What should we do about the i18n repo?

Augie Fackler raf at durin42.com
Mon Sep 7 19:24:18 UTC 2020

> On Sep 7, 2020, at 8:37 AM, David Demelier <markand at malikania.fr> wrote:
>> On 7 Sep 2020, at 11:07, FUJIWARA Katsunori <foozy at lares.dti.ne.jp> wrote:
>> On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 09:36:14 +0900,
>> Augie Fackler wrote:
>>> [1  <multipart/alternative (7bit)>]
>>> [1.1  <text/plain; utf-8 (quoted-printable)>]
>>> We can do that, but I don’t think we even know who has access to i18n right now?
>> As far as I confirmed, almost all *.po files has not been changed for
>> translation since 2015 or so. pt_BR.po and ja.po have not been changed
>> for translation since 2018-05, too.
> I was searching the archive because I think I’ve already asked about translations into Mercurial. I think translations should be completely removed as we no longer have enough contributors who update all languages.
> To be honest, I much prefer an application in English rather than partially translated.
> Any opinions there?

Is there any easy way to figure out how many of the strings are translated? It strikes me that the translations could be unchanging because our strings are pretty stable, but it could also be that nobody cares. If it’s the latter and the translations are incomplete I guess I’d sign off on a change to remove them, but I don’t feel strongly as I’m a native English speaker so it’s hard to judge what I’d want if I spoke something else.

> -- 
> David

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