D6836: interfaces: introduce an interface for dirstate implementations
durin42 (Augie Fackler)
phabricator at mercurial-scm.org
Sat Sep 14 15:34:56 UTC 2019
Closed by commit rHGd459cd8ea42d: interfaces: introduce an interface for dirstate implementations (authored by durin42).
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
rHG Mercurial
diff --git a/tests/test-check-interfaces.py b/tests/test-check-interfaces.py
--- a/tests/test-check-interfaces.py
+++ b/tests/test-check-interfaces.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
from mercurial.interfaces import (
+ dirstate as intdirstate,
from mercurial.thirdparty.zope import (
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
from mercurial import (
+ dirstate,
@@ -189,6 +191,8 @@
+ ziverify.verifyClass(intdirstate.idirstate, dirstate.dirstate)
vfs = vfsmod.vfs(b'.')
fl = filelog.filelog(vfs, b'dummy.i')
checkzobject(fl, allowextra=True)
diff --git a/mercurial/interfaces/dirstate.py b/mercurial/interfaces/dirstate.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/interfaces/dirstate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
+import contextlib
+from .. import (
+ node as nodemod,
+from . import (
+ util as interfaceutil,
+class idirstate(interfaceutil.Interface):
+ def __init__(opener, ui, root, validate, sparsematchfn):
+ '''Create a new dirstate object.
+ opener is an open()-like callable that can be used to open the
+ dirstate file; root is the root of the directory tracked by
+ the dirstate.
+ '''
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def parentchange():
+ '''Context manager for handling dirstate parents.
+ If an exception occurs in the scope of the context manager,
+ the incoherent dirstate won't be written when wlock is
+ released.
+ '''
+ def pendingparentchange():
+ '''Returns true if the dirstate is in the middle of a set of changes
+ that modify the dirstate parent.
+ '''
+ _map = interfaceutil.Attribute(
+ """Return the dirstate contents (see documentation for dirstatemap).
+ TODO this should not be exposed.
+ """
+ )
+ def hasdir(d):
+ pass
+ _ignore = interfaceutil.Attribute('Matcher for ignored files.')
+ _checklink = interfaceutil.Attribute('Callable for checking symlinks.')
+ _checkexec = interfaceutil.Attribute('Callable for checking exec bits.')
+ def flagfunc(buildfallback):
+ pass
+ def getcwd():
+ '''Return the path from which a canonical path is calculated.
+ This path should be used to resolve file patterns or to convert
+ canonical paths back to file paths for display. It shouldn't be
+ used to get real file paths. Use vfs functions instead.
+ '''
+ def pathto(f, cwd=None):
+ pass
+ def __getitem__(key):
+ '''Return the current state of key (a filename) in the dirstate.
+ States are:
+ n normal
+ m needs merging
+ r marked for removal
+ a marked for addition
+ ? not tracked
+ '''
+ def __contains__(key):
+ """Check if bytestring `key` is known to the dirstate."""
+ def __iter__():
+ """Iterate the dirstate's contained filenames as bytestrings."""
+ def items():
+ """Iterate the dirstate's entries as (filename, dirstatetuple).
+ As usual, filename is a bytestring.
+ """
+ iteritems = items
+ def parents():
+ pass
+ def p1():
+ pass
+ def p2():
+ pass
+ def branch():
+ pass
+ def setparents(p1, p2=nodemod.nullid):
+ """Set dirstate parents to p1 and p2.
+ When moving from two parents to one, 'm' merged entries a
+ adjusted to normal and previous copy records discarded and
+ returned by the call.
+ See localrepo.setparents()
+ """
+ def setbranch(branch):
+ pass
+ def invalidate():
+ '''Causes the next access to reread the dirstate.
+ This is different from localrepo.invalidatedirstate() because it always
+ rereads the dirstate. Use localrepo.invalidatedirstate() if you want to
+ check whether the dirstate has changed before rereading it.'''
+ def copy(source, dest):
+ """Mark dest as a copy of source. Unmark dest if source is None."""
+ def copied(file):
+ pass
+ def copies():
+ pass
+ def normal(f, parentfiledata=None):
+ '''Mark a file normal and clean.
+ parentfiledata: (mode, size, mtime) of the clean file
+ parentfiledata should be computed from memory (for mode,
+ size), as or close as possible from the point where we
+ determined the file was clean, to limit the risk of the
+ file having been changed by an external process between the
+ moment where the file was determined to be clean and now.'''
+ pass
+ def normallookup(f):
+ '''Mark a file normal, but possibly dirty.'''
+ def otherparent(f):
+ '''Mark as coming from the other parent, always dirty.'''
+ def add(f):
+ '''Mark a file added.'''
+ def remove(f):
+ '''Mark a file removed.'''
+ def merge(f):
+ '''Mark a file merged.'''
+ def drop(f):
+ '''Drop a file from the dirstate'''
+ def normalize(path, isknown=False, ignoremissing=False):
+ '''
+ normalize the case of a pathname when on a casefolding filesystem
+ isknown specifies whether the filename came from walking the
+ disk, to avoid extra filesystem access.
+ If ignoremissing is True, missing path are returned
+ unchanged. Otherwise, we try harder to normalize possibly
+ existing path components.
+ The normalized case is determined based on the following precedence:
+ - version of name already stored in the dirstate
+ - version of name stored on disk
+ - version provided via command arguments
+ '''
+ def clear():
+ pass
+ def rebuild(parent, allfiles, changedfiles=None):
+ pass
+ def identity():
+ '''Return identity of dirstate it to detect changing in storage
+ If identity of previous dirstate is equal to this, writing
+ changes based on the former dirstate out can keep consistency.
+ '''
+ def write(tr):
+ pass
+ def addparentchangecallback(category, callback):
+ """add a callback to be called when the wd parents are changed
+ Callback will be called with the following arguments:
+ dirstate, (oldp1, oldp2), (newp1, newp2)
+ Category is a unique identifier to allow overwriting an old callback
+ with a newer callback.
+ """
+ def _ignorefiles():
+ """Return a list of files containing patterns to ignore.
+ TODO this should not be exposed."""
+ def _ignorefileandline(f):
+ """Given a file `f`, return the ignore file and line that ignores it.
+ TODO this should not be exposed."""
+ def walk(match, subrepos, unknown, ignored, full=True):
+ '''
+ Walk recursively through the directory tree, finding all files
+ matched by match.
+ If full is False, maybe skip some known-clean files.
+ Return a dict mapping filename to stat-like object (either
+ mercurial.osutil.stat instance or return value of os.stat()).
+ '''
+ def status(match, subrepos, ignored, clean, unknown):
+ '''Determine the status of the working copy relative to the
+ dirstate and return a pair of (unsure, status), where status is of type
+ scmutil.status and:
+ unsure:
+ files that might have been modified since the dirstate was
+ written, but need to be read to be sure (size is the same
+ but mtime differs)
+ status.modified:
+ files that have definitely been modified since the dirstate
+ was written (different size or mode)
+ status.clean:
+ files that have definitely not been modified since the
+ dirstate was written
+ '''
+ def matches(match):
+ '''
+ return files in the dirstate (in whatever state) filtered by match
+ '''
+ def savebackup(tr, backupname):
+ '''Save current dirstate into backup file'''
+ def restorebackup(tr, backupname):
+ '''Restore dirstate by backup file'''
+ def clearbackup(tr, backupname):
+ '''Clear backup file'''
diff --git a/mercurial/dirstate.py b/mercurial/dirstate.py
--- a/mercurial/dirstate.py
+++ b/mercurial/dirstate.py
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
+from .interfaces import (
+ dirstate as intdirstate,
+ util as interfaceutil,
parsers = policy.importmod(r'parsers')
rustmod = policy.importrust(r'dirstate')
@@ -55,6 +60,7 @@
+ at interfaceutil.implementer(intdirstate.idirstate)
class dirstate(object):
def __init__(self, opener, ui, root, validate, sparsematchfn):
To: durin42, #hg-reviewers, indygreg, pulkit
Cc: Alphare, mercurial-devel
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