[PATCH] hook: add more robust python: syntax checking
tom_hindle at sil.org
tom_hindle at sil.org
Thu May 24 21:35:40 UTC 2018
# HG changeset patch
# User hindlemail <tom_hindle at sil.org>
# Date 1527195876 21600
# Thu May 24 15:04:36 2018 -0600
# Node ID a30dbd52f2148af7f2d9167b5935367e899b7244
# Parent bd7a3fa71a72666691b8b77e6bf03be1d2273391
hook: add more robust python: syntax checking
Added checking for missing trailing :hook when python file is a full path and
running on windows. Provides an easier to understand error message.
diff -r bd7a3fa71a72 -r a30dbd52f214 mercurial/hook.py
--- a/mercurial/hook.py Thu May 24 23:26:28 2018 +0900
+++ b/mercurial/hook.py Thu May 24 15:04:36 2018 -0600
@@ -240,18 +240,24 @@ def runhooks(ui, repo, htype, hooks, thr
hint = _("see 'hg help config.trusted'"))
ui.warn(_('warning: untrusted hook %s not executed\n') % hname)
r = 1
raised = False
elif callable(cmd):
r, raised = pythonhook(ui, repo, htype, hname, cmd, args,
elif cmd.startswith('python:'):
+ originalcmd = cmd
if cmd.count(':') >= 2:
path, cmd = cmd[7:].rsplit(':', 1)
+ if '\\' in cmd or '/' in cmd:
+ if throw:
+ raise error.HookAbort(
+ _("invalid 'python:' syntax: %s") % originalcmd)
+ ui.warn(_("invalid 'python:' syntax: %s") % originalcmd)
path = util.expandpath(path)
if repo:
path = os.path.join(repo.root, path)
mod = extensions.loadpath(path, 'hghook.%s' % hname)
except Exception:
ui.write(_("loading %s hook failed:\n") % hname)
diff -r bd7a3fa71a72 -r a30dbd52f214 tests/test-hook.t
--- a/tests/test-hook.t Thu May 24 23:26:28 2018 +0900
+++ b/tests/test-hook.t Thu May 24 15:04:36 2018 -0600
@@ -695,16 +695,38 @@ test python hook configured with python:
$ hg id
loading pre-identify.npmd hook failed:
abort: No module named repo!
$ cd ../../b
+test python hook with missing hook and file path contains colon
+ $ cd ..
+ $ mkdir e
+ $ cd e
+ $ hg init repo
+ $ mkdir -p $TESTTMP/some:dir/
+ $ cat > $TESTTMP/some:dir/testhooks.py <<EOF
+ > def testhook(ui, **args):
+ > ui.write(b'hook works\n')
+ > EOF
+ $ echo '[hooks]' > repo/.hg/hgrc
+ $ echo "pre-commit.test = python:$TESTTMP/some:dir/testhooks.py" >> repo/.hg/hgrc
+ $ cd repo
+ $ hg commit -d '0 0'
+ abort: invalid 'python:' syntax: python:$TESTTMP/some:dir/testhooks.py
+ [255]
+ $ cd ../../b
make sure --traceback works on hook import failure
$ cat > importfail.py <<EOF
> import somebogusmodule
> # dereference something in the module to force demandimport to load it
> somebogusmodule.whatever
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