_tail->next;
+ }
+ parts_tail->start = (void*)(parts_tail + 1);
+ memcpy(parts_tail->start, blob, saux);
+ rin->return_buffer(rin, blob);
+ parts_tail->len = saux;
+ parts_tail->next = NULL;
+ total += saux;
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &sc)) { logprintf("r1 fail in var bytes tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ }
+ // Done
+ {
+ uint8_t* allbytes = (uint8_t*)PyMem_Malloc(total);
+ uintptr_t op = 0;
+ while (parts != NULL) {
+ VarBufferPart* next;
+ memcpy(allbytes + op, parts->start, parts->len);
+ op += parts->len;
+ next = parts->next;
+ PyMem_Free(parts);
+ parts = next;
+ }
+ out = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char*)allbytes, total);
+ PyMem_Free(allbytes);
+ }
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown error decoding VAR BYTES");
+ }
+ } else {
+ void* raw;
+ if (aux == 0) {
+ static void* empty_string = "";
+ raw = empty_string;
+ } else {
+ raw = rin->read(rin, aux);
+ if (!raw) { logprintf("bytes read failed\n"); return NULL; }
+ }
+ out = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(raw, (Py_ssize_t)aux);
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown error decoding BYTES");
+ }
+ if (aux != 0) {
+ rin->return_buffer(rin, raw);
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+ case CBOR_TEXT:
+ if (cbor_info == CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS) {
+ PyObject* parts = PyList_New(0);
+ PyObject* joiner = PyUnicode_FromString("");
+ uint8_t sc;
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &sc)) { logprintf("r1 fail in var text tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ while (sc != CBOR_BREAK) {
+ PyObject* subitem = inner_loads_c(rin, sc);
+ if (subitem == NULL) { logprintf("fail in var text subitem\n"); return NULL; }
+ PyList_Append(parts, subitem);
+ Py_DECREF(subitem);
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &sc)) { logprintf("r1 fail in var text tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ }
+ // Done
+ out = PyUnicode_Join(joiner, parts);
+ Py_DECREF(joiner);
+ Py_DECREF(parts);
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown error decoding VAR TEXT");
+ }
+ } else {
+ void* raw;
+ if (aux == 0) {
+ static void* empty_string = "";
+ raw = empty_string;
+ } else {
+ raw = rin->read(rin, aux);
+ if (!raw) { logprintf("read text failed\n"); return NULL; }
+ }
+ out = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize((char*)raw, (Py_ssize_t)aux);
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown error decoding TEXT");
+ }
+ if (aux != 0) {
+ rin->return_buffer(rin, raw);
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+ case CBOR_ARRAY:
+ if (cbor_info == CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS) {
+ uint8_t sc;
+ out = PyList_New(0);
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &sc)) { logprintf("r1 fail in var array tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ while (sc != CBOR_BREAK) {
+ PyObject* subitem = inner_loads_c(rin, sc);
+ if (subitem == NULL) { logprintf("fail in var array subitem\n"); return NULL; }
+ PyList_Append(out, subitem);
+ Py_DECREF(subitem);
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &sc)) { logprintf("r1 fail in var array tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ }
+ // Done
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown error decoding VAR ARRAY");
+ }
+ } else {
+ unsigned int i;
+ out = PyList_New((Py_ssize_t)aux);
+ for (i = 0; i < aux; i++) {
+ PyObject* subitem = inner_loads(rin);
+ if (subitem == NULL) { logprintf("array subitem[%d] (of %d) failed\n", i, aux); return NULL; }
+ PyList_SetItem(out, (Py_ssize_t)i, subitem);
+ // PyList_SetItem became the owner of the reference count of subitem, we don't need to DECREF it
+ }
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown error decoding ARRAY");
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+ case CBOR_MAP:
+ out = PyDict_New();
+ if (cbor_info == CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS) {
+ uint8_t sc;
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &sc)) { logprintf("r1 fail in var map tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ while (sc != CBOR_BREAK) {
+ PyObject* key = inner_loads_c(rin, sc);
+ PyObject* value;
+ if (key == NULL) { logprintf("var map key fail\n"); return NULL; }
+ value = inner_loads(rin);
+ if (value == NULL) { logprintf("var map val vail\n"); return NULL; }
+ PyDict_SetItem(out, key, value);
+ Py_DECREF(key);
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &sc)) { logprintf("r1 fail in var map tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ }
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown error decoding VAR MAP");
+ }
+ } else {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < aux; i++) {
+ if (loads_kv(out, rin) != 0) {
+ logprintf("map kv[%d] failed\n", i);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown error decoding MAP");
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+ case CBOR_TAG:
+ return loads_tag(rin, aux);
+ case CBOR_7:
+ if (aux == 20) {
+ out = Py_False;
+ Py_INCREF(out);
+ } else if (aux == 21) {
+ out = Py_True;
+ Py_INCREF(out);
+ } else if (aux == 22) {
+ out = Py_None;
+ Py_INCREF(out);
+ } else if (aux == 23) {
+ // js `undefined`, closest is py None
+ out = Py_None;
+ Py_INCREF(out);
+ }
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "unknown section 7 marker %02x, aux=%llu", c, aux);
+ }
+ return out;
+ default:
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown cbor marker %02x", c);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunreachable-code"
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "cbor library internal error moof!");
+ return NULL;
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+static int loads_kv(PyObject* out, Reader* rin) {
+ PyObject* key = inner_loads(rin);
+ PyObject* value;
+ if (key == NULL) { logprintf("map key fail\n"); return -1; }
+ value = inner_loads(rin);
+ if (value == NULL) { logprintf("map val fail\n"); return -1; }
+ PyDict_SetItem(out, key, value);
+ Py_DECREF(key);
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ return 0;
+static PyObject* loads_bignum(Reader* rin, uint8_t c) {
+ PyObject* out = NULL;
+ uint8_t bytes_info = c & CBOR_INFO_BITS;
+ if (bytes_info < 24) {
+ int i;
+ PyObject* eight = PyLong_FromLong(8);
+ out = PyLong_FromLong(0);
+ for (i = 0; i < bytes_info; i++) {
+ // TODO: is this leaking like crazy?
+ PyObject* curbyte;
+ PyObject* tout = PyNumber_Lshift(out, eight);
+ Py_DECREF(out);
+ out = tout;
+ uint8_t cb;
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &cb)) {
+ logprintf("r1 fail in bignum %d/%d\n", i, bytes_info);
+ Py_DECREF(eight);
+ Py_DECREF(out);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ curbyte = PyLong_FromLong(cb);
+ tout = PyNumber_Or(out, curbyte);
+ Py_DECREF(curbyte);
+ Py_DECREF(out);
+ out = tout;
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(eight);
+ return out;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "TODO: TAG BIGNUM for bigger bignum bytes_info=%d, len(ull)=%lu\n", bytes_info, sizeof(unsigned long long));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// returns a PyObject for cbor.cbor.Tag
+// Returned PyObject* is a BORROWED reference from the module dict
+static PyObject* getCborTagClass(void) {
+ PyObject* cbor_module = PyImport_ImportModule("cbor.cbor");
+ PyObject* moddict = PyModule_GetDict(cbor_module);
+ PyObject* tag_class = PyDict_GetItemString(moddict, "Tag");
+ // moddict and tag_class are 'borrowed reference'
+ Py_DECREF(cbor_module);
+ return tag_class;
+static PyObject* loads_tag(Reader* rin, uint64_t aux) {
+ PyObject* out = NULL;
+ // return an object CBORTag(tagnum, nextob)
+ if (aux == CBOR_TAG_BIGNUM) {
+ // If the next object is bytes, interpret it here without making a PyObject for it.
+ uint8_t sc;
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &sc)) { logprintf("r1 fail in bignum tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ if ((sc & CBOR_TYPE_MASK) == CBOR_BYTES) {
+ return loads_bignum(rin, sc);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "TAG BIGNUM not followed by bytes but %02x", sc);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunreachable-code"
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "TODO: WRITEME CBOR TAG BIGNUM %02x ...\n", sc);
+ return NULL;
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+ } else if (aux == CBOR_TAG_NEGBIGNUM) {
+ // If the next object is bytes, interpret it here without making a PyObject for it.
+ uint8_t sc;
+ if (rin->read1(rin, &sc)) { logprintf("r1 fail in negbignum tag\n"); return NULL; }
+ if ((sc & CBOR_TYPE_MASK) == CBOR_BYTES) {
+ out = loads_bignum(rin, sc);
+ if (out == NULL) { logprintf("loads_bignum fail inside TAG_NEGBIGNUM\n"); return NULL; }
+ PyObject* minusOne = PyLong_FromLong(-1);
+ PyObject* tout = PyNumber_Subtract(minusOne, out);
+ Py_DECREF(minusOne);
+ Py_DECREF(out);
+ out = tout;
+ return out;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "TAG NEGBIGNUM not followed by bytes but %02x", sc);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunreachable-code"
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "TODO: WRITEME CBOR TAG NEGBIGNUM %02x ...\n", sc);
+ return NULL;
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+ }
+ out = inner_loads(rin);
+ if (out == NULL) { return NULL; }
+ {
+ PyObject* tag_class = getCborTagClass();
+ PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue("(K,O)", aux, out);
+ PyObject* tout = PyObject_CallObject(tag_class, args);
+ Py_DECREF(args);
+ Py_DECREF(out);
+ // tag_class was just a borrowed reference
+ out = tout;
+ }
+ return out;
+static PyObject*
+cbor_loads(PyObject* noself, PyObject* args) {
+ PyObject* ob;
+ is_big_endian();
+ if (PyType_IsSubtype(Py_TYPE(args), &PyList_Type)) {
+ ob = PyList_GetItem(args, 0);
+ } else if (PyType_IsSubtype(Py_TYPE(args), &PyTuple_Type)) {
+ ob = PyTuple_GetItem(args, 0);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "args not list or tuple: %R\n", args);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ob == Py_None) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "got None for buffer to decode in loads");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ {
+ PyObject* out = NULL;
+ Reader* r = NewBufferReader(ob);
+ if (!r) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ out = inner_loads(r);
+ r->delete(r);
+ return out;
+ }
+typedef struct _FileReader {
+ FILE* fin;
+ void* dst;
+ Py_ssize_t dst_size;
+ Py_ssize_t read_count;
+} FileReader;
+// read from a python builtin file which contains a C FILE*
+static void* FileReader_read(void* self, Py_ssize_t len) {
+ FileReader* thiz = (FileReader*)self;
+ Py_ssize_t rtotal = 0;
+ uintptr_t opos;
+ //logprintf("file read %d\n", len);
+ if (len > thiz->dst_size) {
+ thiz->dst = PyMem_Realloc(thiz->dst, len);
+ thiz->dst_size = len;
+ } else if ((thiz->dst_size > (128 * 1024)) && (len < 4096)) {
+ PyMem_Free(thiz->dst);
+ thiz->dst = PyMem_Malloc(len);
+ thiz->dst_size = len;
+ }
+ opos = (uintptr_t)(thiz->dst);
+ while (1) {
+ size_t rlen = fread((void*)opos, 1, len, thiz->fin);
+ if (rlen == 0) {
+ // file isn't going to give any more
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "only got %zd bytes with %zd stil to read from file", rtotal, len);
+ PyMem_Free(thiz->dst);
+ thiz->dst = NULL;
+ thiz->dst_size = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ thiz->read_count += rlen;
+ rtotal += rlen;
+ opos += rlen;
+ len -= rlen;
+ if (rtotal >= len) {
+ if (thiz->dst == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "known error in file reader, NULL dst");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return thiz->dst;
+ }
+ }
+static int FileReader_read1(void* self, uint8_t* oneByte) {
+ FileReader* thiz = (FileReader*)self;
+ size_t didread = fread((void*)oneByte, 1, 1, thiz->fin);
+ if (didread == 0) {
+ logprintf("failed to read 1 from file\n");
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "got nothing reading 1 from file");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ thiz->read_count++;
+ return 0;
+static void FileReader_return_buffer(void* self, void* buffer) {
+ // Nothing to do, we hold onto the buffer and maybe reuse it for next read
+static void FileReader_delete(void* self) {
+ FileReader* thiz = (FileReader*)self;
+ if (thiz->dst) {
+ PyMem_Free(thiz->dst);
+ }
+ PyMem_Free(thiz);
+static Reader* NewFileReader(PyObject* ob) {
+ FileReader* fr = (FileReader*)PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(FileReader));
+ if (fr == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "failed to allocate FileReader");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ fr->fin = PyFile_AsFile(ob);
+ if (fr->fin == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "PyFile_AsFile NULL");
+ PyMem_Free(fr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ fr->dst = NULL;
+ fr->dst_size = 0;
+ fr->read_count = 0;
+ return (Reader*)fr;
+#endif /* Python 2.7 FileReader */
+typedef struct _ObjectReader {
+ PyObject* ob;
+ // We got one object with all the bytes neccessary, and need to
+ // DECREF it later.
+ PyObject* retval;
+ void* bytes;
+ // OR, we got several objects, we DECREFed them as we went, and
+ // need to Free() this buffer at the end.
+ void* dst;
+ Py_ssize_t read_count;
+ int exception_is_external;
+} ObjectReader;
+// read from a python file-like object which has a .read(n) method
+static void* ObjectReader_read(void* context, Py_ssize_t len) {
+ ObjectReader* thiz = (ObjectReader*)context;
+ Py_ssize_t rtotal = 0;
+ uintptr_t opos = 0;
+ //logprintf("ob read %d\n", len);
+ assert(!thiz->dst);
+ assert(!thiz->bytes);
+ while (rtotal < len) {
+ PyObject* retval = PyObject_CallMethod(thiz->ob, "read", "n", len - rtotal, NULL);
+ Py_ssize_t rlen;
+ if (retval == NULL) {
+ thiz->exception_is_external = 1;
+ logprintf("exception in object.read()\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!PyBytes_Check(retval)) {
+ logprintf("object.read() is not bytes\n");
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "expected ob.read() to return a bytes object\n");
+ Py_DECREF(retval);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ rlen = PyBytes_Size(retval);
+ thiz->read_count += rlen;
+ if (rlen > len - rtotal) {
+ logprintf("object.read() is too much!\n");
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "ob.read() returned %ld bytes but only wanted %lu\n", rlen, len - rtotal);
+ Py_DECREF(retval);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (rlen == len) {
+ // best case! All in one call to read()
+ // We _keep_ a reference to retval until later.
+ thiz->retval = retval;
+ thiz->bytes = PyBytes_AsString(retval);
+ assert(thiz->bytes);
+ thiz->dst = NULL;
+ opos = 0;
+ return thiz->bytes;
+ }
+ if (thiz->dst == NULL) {
+ thiz->dst = PyMem_Malloc(len);
+ opos = (uintptr_t)thiz->dst;
+ }
+ // else, not enough all in one go
+ memcpy((void*)opos, PyBytes_AsString(retval), rlen);
+ Py_DECREF(retval);
+ opos += rlen;
+ rtotal += rlen;
+ }
+ assert(thiz->dst);
+ return thiz->dst;
+static int ObjectReader_read1(void* self, uint8_t* oneByte) {
+ ObjectReader* thiz = (ObjectReader*)self;
+ PyObject* retval = PyObject_CallMethod(thiz->ob, "read", "i", 1, NULL);
+ Py_ssize_t rlen;
+ if (retval == NULL) {
+ thiz->exception_is_external = 1;
+ //logprintf("call ob read(1) failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!PyBytes_Check(retval)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "expected ob.read() to return a bytes object\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rlen = PyBytes_Size(retval);
+ thiz->read_count += rlen;
+ if (rlen > 1) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "TODO: raise exception: WAT ob.read() returned %ld bytes but only wanted 1\n", rlen);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (rlen == 1) {
+ *oneByte = PyBytes_AsString(retval)[0];
+ Py_DECREF(retval);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "got nothing reading 1");
+ return -1;
+static void ObjectReader_return_buffer(void* context, void* buffer) {
+ ObjectReader* thiz = (ObjectReader*)context;
+ if (buffer == thiz->bytes) {
+ Py_DECREF(thiz->retval);
+ thiz->retval = NULL;
+ thiz->bytes = NULL;
+ } else if (buffer == thiz->dst) {
+ PyMem_Free(thiz->dst);
+ thiz->dst = NULL;
+ } else {
+ logprintf("TODO: raise exception, could not release buffer %p, wanted dst=%p or bytes=%p\n", buffer, thiz->dst, thiz->bytes);
+ }
+static void ObjectReader_delete(void* context) {
+ ObjectReader* thiz = (ObjectReader*)context;
+ if (thiz->retval != NULL) {
+ Py_DECREF(thiz->retval);
+ }
+ if (thiz->dst != NULL) {
+ PyMem_Free(thiz->dst);
+ }
+ PyMem_Free(thiz);
+static Reader* NewObjectReader(PyObject* ob) {
+ ObjectReader* r = (ObjectReader*)PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(ObjectReader));
+ r->ob = ob;
+ r->retval = NULL;
+ r->bytes = NULL;
+ r->dst = NULL;
+ r->read_count = 0;
+ r->exception_is_external = 0;
+ SET_READER_FUNCTIONS(r, ObjectReader);
+ return (Reader*)r;
+typedef struct _BufferReader {
+ uint8_t* raw;
+ Py_ssize_t len;
+ uintptr_t pos;
+} BufferReader;
+// read from a buffer, aka loads()
+static void* BufferReader_read(void* context, Py_ssize_t len) {
+ BufferReader* thiz = (BufferReader*)context;
+ //logprintf("br %p %d (%d)\n", thiz, len, thiz->len);
+ if (len <= thiz->len) {
+ void* out = (void*)thiz->pos;
+ thiz->pos += len;
+ thiz->len -= len;
+ assert(out);
+ return out;
+ }
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "buffer read for %zd but only have %zd\n", len, thiz->len);
+ return NULL;
+static int BufferReader_read1(void* self, uint8_t* oneByte) {
+ BufferReader* thiz = (BufferReader*)self;
+ //logprintf("br %p _1_ (%d)\n", thiz, thiz->len);
+ if (thiz->len <= 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_LookupError, "buffer exhausted");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *oneByte = *((uint8_t*)thiz->pos);
+ thiz->pos += 1;
+ thiz->len -= 1;
+ return 0;
+static void BufferReader_return_buffer(void* context, void* buffer) {
+ // nothing to do
+static void BufferReader_delete(void* context) {
+ BufferReader* thiz = (BufferReader*)context;
+ PyMem_Free(thiz);
+static Reader* NewBufferReader(PyObject* ob) {
+ BufferReader* r = (BufferReader*)PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(BufferReader));
+ SET_READER_FUNCTIONS(r, BufferReader);
+ if (PyByteArray_Check(ob)) {
+ r->raw = (uint8_t*)PyByteArray_AsString(ob);
+ r->len = PyByteArray_Size(ob);
+ } else if (PyBytes_Check(ob)) {
+ r->raw = (uint8_t*)PyBytes_AsString(ob);
+ r->len = PyBytes_Size(ob);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "input of unknown type not bytes or bytearray");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ r->pos = (uintptr_t)r->raw;
+ if (r->len == 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "got zero length string in loads");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (r->raw == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "got NULL buffer for string");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //logprintf("NBR(%llu, %ld)\n", r->pos, r->len);
+ return (Reader*)r;
+static PyObject*
+cbor_load(PyObject* noself, PyObject* args) {
+ PyObject* ob;
+ Reader* reader;
+ is_big_endian();
+ if (PyType_IsSubtype(Py_TYPE(args), &PyList_Type)) {
+ ob = PyList_GetItem(args, 0);
+ } else if (PyType_IsSubtype(Py_TYPE(args), &PyTuple_Type)) {
+ ob = PyTuple_GetItem(args, 0);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "args not list or tuple: %R\n", args);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ob == Py_None) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "got None for buffer to decode in loads");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ PyObject* retval;
+ if (PyFile_Check(ob)) {
+ reader = NewFileReader(ob);
+ if (reader == NULL) { return NULL; }
+ retval = inner_loads(reader);
+ if ((retval == NULL) &&
+ (((FileReader*)reader)->read_count == 0) &&
+ (feof(((FileReader*)reader)->fin) != 0)) {
+ // never got anything, started at EOF
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_EOFError, "read nothing, apparent EOF");
+ }
+ reader->delete(reader);
+ } else
+ {
+ reader = NewObjectReader(ob);
+ retval = inner_loads(reader);
+ if ((retval == NULL) &&
+ (!((ObjectReader*)reader)->exception_is_external) &&
+ ((ObjectReader*)reader)->read_count == 0) {
+ // never got anything, assume EOF
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_EOFError, "read nothing, apparent EOF");
+ }
+ reader->delete(reader);
+ }
+ return retval;
+static void tag_u64_out(uint8_t cbor_type, uint64_t aux, uint8_t* out, uintptr_t* posp) {
+ uintptr_t pos = *posp;
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ out[pos] = cbor_type | CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS;
+ out[pos+1] = (aux >> 56) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+2] = (aux >> 48) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+3] = (aux >> 40) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+4] = (aux >> 32) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+5] = (aux >> 24) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+6] = (aux >> 16) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+7] = (aux >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+8] = aux & 0x0ff;
+ }
+ pos += 9;
+ *posp = pos;
+static void tag_aux_out(uint8_t cbor_type, uint64_t aux, uint8_t* out, uintptr_t* posp) {
+ uintptr_t pos = *posp;
+ if (aux <= 23) {
+ // tiny literal
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ out[pos] = cbor_type | aux;
+ }
+ pos += 1;
+ } else if (aux <= 0x0ff) {
+ // one byte value
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ out[pos] = cbor_type | CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS;
+ out[pos+1] = aux;
+ }
+ pos += 2;
+ } else if (aux <= 0x0ffff) {
+ // two byte value
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ out[pos] = cbor_type | CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS;
+ out[pos+1] = (aux >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+2] = aux & 0x0ff;
+ }
+ pos += 3;
+ } else if (aux <= 0x0ffffffffL) {
+ // four byte value
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ out[pos] = cbor_type | CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS;
+ out[pos+1] = (aux >> 24) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+2] = (aux >> 16) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+3] = (aux >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ out[pos+4] = aux & 0x0ff;
+ }
+ pos += 5;
+ } else {
+ // eight byte value
+ tag_u64_out(cbor_type, aux, out, posp);
+ return;
+ }
+ *posp = pos;
+ return;
+static int inner_dumps(EncodeOptions *optp, PyObject* ob, uint8_t* out, uintptr_t* posp);
+static int dumps_dict(EncodeOptions *optp, PyObject* ob, uint8_t* out, uintptr_t* posp) {
+ uintptr_t pos = *posp;
+ Py_ssize_t dictlen = PyDict_Size(ob);
+ PyObject* key;
+ PyObject* val;
+ int err;
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_MAP, dictlen, out, &pos);
+ if (optp->sort_keys) {
+ Py_ssize_t index = 0;
+ PyObject* keylist = PyDict_Keys(ob);
+ PyList_Sort(keylist);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "sortking keys\n");
+ for (index = 0; index < PyList_Size(keylist); index++) {
+ key = PyList_GetItem(keylist, index); // Borrowed ref
+ val = PyDict_GetItem(ob, key); // Borrowed ref
+ err = inner_dumps(optp, key, out, &pos);
+ if (err != 0) { return err; }
+ err = inner_dumps(optp, val, out, &pos);
+ if (err != 0) { return err; }
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(keylist);
+ } else {
+ Py_ssize_t dictiter = 0;
+ //fprintf(stderr, "unsorted keys\n");
+ while (PyDict_Next(ob, &dictiter, &key, &val)) {
+ err = inner_dumps(optp, key, out, &pos);
+ if (err != 0) { return err; }
+ err = inner_dumps(optp, val, out, &pos);
+ if (err != 0) { return err; }
+ }
+ }
+ *posp = pos;
+ return 0;
+static void dumps_bignum(EncodeOptions *optp, uint8_t tag, PyObject* val, uint8_t* out, uintptr_t* posp) {
+ uintptr_t pos = (posp != NULL) ? *posp : 0;
+ PyObject* eight = PyLong_FromLong(8);
+ PyObject* bytemask = NULL;
+ PyObject* nval = NULL;
+ uint8_t* revbytes = NULL;
+ int revbytepos = 0;
+ int val_is_orig = 1;
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ bytemask = PyLong_FromLongLong(0x0ff);
+ revbytes = PyMem_Malloc(23);
+ }
+ while (PyObject_IsTrue(val) && (revbytepos < 23)) {
+ if (revbytes != NULL) {
+ PyObject* tbyte = PyNumber_And(val, bytemask);
+ revbytes[revbytepos] = PyLong_AsLong(tbyte);
+ Py_DECREF(tbyte);
+ }
+ revbytepos++;
+ nval = PyNumber_InPlaceRshift(val, eight);
+ if (val_is_orig) {
+ val_is_orig = 0;
+ } else {
+ Py_DECREF(val);
+ }
+ val = nval;
+ }
+ if (revbytes != NULL) {
+ out[pos] = CBOR_TAG | tag;
+ pos++;
+ out[pos] = CBOR_BYTES | revbytepos;
+ pos++;
+ revbytepos--;
+ while (revbytepos >= 0) {
+ out[pos] = revbytes[revbytepos];
+ pos++;
+ revbytepos--;
+ }
+ PyMem_Free(revbytes);
+ Py_DECREF(bytemask);
+ } else {
+ pos += 2 + revbytepos;
+ }
+ if (!val_is_orig) {
+ Py_DECREF(val);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(eight);
+ *posp = pos;
+static int dumps_tag(EncodeOptions *optp, PyObject* ob, uint8_t* out, uintptr_t* posp) {
+ uintptr_t pos = (posp != NULL) ? *posp : 0;
+ int err = 0;
+ PyObject* tag_num;
+ PyObject* tag_value;
+ err = 0;
+ tag_num = PyObject_GetAttrString(ob, "tag");
+ if (tag_num != NULL) {
+ tag_value = PyObject_GetAttrString(ob, "value");
+ if (tag_value != NULL) {
+#ifdef Py_INTOBJECT_H
+ if (PyInt_Check(tag_num)) {
+ long val = PyInt_AsLong(tag_num);
+ if (val >= 0) {
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_TAG, val, out, &pos);
+ err = inner_dumps(optp, tag_value, out, &pos);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "tag cannot be a negative int: %ld", val);
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (PyLong_Check(tag_num)) {
+ int overflow = -1;
+ long long val = PyLong_AsLongLongAndOverflow(tag_num, &overflow);
+ if (overflow == 0) {
+ if (val >= 0) {
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_TAG, val, out, &pos);
+ err = inner_dumps(optp, tag_value, out, &pos);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "tag cannot be a negative long: %lld", val);
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "tag number too large");
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(tag_value);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "broken Tag object has .tag but not .value");
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(tag_num);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "broken Tag object with no .tag");
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ if (err != 0) { return err; }
+ *posp = pos;
+ return err;
+// With out=NULL it just counts the length.
+// return err, 0=OK
+static int inner_dumps(EncodeOptions *optp, PyObject* ob, uint8_t* out, uintptr_t* posp) {
+ uintptr_t pos = (posp != NULL) ? *posp : 0;
+ if (ob == Py_None) {
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ out[pos] = CBOR_NULL;
+ }
+ pos += 1;
+ } else if (PyBool_Check(ob)) {
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ if (PyObject_IsTrue(ob)) {
+ out[pos] = CBOR_TRUE;
+ } else {
+ out[pos] = CBOR_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ pos += 1;
+ } else if (PyDict_Check(ob)) {
+ int err = dumps_dict(optp, ob, out, &pos);
+ if (err != 0) { return err; }
+ } else if (PyList_Check(ob)) {
+ Py_ssize_t i;
+ Py_ssize_t listlen = PyList_Size(ob);
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_ARRAY, listlen, out, &pos);
+ for (i = 0; i < listlen; i++) {
+ int err = inner_dumps(optp, PyList_GetItem(ob, i), out, &pos);
+ if (err != 0) { return err; }
+ }
+ } else if (PyTuple_Check(ob)) {
+ Py_ssize_t i;
+ Py_ssize_t listlen = PyTuple_Size(ob);
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_ARRAY, listlen, out, &pos);
+ for (i = 0; i < listlen; i++) {
+ int err = inner_dumps(optp, PyTuple_GetItem(ob, i), out, &pos);
+ if (err != 0) { return err; }
+ }
+ // TODO: accept other enumerables and emit a variable length array
+#ifdef Py_INTOBJECT_H
+ // PyInt exists in Python 2 but not 3
+ } else if (PyInt_Check(ob)) {
+ long val = PyInt_AsLong(ob);
+ if (val >= 0) {
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_UINT, val, out, &pos);
+ } else {
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_NEGINT, -1 - val, out, &pos);
+ }
+ } else if (PyLong_Check(ob)) {
+ int overflow = 0;
+ long long val = PyLong_AsLongLongAndOverflow(ob, &overflow);
+ if (overflow == 0) {
+ if (val >= 0) {
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_UINT, val, out, &pos);
+ } else {
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_NEGINT, -1L - val, out, &pos);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (overflow < 0) {
+ PyObject* minusone = PyLong_FromLongLong(-1L);
+ PyObject* val = PyNumber_Subtract(minusone, ob);
+ Py_DECREF(minusone);
+ dumps_bignum(optp, CBOR_TAG_NEGBIGNUM, val, out, &pos);
+ Py_DECREF(val);
+ } else {
+ // BIG INT
+ dumps_bignum(optp, CBOR_TAG_BIGNUM, ob, out, &pos);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (PyFloat_Check(ob)) {
+ double val = PyFloat_AsDouble(ob);
+ tag_u64_out(CBOR_7, *((uint64_t*)(&val)), out, &pos);
+ } else if (PyBytes_Check(ob)) {
+ Py_ssize_t len = PyBytes_Size(ob);
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_BYTES, len, out, &pos);
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ memcpy(out + pos, PyBytes_AsString(ob), len);
+ }
+ pos += len;
+ } else if (PyUnicode_Check(ob)) {
+ PyObject* utf8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(ob);
+ Py_ssize_t len = PyBytes_Size(utf8);
+ tag_aux_out(CBOR_TEXT, len, out, &pos);
+ if (out != NULL) {
+ memcpy(out + pos, PyBytes_AsString(utf8), len);
+ }
+ pos += len;
+ Py_DECREF(utf8);
+ } else {
+ int handled = 0;
+ {
+ PyObject* tag_class = getCborTagClass();
+ if (PyObject_IsInstance(ob, tag_class)) {
+ int err = dumps_tag(optp, ob, out, &pos);
+ if (err != 0) { return err; }
+ handled = 1;
+ }
+ // tag_class was just a borrowed reference
+ }
+ // TODO: other special object serializations here
+ if (!handled) {
+#if IS_PY3
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "cannot serialize unknown object: %R", ob);
+ PyObject* badtype = PyObject_Type(ob);
+ PyObject* badtypename = PyObject_Str(badtype);
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "cannot serialize unknown object of type %s", PyString_AsString(badtypename));
+ Py_DECREF(badtypename);
+ Py_DECREF(badtype);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (posp != NULL) {
+ *posp = pos;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int _dumps_kwargs(EncodeOptions *optp, PyObject* kwargs) {
+ if (kwargs == NULL) {
+ } else if (!PyDict_Check(kwargs)) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "kwargs not dict: %R\n", kwargs);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ PyObject* sort_keys = PyDict_GetItemString(kwargs, "sort_keys"); // Borrowed ref
+ if (sort_keys != NULL) {
+ optp->sort_keys = PyObject_IsTrue(sort_keys);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "sort_keys=%d\n", optp->sort_keys);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+static PyObject*
+cbor_dumps(PyObject* noself, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs) {
+ PyObject* ob;
+ EncodeOptions opts = {0};
+ EncodeOptions *optp = &opts;
+ is_big_endian();
+ if (PyType_IsSubtype(Py_TYPE(args), &PyList_Type)) {
+ ob = PyList_GetItem(args, 0);
+ } else if (PyType_IsSubtype(Py_TYPE(args), &PyTuple_Type)) {
+ ob = PyTuple_GetItem(args, 0);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "args not list or tuple: %R\n", args);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ob == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!_dumps_kwargs(optp, kwargs)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ {
+ Py_ssize_t outlen = 0;
+ uintptr_t pos = 0;
+ void* out = NULL;
+ PyObject* obout = NULL;
+ int err;
+ // first pass just to count length
+ err = inner_dumps(optp, ob, NULL, &pos);
+ if (err != 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ outlen = pos;
+ out = PyMem_Malloc(outlen);
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_NoMemory();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ err = inner_dumps(optp, ob, out, NULL);
+ if (err != 0) {
+ PyMem_Free(out);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // TODO: I wish there was a way to do this without this copy.
+ obout = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(out, outlen);
+ PyMem_Free(out);
+ return obout;
+ }
+static PyObject*
+cbor_dump(PyObject* noself, PyObject* args, PyObject *kwargs) {
+ // args should be (obj, fp)
+ PyObject* ob;
+ PyObject* fp;
+ EncodeOptions opts = {0};
+ EncodeOptions *optp = &opts;
+ is_big_endian();
+ if (PyType_IsSubtype(Py_TYPE(args), &PyList_Type)) {
+ ob = PyList_GetItem(args, 0);
+ fp = PyList_GetItem(args, 1);
+ } else if (PyType_IsSubtype(Py_TYPE(args), &PyTuple_Type)) {
+ ob = PyTuple_GetItem(args, 0);
+ fp = PyTuple_GetItem(args, 1);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "args not list or tuple: %R\n", args);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((ob == NULL) || (fp == NULL)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!_dumps_kwargs(optp, kwargs)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ {
+ // TODO: make this smarter, right now it is justt fp.write(dumps(ob))
+ Py_ssize_t outlen = 0;
+ uintptr_t pos = 0;
+ void* out = NULL;
+ int err;
+ // first pass just to count length
+ err = inner_dumps(optp, ob, NULL, &pos);
+ if (err != 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ outlen = pos;
+ out = PyMem_Malloc(outlen);
+ if (out == NULL) {
+ PyErr_NoMemory();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ err = inner_dumps(optp, ob, out, NULL);
+ if (err != 0) {
+ PyMem_Free(out);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (PyFile_Check(fp)) {
+ FILE* fout = PyFile_AsFile(fp);
+ fwrite(out, 1, outlen, fout);
+ } else
+ {
+ PyObject* ret;
+ PyObject* obout = NULL;
+#if IS_PY3
+ PyObject* writeStr = PyUnicode_FromString("write");
+ PyObject* writeStr = PyString_FromString("write");
+ obout = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(out, outlen);
+ //logprintf("write %zd bytes to %p.write() as %p\n", outlen, fp, obout);
+ ret = PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(fp, writeStr, obout, NULL);
+ Py_DECREF(writeStr);
+ Py_DECREF(obout);
+ if (ret != NULL) {
+ Py_DECREF(ret);
+ } else {
+ // exception in fp.write()
+ PyMem_Free(out);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //logprintf("wrote %zd bytes to %p.write() as %p\n", outlen, fp, obout);
+ }
+ PyMem_Free(out);
+ }
+static PyMethodDef CborMethods[] = {
+ {"loads", cbor_loads, METH_VARARGS,
+ "parse cbor from data buffer to objects"},
+ {"dumps", (PyCFunction)cbor_dumps, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS,
+ "serialize python object to bytes"},
+ {"load", cbor_load, METH_VARARGS,
+ "Parse cbor from data buffer to objects.\n"
+ "Takes a file-like object capable of .read(N)\n"},
+ {"dump", (PyCFunction)cbor_dump, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS,
+ "Serialize python object to bytes.\n"
+ "dump(obj, fp)\n"
+ "obj: object to output; fp: file-like object to .write() to\n"},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */
+#ifdef Py_InitModule
+// Python 2.7
+ (void) Py_InitModule("cbor._cbor", CborMethods);
+// Python 3
+ static PyModuleDef modef = {
+ PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
+ };
+ //modef.m_base = PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT;
+ modef.m_name = "cbor._cbor";
+ modef.m_doc = NULL;
+ modef.m_size = 0;
+ modef.m_methods = CborMethods;
+#ifdef Py_mod_exec
+ modef.m_slots = NULL; // Py >= 3.5
+ modef.m_reload = NULL; // Py < 3.5
+ modef.m_traverse = NULL;
+ modef.m_clear = NULL;
+ modef.m_free = NULL;
+ return PyModule_Create(&modef);
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/c/cbor.h b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/c/cbor.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/c/cbor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#ifndef CBOR_H
+#define CBOR_H
+#define CBOR_TYPE_MASK 0xE0 /* top 3 bits */
+#define CBOR_INFO_BITS 0x1F /* low 5 bits */
+#define CBOR_UINT 0x00
+#define CBOR_NEGINT 0x20
+#define CBOR_BYTES 0x40
+#define CBOR_TEXT 0x60
+#define CBOR_ARRAY 0x80
+#define CBOR_MAP 0xA0
+#define CBOR_TAG 0xC0
+#define CBOR_7 0xE0 /* float and other types */
+/* read the "additional information" of a tag byte which is often a
+ * small literal integer describing the length in bytes of the data
+ * item */
+#define IS_SMALL_LITERAL(n) (((n) & 0x1f) < 24)
+#define SMALL_LITERAL(n) ((n) & 0x1f)
+#define CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS 24 // 0x18
+#define CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS 25 // 0x19
+#define CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS 26 // 0x1A
+#define CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS 27 // 0x1B
+#define CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS 31 // 0x1F
+#define CBOR_BREAK 0xFF
+#define CBOR_FALSE (CBOR_7 | 20)
+#define CBOR_TRUE (CBOR_7 | 21)
+#define CBOR_NULL (CBOR_7 | 22)
+#define CBOR_UNDEFINED (CBOR_7 | 23)
+#define CBOR_FLOAT16 (CBOR_7 | 25)
+#define CBOR_FLOAT32 (CBOR_7 | 26)
+#define CBOR_FLOAT64 (CBOR_7 | 27)
+#define CBOR_TAG_DATE_STRING (0) /* RFC3339 */
+#define CBOR_TAG_DATE_ARRAY (1) /* any number type follows, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC */
+#define CBOR_TAG_BIGNUM (2) /* big endian byte string follows */
+#define CBOR_TAG_NEGBIGNUM (3) /* big endian byte string follows */
+#define CBOR_TAG_DECIMAL (4) /* [ 10^x exponent, number ] */
+#define CBOR_TAG_BIGFLOAT (5) /* [ 2^x exponent, number ] */
+//#define CBOR_TAG_BASE64URL (21)
+//#define CBOR_TAG_BASE64 (22)
+#define CBOR_TAG_BASE16 (23)
+#define CBOR_TAG_CBOR (24) /* following byte string is embedded CBOR data */
+#define CBOR_TAG_URI 32
+//#define CBOR_TAG_BASE64URL 33
+//#define CBOR_TAG_BASE64 34
+#define CBOR_TAG_REGEX 35
+#define CBOR_TAG_MIME 36 /* following text is MIME message, headers, separators and all */
+#define CBOR_TAG_CBOR_FILEHEADER 55799 /* can open a file with 0xd9d9f7 */
+/* Content-Type: application/cbor */
+#endif /* CBOR_H */
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/README.md b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/README.md
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) is a superset of JSON's schema that's faster and more compact.
+* http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049
+* http://cbor.io/
+This repository contains implementations for Python and Go.
+## Python ##
+This Python implementation provides loads()/dumps() like the json standard library.
+Compare to Python 2.7.5's standard library implementation of json:
+serialized 50000 objects into 1163097 cbor bytes in 0.05 seconds (1036613.48/s) and 1767001 json bytes in 0.22 seconds (224772.48/s)
+compress to 999179 bytes cbor.gz and 1124500 bytes json.gz
+load 50000 objects from cbor in 0.07 secs (763708.80/sec) and json in 0.32 (155348.97/sec)
+There is also a pure-python implementation which gets about 1/3 the speed of json's C augmented speed.
+Tested in Python 2.7.5, 2,7.6, 3.3.3, and 3.4.0
+Available on pypi:
+pip install cbor
+## Go ##
+import cbor "bitbucket.org/bodhisnarkva/cbor/go"
+The Go implementation is newer. It attempts to do serialization to/from struct types using reflection, but doesn't do 100% of cases like that right. It _should_ do everything fine serializing `map[string]interface{}` and `[]interface{}` and other basic types. It passes the test of decoding 100% of CBOR common appendix test strings.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/Makefile b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/Makefile
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ PYTHONPATH=. python tests/cbor/test_cbor.py
+check: test
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/LICENSE b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Copyright 2014-2015 Brian Olson
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
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