D6633: rust-dirstate: rust-cpython bridge for dirstatemap
Alphare (Raphaël Gomès)
phabricator at mercurial-scm.org
Wed Aug 14 20:42:09 UTC 2019
Closed by commit rHGe0f7ee53107e: rust-dirstate: rust-cpython bridge for dirstatemap (authored by Alphare).
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state "Needs Review".
rHG Mercurial
diff --git a/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate/dirstate_map.rs b/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate/dirstate_map.rs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate/dirstate_map.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+// dirstate_map.rs
+// Copyright 2019 Raphaël Gomès <rgomes at octobus.net>
+// This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+// GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+//! Bindings for the `hg::dirstate::dirstate_map` file provided by the
+//! `hg-core` package.
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+use std::convert::TryInto;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use cpython::{
+ exc, ObjectProtocol, PyBool, PyBytes, PyClone, PyDict, PyErr, PyObject,
+ PyResult, PyTuple, Python, PythonObject, ToPyObject,
+use libc::c_char;
+use crate::{
+ dirstate::copymap::{CopyMap, CopyMapItemsIterator, CopyMapKeysIterator},
+ dirstate::{decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple, dirs_multiset::Dirs},
+ ref_sharing::PySharedState,
+use hg::{
+ utils::copy_into_array, DirsIterable, DirsMultiset, DirstateEntry,
+ DirstateMap as RustDirstateMap, DirstateParents, DirstateParseError,
+ EntryState,
+// TODO
+// This object needs to share references to multiple members of its Rust
+// inner struct, namely `copy_map`, `dirs` and `all_dirs`.
+// Right now `CopyMap` is done, but it needs to have an explicit reference
+// to `RustDirstateMap` which itself needs to have an encapsulation for
+// every method in `CopyMap` (copymapcopy, etc.).
+// This is ugly and hard to maintain.
+// The same logic applies to `dirs` and `all_dirs`, however the `Dirs`
+// `py_class!` is already implemented and does not mention
+// `RustDirstateMap`, rightfully so.
+// All attributes also have to have a separate refcount data attribute for
+// leaks, with all methods that go along for reference sharing.
+py_class!(pub class DirstateMap |py| {
+ data inner: RefCell<RustDirstateMap>;
+ data py_shared_state: PySharedState;
+ def __new__(_cls, _root: PyObject) -> PyResult<Self> {
+ let inner = RustDirstateMap::default();
+ Self::create_instance(
+ py,
+ RefCell::new(inner),
+ PySharedState::default()
+ )
+ }
+ def clear(&self) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
+ self.borrow_mut(py)?.clear();
+ Ok(py.None())
+ }
+ def get(
+ &self,
+ key: PyObject,
+ default: Option<PyObject> = None
+ ) -> PyResult<Option<PyObject>> {
+ let key = key.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ match self.inner(py).borrow().get(key.data(py)) {
+ Some(entry) => {
+ // Explicitly go through u8 first, then cast to
+ // platform-specific `c_char`.
+ let state: u8 = entry.state.into();
+ Ok(Some(decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple(py)?(
+ state as c_char,
+ entry.mode,
+ entry.size,
+ entry.mtime,
+ )))
+ },
+ None => Ok(default)
+ }
+ }
+ def addfile(
+ &self,
+ f: PyObject,
+ oldstate: PyObject,
+ state: PyObject,
+ mode: PyObject,
+ size: PyObject,
+ mtime: PyObject
+ ) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
+ self.borrow_mut(py)?.add_file(
+ f.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py),
+ oldstate.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py)[0]
+ .try_into()
+ .map_err(|e: DirstateParseError| {
+ PyErr::new::<exc::ValueError, _>(py, e.to_string())
+ })?,
+ DirstateEntry {
+ state: state.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py)[0]
+ .try_into()
+ .map_err(|e: DirstateParseError| {
+ PyErr::new::<exc::ValueError, _>(py, e.to_string())
+ })?,
+ mode: mode.extract(py)?,
+ size: size.extract(py)?,
+ mtime: mtime.extract(py)?,
+ },
+ );
+ Ok(py.None())
+ }
+ def removefile(
+ &self,
+ f: PyObject,
+ oldstate: PyObject,
+ size: PyObject
+ ) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
+ self.borrow_mut(py)?
+ .remove_file(
+ f.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py),
+ oldstate.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py)[0]
+ .try_into()
+ .map_err(|e: DirstateParseError| {
+ PyErr::new::<exc::ValueError, _>(py, e.to_string())
+ })?,
+ size.extract(py)?,
+ )
+ .or_else(|_| {
+ Err(PyErr::new::<exc::OSError, _>(
+ py,
+ "Dirstate error".to_string(),
+ ))
+ })?;
+ Ok(py.None())
+ }
+ def dropfile(
+ &self,
+ f: PyObject,
+ oldstate: PyObject
+ ) -> PyResult<PyBool> {
+ self.borrow_mut(py)?
+ .drop_file(
+ f.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py),
+ oldstate.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py)[0]
+ .try_into()
+ .map_err(|e: DirstateParseError| {
+ PyErr::new::<exc::ValueError, _>(py, e.to_string())
+ })?,
+ )
+ .and_then(|b| Ok(b.to_py_object(py)))
+ .or_else(|_| {
+ Err(PyErr::new::<exc::OSError, _>(
+ py,
+ "Dirstate error".to_string(),
+ ))
+ })
+ }
+ def clearambiguoustimes(
+ &self,
+ files: PyObject,
+ now: PyObject
+ ) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
+ let files: PyResult<Vec<Vec<u8>>> = files
+ .iter(py)?
+ .map(|filename| {
+ Ok(filename?.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py).to_owned())
+ })
+ .collect();
+ self.inner(py)
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .clear_ambiguous_times(files?, now.extract(py)?);
+ Ok(py.None())
+ }
+ // TODO share the reference
+ def nonnormalentries(&self) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
+ let (non_normal, other_parent) =
+ self.inner(py).borrow().non_normal_other_parent_entries();
+ let locals = PyDict::new(py);
+ locals.set_item(
+ py,
+ "non_normal",
+ non_normal
+ .iter()
+ .map(|v| PyBytes::new(py, &v))
+ .collect::<Vec<PyBytes>>()
+ .to_py_object(py),
+ )?;
+ locals.set_item(
+ py,
+ "other_parent",
+ other_parent
+ .iter()
+ .map(|v| PyBytes::new(py, &v))
+ .collect::<Vec<PyBytes>>()
+ .to_py_object(py),
+ )?;
+ py.eval("set(non_normal), set(other_parent)", None, Some(&locals))
+ }
+ def hastrackeddir(&self, d: PyObject) -> PyResult<PyBool> {
+ let d = d.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ Ok(self
+ .inner(py)
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .has_tracked_dir(d.data(py))
+ .to_py_object(py))
+ }
+ def hasdir(&self, d: PyObject) -> PyResult<PyBool> {
+ let d = d.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ Ok(self
+ .inner(py)
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .has_dir(d.data(py))
+ .to_py_object(py))
+ }
+ def parents(&self, st: PyObject) -> PyResult<PyTuple> {
+ self.inner(py)
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .parents(st.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py))
+ .and_then(|d| {
+ Ok((PyBytes::new(py, &d.p1), PyBytes::new(py, &d.p2))
+ .to_py_object(py))
+ })
+ .or_else(|_| {
+ Err(PyErr::new::<exc::OSError, _>(
+ py,
+ "Dirstate error".to_string(),
+ ))
+ })
+ }
+ def setparents(&self, p1: PyObject, p2: PyObject) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
+ let p1 = copy_into_array(p1.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py));
+ let p2 = copy_into_array(p2.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py));
+ self.inner(py)
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .set_parents(DirstateParents { p1, p2 });
+ Ok(py.None())
+ }
+ def read(&self, st: PyObject) -> PyResult<Option<PyObject>> {
+ match self
+ .inner(py)
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .read(st.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py))
+ {
+ Ok(Some(parents)) => Ok(Some(
+ (PyBytes::new(py, &parents.p1), PyBytes::new(py, &parents.p2))
+ .to_py_object(py)
+ .into_object(),
+ )),
+ Ok(None) => Ok(Some(py.None())),
+ Err(_) => Err(PyErr::new::<exc::OSError, _>(
+ py,
+ "Dirstate error".to_string(),
+ )),
+ }
+ }
+ def write(
+ &self,
+ p1: PyObject,
+ p2: PyObject,
+ now: PyObject
+ ) -> PyResult<PyBytes> {
+ let now = Duration::new(now.extract(py)?, 0);
+ let parents = DirstateParents {
+ p1: copy_into_array(p1.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py)),
+ p2: copy_into_array(p2.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py)),
+ };
+ match self.borrow_mut(py)?.pack(parents, now) {
+ Ok(packed) => Ok(PyBytes::new(py, &packed)),
+ Err(_) => Err(PyErr::new::<exc::OSError, _>(
+ py,
+ "Dirstate error".to_string(),
+ )),
+ }
+ }
+ def filefoldmapasdict(&self) -> PyResult<PyDict> {
+ let dict = PyDict::new(py);
+ for (key, value) in
+ self.borrow_mut(py)?.build_file_fold_map().iter()
+ {
+ dict.set_item(py, key, value)?;
+ }
+ Ok(dict)
+ }
+ def __len__(&self) -> PyResult<usize> {
+ Ok(self.inner(py).borrow().len())
+ }
+ def __contains__(&self, key: PyObject) -> PyResult<bool> {
+ let key = key.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ Ok(self.inner(py).borrow().contains_key(key.data(py)))
+ }
+ def __getitem__(&self, key: PyObject) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
+ let key = key.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ let key = key.data(py);
+ match self.inner(py).borrow().get(key) {
+ Some(entry) => {
+ // Explicitly go through u8 first, then cast to
+ // platform-specific `c_char`.
+ let state: u8 = entry.state.into();
+ Ok(decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple(py)?(
+ state as c_char,
+ entry.mode,
+ entry.size,
+ entry.mtime,
+ ))
+ },
+ None => Err(PyErr::new::<exc::KeyError, _>(
+ py,
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(key),
+ )),
+ }
+ }
+ def keys(&self) -> PyResult<DirstateMapKeysIterator> {
+ DirstateMapKeysIterator::from_inner(
+ py,
+ Some(DirstateMapLeakedRef::new(py, &self)),
+ Box::new(self.leak_immutable(py)?.iter()),
+ )
+ }
+ def items(&self) -> PyResult<DirstateMapItemsIterator> {
+ DirstateMapItemsIterator::from_inner(
+ py,
+ Some(DirstateMapLeakedRef::new(py, &self)),
+ Box::new(self.leak_immutable(py)?.iter()),
+ )
+ }
+ def __iter__(&self) -> PyResult<DirstateMapKeysIterator> {
+ DirstateMapKeysIterator::from_inner(
+ py,
+ Some(DirstateMapLeakedRef::new(py, &self)),
+ Box::new(self.leak_immutable(py)?.iter()),
+ )
+ }
+ def getdirs(&self) -> PyResult<Dirs> {
+ // TODO don't copy, share the reference
+ self.inner(py).borrow_mut().set_dirs();
+ Dirs::from_inner(
+ py,
+ DirsMultiset::new(
+ DirsIterable::Dirstate(&self.inner(py).borrow()),
+ Some(EntryState::Removed),
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ def getalldirs(&self) -> PyResult<Dirs> {
+ // TODO don't copy, share the reference
+ self.inner(py).borrow_mut().set_all_dirs();
+ Dirs::from_inner(
+ py,
+ DirsMultiset::new(
+ DirsIterable::Dirstate(&self.inner(py).borrow()),
+ None,
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ // TODO all copymap* methods, see docstring above
+ def copymapcopy(&self) -> PyResult<PyDict> {
+ let dict = PyDict::new(py);
+ for (key, value) in self.inner(py).borrow().copy_map.iter() {
+ dict.set_item(py, PyBytes::new(py, key), PyBytes::new(py, value))?;
+ }
+ Ok(dict)
+ }
+ def copymapgetitem(&self, key: PyObject) -> PyResult<PyBytes> {
+ let key = key.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ match self.inner(py).borrow().copy_map.get(key.data(py)) {
+ Some(copy) => Ok(PyBytes::new(py, copy)),
+ None => Err(PyErr::new::<exc::KeyError, _>(
+ py,
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(key.data(py)),
+ )),
+ }
+ }
+ def copymap(&self) -> PyResult<CopyMap> {
+ CopyMap::from_inner(py, self.clone_ref(py))
+ }
+ def copymaplen(&self) -> PyResult<usize> {
+ Ok(self.inner(py).borrow().copy_map.len())
+ }
+ def copymapcontains(&self, key: PyObject) -> PyResult<bool> {
+ let key = key.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ Ok(self.inner(py).borrow().copy_map.contains_key(key.data(py)))
+ }
+ def copymapget(
+ &self,
+ key: PyObject,
+ default: Option<PyObject>
+ ) -> PyResult<Option<PyObject>> {
+ let key = key.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ match self.inner(py).borrow().copy_map.get(key.data(py)) {
+ Some(copy) => Ok(Some(PyBytes::new(py, copy).into_object())),
+ None => Ok(default),
+ }
+ }
+ def copymapsetitem(
+ &self,
+ key: PyObject,
+ value: PyObject
+ ) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
+ let key = key.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ let value = value.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ self.inner(py)
+ .borrow_mut()
+ .copy_map
+ .insert(key.data(py).to_vec(), value.data(py).to_vec());
+ Ok(py.None())
+ }
+ def copymappop(
+ &self,
+ key: PyObject,
+ default: Option<PyObject>
+ ) -> PyResult<Option<PyObject>> {
+ let key = key.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+ match self.inner(py).borrow_mut().copy_map.remove(key.data(py)) {
+ Some(_) => Ok(None),
+ None => Ok(default),
+ }
+ }
+ def copymapiter(&self) -> PyResult<CopyMapKeysIterator> {
+ CopyMapKeysIterator::from_inner(
+ py,
+ Some(DirstateMapLeakedRef::new(py, &self)),
+ Box::new(self.leak_immutable(py)?.copy_map.iter()),
+ )
+ }
+ def copymapitemsiter(&self) -> PyResult<CopyMapItemsIterator> {
+ CopyMapItemsIterator::from_inner(
+ py,
+ Some(DirstateMapLeakedRef::new(py, &self)),
+ Box::new(self.leak_immutable(py)?.copy_map.iter()),
+ )
+ }
+impl DirstateMap {
+ fn translate_key(
+ py: Python,
+ res: (&Vec<u8>, &DirstateEntry),
+ ) -> PyResult<Option<PyBytes>> {
+ Ok(Some(PyBytes::new(py, res.0)))
+ }
+ fn translate_key_value(
+ py: Python,
+ res: (&Vec<u8>, &DirstateEntry),
+ ) -> PyResult<Option<(PyBytes, PyObject)>> {
+ let (f, entry) = res;
+ // Explicitly go through u8 first, then cast to
+ // platform-specific `c_char`.
+ let state: u8 = entry.state.into();
+ Ok(Some((
+ PyBytes::new(py, f),
+ decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple(py)?(
+ state as c_char,
+ entry.mode,
+ entry.size,
+ entry.mtime,
+ ),
+ )))
+ }
+py_shared_ref!(DirstateMap, RustDirstateMap, inner, DirstateMapLeakedRef,);
+ DirstateMapKeysIterator,
+ DirstateMapLeakedRef,
+ Vec<u8>,
+ DirstateEntry,
+ DirstateMap::translate_key,
+ Option<PyBytes>
+ DirstateMapItemsIterator,
+ DirstateMapLeakedRef,
+ Vec<u8>,
+ DirstateEntry,
+ DirstateMap::translate_key_value,
+ Option<(PyBytes, PyObject)>
diff --git a/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate/copymap.rs b/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate/copymap.rs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate/copymap.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// copymap.rs
+// Copyright 2019 Raphaël Gomès <rgomes at octobus.net>
+// This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+// GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+//! Bindings for `hg::dirstate::dirstate_map::CopyMap` provided by the
+//! `hg-core` package.
+use cpython::{PyBytes, PyClone, PyDict, PyObject, PyResult, Python};
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+use crate::dirstate::dirstate_map::{DirstateMap, DirstateMapLeakedRef};
+py_class!(pub class CopyMap |py| {
+ data dirstate_map: DirstateMap;
+ def __getitem__(&self, key: PyObject) -> PyResult<PyBytes> {
+ (*self.dirstate_map(py)).copymapgetitem(py, key)
+ }
+ def __len__(&self) -> PyResult<usize> {
+ self.dirstate_map(py).copymaplen(py)
+ }
+ def __contains__(&self, key: PyObject) -> PyResult<bool> {
+ self.dirstate_map(py).copymapcontains(py, key)
+ }
+ def get(
+ &self,
+ key: PyObject,
+ default: Option<PyObject> = None
+ ) -> PyResult<Option<PyObject>> {
+ self.dirstate_map(py).copymapget(py, key, default)
+ }
+ def pop(
+ &self,
+ key: PyObject,
+ default: Option<PyObject> = None
+ ) -> PyResult<Option<PyObject>> {
+ self.dirstate_map(py).copymappop(py, key, default)
+ }
+ def __iter__(&self) -> PyResult<CopyMapKeysIterator> {
+ self.dirstate_map(py).copymapiter(py)
+ }
+ // Python's `dict()` builtin works with either a subclass of dict
+ // or an abstract mapping. Said mapping needs to implement `__getitem__`
+ // and `keys`.
+ def keys(&self) -> PyResult<CopyMapKeysIterator> {
+ self.dirstate_map(py).copymapiter(py)
+ }
+ def items(&self) -> PyResult<CopyMapItemsIterator> {
+ self.dirstate_map(py).copymapitemsiter(py)
+ }
+ def iteritems(&self) -> PyResult<CopyMapItemsIterator> {
+ self.dirstate_map(py).copymapitemsiter(py)
+ }
+ def __setitem__(
+ &self,
+ key: PyObject,
+ item: PyObject
+ ) -> PyResult<()> {
+ self.dirstate_map(py).copymapsetitem(py, key, item)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ def copy(&self) -> PyResult<PyDict> {
+ self.dirstate_map(py).copymapcopy(py)
+ }
+impl CopyMap {
+ pub fn from_inner(py: Python, dm: DirstateMap) -> PyResult<Self> {
+ Self::create_instance(py, dm)
+ }
+ fn translate_key(
+ py: Python,
+ res: (&Vec<u8>, &Vec<u8>),
+ ) -> PyResult<Option<PyBytes>> {
+ Ok(Some(PyBytes::new(py, res.0)))
+ }
+ fn translate_key_value(
+ py: Python,
+ res: (&Vec<u8>, &Vec<u8>),
+ ) -> PyResult<Option<(PyBytes, PyBytes)>> {
+ let (k, v) = res;
+ Ok(Some((PyBytes::new(py, k), PyBytes::new(py, v))))
+ }
+ CopyMapKeysIterator,
+ DirstateMapLeakedRef,
+ Vec<u8>,
+ Vec<u8>,
+ CopyMap::translate_key,
+ Option<PyBytes>
+ CopyMapItemsIterator,
+ DirstateMapLeakedRef,
+ Vec<u8>,
+ Vec<u8>,
+ CopyMap::translate_key_value,
+ Option<(PyBytes, PyBytes)>
diff --git a/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate.rs b/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate.rs
--- a/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate.rs
+++ b/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate.rs
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
//! `hg-core` package.
//! From Python, this will be seen as `mercurial.rustext.dirstate`
+mod copymap;
mod dirs_multiset;
-use crate::dirstate::dirs_multiset::Dirs;
+mod dirstate_map;
+use crate::dirstate::{dirs_multiset::Dirs, dirstate_map::DirstateMap};
use cpython::{
exc, PyBytes, PyDict, PyErr, PyModule, PyObject, PyResult, PySequence,
@@ -94,6 +96,7 @@
m.add(py, "__doc__", "Dirstate - Rust implementation")?;
+ m.add_class::<DirstateMap>(py)?;
let sys = PyModule::import(py, "sys")?;
let sys_modules: PyDict = sys.get(py, "modules")?.extract(py)?;
To: Alphare, #hg-reviewers
Cc: durin42, kevincox, mercurial-devel
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