D6515: worker: support parallelization of functions with return values
valentin.gatienbaron (Valentin Gatien-Baron)
phabricator at mercurial-scm.org
Wed Jun 12 17:25:29 UTC 2019
valentin.gatienbaron created this revision.
Herald added a subscriber: mercurial-devel.
Herald added a reviewer: hg-reviewers.
Currently worker supports running functions that return a progress
iterator. Generalize it to handle function that return a progress
iterator then a return value.
It's unused in this commit, but will be used in the next one.
rHG Mercurial
diff --git a/mercurial/worker.py b/mercurial/worker.py
--- a/mercurial/worker.py
+++ b/mercurial/worker.py
@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@
benefit = linear - (_STARTUP_COST * workers + linear / workers)
return benefit >= 0.15
-def worker(ui, costperarg, func, staticargs, args, threadsafe=True):
+def worker(ui, costperarg, func, staticargs, args, hasretval=False,
+ threadsafe=True):
'''run a function, possibly in parallel in multiple worker
@@ -91,23 +92,27 @@
costperarg - cost of a single task
- func - function to run
+ func - function to run. It is expected to return a progress iterator.
staticargs - arguments to pass to every invocation of the function
args - arguments to split into chunks, to pass to individual
+ hasretval - when True, func and the current function return an progress
+ iterator then a list (encoded as an iterator that yield many (False, ..)
+ then a (True, list)). The resulting list is in the natural order.
threadsafe - whether work items are thread safe and can be executed using
a thread-based worker. Should be disabled for CPU heavy tasks that don't
release the GIL.
enabled = ui.configbool('worker', 'enabled')
if enabled and worthwhile(ui, costperarg, len(args), threadsafe=threadsafe):
- return _platformworker(ui, func, staticargs, args)
+ return _platformworker(ui, func, staticargs, args, hasretval)
return func(*staticargs + (args,))
-def _posixworker(ui, func, staticargs, args):
+def _posixworker(ui, func, staticargs, args, hasretval):
workers = _numworkers(ui)
oldhandler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
@@ -157,7 +162,8 @@
parentpid = os.getpid()
pipes = []
- for pargs in partition(args, workers):
+ retvals = []
+ for i, pargs in enumerate(partition(args, workers)):
# Every worker gets its own pipe to send results on, so we don't have to
# implement atomic writes larger than PIPE_BUF. Each forked process has
# its own pipe's descriptors in the local variables, and the parent
@@ -165,6 +171,7 @@
# care what order they're in).
rfd, wfd = os.pipe()
pipes.append((rfd, wfd))
+ retvals.append(None)
# make sure we use os._exit in all worker code paths. otherwise the
# worker may do some clean-ups which could cause surprises like
# deadlock. see sshpeer.cleanup for example.
@@ -185,7 +192,7 @@
for result in func(*(staticargs + (pargs,))):
- os.write(wfd, util.pickle.dumps(result))
+ os.write(wfd, util.pickle.dumps((i, result)))
return 0
ret = scmutil.callcatch(ui, workerfunc)
@@ -219,7 +226,11 @@
while openpipes > 0:
for key, events in selector.select():
- yield util.pickle.load(key.fileobj)
+ i, res = util.pickle.load(key.fileobj)
+ if hasretval and res[0]:
+ retvals[i] = res[1]
+ else:
+ yield res
except EOFError:
@@ -237,6 +248,8 @@
if status < 0:
os.kill(os.getpid(), -status)
+ if hasretval:
+ yield True, sum(retvals, [])
def _posixexitstatus(code):
'''convert a posix exit status into the same form returned by
@@ -248,7 +261,7 @@
elif os.WIFSIGNALED(code):
return -os.WTERMSIG(code)
-def _windowsworker(ui, func, staticargs, args):
+def _windowsworker(ui, func, staticargs, args, hasretval):
class Worker(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, taskqueue, resultqueue, func, staticargs, *args,
@@ -268,9 +281,9 @@
while not self._taskqueue.empty():
- args = self._taskqueue.get_nowait()
+ i, args = self._taskqueue.get_nowait()
for res in self._func(*self._staticargs + (args,)):
- self._resultqueue.put(res)
+ self._resultqueue.put((i, res))
# threading doesn't provide a native way to
# interrupt execution. handle it manually at every
# iteration.
@@ -305,9 +318,11 @@
workers = _numworkers(ui)
resultqueue = pycompat.queue.Queue()
taskqueue = pycompat.queue.Queue()
+ retvals = []
# partition work to more pieces than workers to minimize the chance
# of uneven distribution of large tasks between the workers
- for pargs in partition(args, workers * 20):
+ for pargs in enumerate(partition(args, workers * 20)):
+ retvals.append(None)
for _i in range(workers):
t = Worker(taskqueue, resultqueue, func, staticargs)
@@ -316,7 +331,11 @@
while len(threads) > 0:
while not resultqueue.empty():
- yield resultqueue.get()
+ (i, res) = resultqueue.get()
+ if hasretval and res[0]:
+ retvals[i] = res[1]
+ else:
+ yield res
finishedthreads = [_t for _t in threads if not _t.is_alive()]
for t in finishedthreads:
@@ -327,7 +346,13 @@
while not resultqueue.empty():
- yield resultqueue.get()
+ (i, res) = resultqueue.get()
+ if hasretval and res[0]:
+ retvals[i] = res[1]
+ else:
+ yield res
+ if hasretval:
+ yield True, sum(retvals, [])
if pycompat.iswindows:
_platformworker = _windowsworker
To: valentin.gatienbaron, #hg-reviewers
Cc: mercurial-devel
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