[PATCH] hook: ensure stderr is flushed when an exception is raised, for test stability

Matt Harbison mharbison72 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 03:30:57 UTC 2018

# HG changeset patch
# User Matt Harbison <matt_harbison at yahoo.com>
# Date 1520737378 18000
#      Sat Mar 10 22:02:58 2018 -0500
# Node ID 5dd79bb7e5a3cf33d04c00e7c6c52070f472149d
# Parent  7c4e5abd9e7e903e6916b30ccc0d2b26d69a5fca
hook: ensure stderr is flushed when an exception is raised, for test stability

Windows has had issues with output order in test-ssh-proto-unbundle.t[1] since
it was created a few weeks ago.  Each of the problems occurred when an exception
was thrown out of the hook.

Now the only thing blocking D2720 is the fact that the "abort: ..." lines on
stderr are totally AWOL.  I have no idea where there are.

[1] https://buildbot.mercurial-scm.org/builders/Win7%20x86_64%20hg%20tests/builds/541/steps/run-tests.py%20%28python%202.7.13%29/logs/stdio

diff --git a/mercurial/hook.py b/mercurial/hook.py
--- a/mercurial/hook.py
+++ b/mercurial/hook.py
@@ -265,12 +265,12 @@ def runhooks(ui, repo, htype, hooks, thr
                 raised = False
             res[hname] = r, raised
+    finally:
+        # The stderr is fully buffered on Windows when connected to a pipe.
+        # A forcible flush is required to make small stderr data in the
+        # remote side available to the client immediately.
+        util.stderr.flush()
-            # The stderr is fully buffered on Windows when connected to a pipe.
-            # A forcible flush is required to make small stderr data in the
-            # remote side available to the client immediately.
-            util.stderr.flush()
-    finally:
         if _redirect and oldstdout >= 0:
             util.stdout.flush()  # write hook output to stderr fd
             os.dup2(oldstdout, stdoutno)

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