hgweb: access to `rawenv` (or `$REQUEST_URI`) within a template

Norman Gray gray at nxg.name
Sun Jan 23 13:11:17 UTC 2022


I have an hgweb server running behind nginx, which talks to it via 
uwsgi. I want to get access to the REQUEST_URI uwsgi environment 
variable within a template (ie, one of the .tmpl files), but can't work 
out how to.

Looking at the code of request.py, I can see that the environment is 
bundled up into a dict-valued rawenv attribute in a parsedrequest 
object, and that the REQUEST_URI environment variable is in there. So 
the information is... nearby, but I can't for the life of me work out 
how to get at it from within a template.

I've tried {rawenv%REQUEST_URI} and {rawenv.REQUEST_URI}, and 
(get(rawenv,'REQUEST_URI')}, so it's clear that my initial guess, that 
the various relevant dictionaries are in scope to be looked up by the 
Mercurial template language, is wrong.  As you can see, though I've 
looked at request.py, I haven't gone through it in enough detail to be 
confident about how the information is moving about.

I'm conscious, of course, that there may be a horde of documentation I'm 
simply missing, so I'm very happy to RTFM if I can find where the full 
FM is located.

Why do I want this? Because of the way I've laid out the URLs here, with 
some non-trivial (but not insane) URL rewriting, I've made things a bit 
hard for myself: in the template, {url} doesn't expand to the actual URI 
from the client point of view, but instead to the ‘real’ location 
after rewriting.  It's the client-visible URL I want to manipulate in 
the template.

I've looked at a few recent months in the list archive, and at entries 
in the bugparade [1] (both open and a quick look through the closed 
ones), but I haven't stumbled across any discussion of a similar issue.  
I did ask a question on stackoverflow [2], but I don't think that's 
currently a rich source of Hg help, unfortunately.

Thanks for any pointers,



Norman Gray  :  https://nxg.me.uk

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