D12380: contrib: add a partial-merge tool for Python imports [WIP]
martinvonz (Martin von Zweigbergk)
phabricator at mercurial-scm.org
Tue Mar 15 22:51:28 UTC 2022
martinvonz created this revision.
Herald added a reviewer: hg-reviewers.
Herald added a subscriber: mercurial-patches.
rHG Mercurial
diff --git a/contrib/merge-imports/tests/test-merge-imports.rs b/contrib/merge-imports/tests/test-merge-imports.rs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/merge-imports/tests/test-merge-imports.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+use similar::DiffableStr;
+use tempdir::TempDir;
+fn run_test(input: &str) -> String {
+ let mut cmd = assert_cmd::Command::cargo_bin("merge-imports").unwrap();
+ let temp_dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
+ let base_path = temp_dir.path().join("base");
+ let local_path = temp_dir.path().join("local");
+ let other_path = temp_dir.path().join("other");
+ let rest = input.strip_prefix("\nbase:\n").unwrap();
+ let mut split = rest.split("\nlocal:\n");
+ std::fs::write(&base_path, split.next().unwrap()).unwrap();
+ let rest = split.next().unwrap();
+ let mut split = rest.split("\nother:\n");
+ std::fs::write(&local_path, split.next().unwrap()).unwrap();
+ std::fs::write(&other_path, split.next().unwrap()).unwrap();
+ cmd.args(&[
+ local_path.as_os_str(),
+ base_path.as_os_str(),
+ other_path.as_os_str(),
+ ])
+ .assert()
+ .success();
+ let new_base_bytes = std::fs::read(&base_path).unwrap();
+ let new_local_bytes = std::fs::read(&local_path).unwrap();
+ let new_other_bytes = std::fs::read(&other_path).unwrap();
+ // No newline before "base:" because of https://github.com/mitsuhiko/insta/issues/117
+ format!(
+ "base:\n{}\nlocal:\n{}\nother:\n{}",
+ new_base_bytes.as_str().unwrap(),
+ new_local_bytes.as_str().unwrap(),
+ new_other_bytes.as_str().unwrap()
+ )
+fn test_merge_imports() {
+ let output = run_test(
+ r"
+import lib1
+import lib2
+import lib2
+import lib3
+import lib3
+import lib4
+ );
+ insta::assert_snapshot!(output, @r###"
+ base:
+ import lib3
+ import lib4
+ local:
+ import lib3
+ import lib4
+ other:
+ import lib3
+ import lib4
+ "###);
+fn test_merge_imports2() {
+ // Test some "from x import y" statements and some non-import conflicts (unresolvable)
+ let output = run_test(
+ r"
+from . import x
+from . import x
+from a import b
+from a import c
+ );
+ insta::assert_snapshot!(output, @r###"
+ base:
+ from a import b
+ from a import c
+ 1+1
+ local:
+ from a import b
+ from a import c
+ 2+2
+ other:
+ from a import b
+ from a import c
+ 3+3
+ "###);
diff --git a/contrib/merge-imports/src/main.rs b/contrib/merge-imports/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/merge-imports/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use regex::bytes::Regex;
+use similar::ChangeTag;
+use std::cmp::{max, min, Ordering};
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use std::ops::Range;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+fn find_unchanged_ranges(
+ old_bytes: &[u8],
+ new_bytes: &[u8],
+) -> Vec<(Range<usize>, Range<usize>)> {
+ let diff = similar::TextDiff::configure()
+ .algorithm(similar::Algorithm::Patience)
+ .diff_lines(old_bytes, new_bytes);
+ let mut new_unchanged_ranges = vec![];
+ let mut old_index = 0;
+ let mut new_index = 0;
+ for diff in diff.iter_all_changes() {
+ match diff.tag() {
+ ChangeTag::Equal => {
+ new_unchanged_ranges.push((
+ old_index..old_index + diff.value().len(),
+ new_index..new_index + diff.value().len(),
+ ));
+ old_index += diff.value().len();
+ new_index += diff.value().len();
+ }
+ ChangeTag::Delete => {
+ old_index += diff.value().len();
+ }
+ ChangeTag::Insert => {
+ new_index += diff.value().len();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ new_unchanged_ranges
+fn extract_imports<'input>(input: &'input [u8], regex: &Regex) -> Option<Vec<&'input [u8]>> {
+ let mut lines = vec![];
+ let mut previous_line = "".as_bytes();
+ for line in input.split_inclusive(|x| *x == b'\n') {
+ if line < previous_line {
+ return None;
+ }
+ if !regex.is_match(line) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ lines.push(line.clone());
+ previous_line = line;
+ }
+ Some(lines)
+fn resolve_conflict(
+ base_slice: &[u8],
+ local_slice: &[u8],
+ other_slice: &[u8],
+ regex: &Regex,
+) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
+ let base_lines = extract_imports(base_slice, regex)?;
+ let local_lines = extract_imports(local_slice, regex)?;
+ let other_lines = extract_imports(other_slice, regex)?;
+ let base_lines_set : HashSet<_> = base_lines.iter().copied().collect();
+ let local_lines_set : HashSet<_> = local_lines.iter().copied().collect();
+ let other_lines_set : HashSet<_> = other_lines.iter().copied().collect();
+ let mut result = local_lines_set;
+ for to_add in other_lines_set.difference(&base_lines_set) {
+ result.insert(to_add);
+ }
+ for to_remove in base_lines_set.difference(&other_lines_set) {
+ result.remove(to_remove);
+ }
+ Some(result.into_iter().sorted().collect_vec().concat())
+fn main() {
+ let app = clap::Command::new("merge-imports")
+ .arg(clap::Arg::new("local").index(1).required(true))
+ .arg(clap::Arg::new("base").index(2).required(true))
+ .arg(clap::Arg::new("other").index(3).required(true));
+ let matches = app.get_matches();
+ let base_path = PathBuf::from(matches.value_of("base").unwrap());
+ let local_path = PathBuf::from(matches.value_of("local").unwrap());
+ let other_path = PathBuf::from(matches.value_of("other").unwrap());
+ let base_bytes = std::fs::read(&base_path).unwrap();
+ let local_bytes = std::fs::read(&local_path).unwrap();
+ let other_bytes = std::fs::read(&other_path).unwrap();
+ // Find unchanged ranges between the base and the two sides. We do that by initially considering
+ // the whole base unchanged. Then we compare each side with the base and intersect the unchanged
+ // ranges we find with what we had before.
+ let unchanged_ranges = vec![UnchangedRange {
+ base_range: 0..base_bytes.len(),
+ offsets: vec![],
+ }];
+ let unchanged_ranges = intersect_regions(
+ unchanged_ranges,
+ &find_unchanged_ranges(&base_bytes, &local_bytes),
+ );
+ let mut unchanged_ranges = intersect_regions(
+ unchanged_ranges,
+ &find_unchanged_ranges(&base_bytes, &other_bytes),
+ );
+ // Add an empty UnchangedRange at the end to make it easier to iterate. That way there's a
+ // changed range before each UnchangedRange.
+ unchanged_ranges.push(UnchangedRange {
+ base_range: base_bytes.len()..base_bytes.len(),
+ offsets: vec![local_bytes.len().wrapping_sub(base_bytes.len()) as isize,
+ other_bytes.len().wrapping_sub(base_bytes.len()) as isize]
+ });
+ let regex =
+ regex::bytes::Regex::new(r"import \w+(\.\w+)*( +#.*)?\n|from (\w+(\.\w+)* import \w+( as \w+)?(, \w+( as \w+)?)*( +#.*)?)\n").unwrap();
+ let mut new_base_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![];
+ let mut new_local_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![];
+ let mut new_other_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![];
+ let mut previous = UnchangedRange {
+ base_range: 0..0,
+ offsets: vec![0, 0],
+ };
+ for current in unchanged_ranges {
+ let base_slice =
+ &base_bytes[previous.base_range.end..current.base_range.start];
+ let local_slice = &local_bytes[previous.end(0)..current.start(0)];
+ let other_slice = &other_bytes[previous.end(1)..current.start(1)];
+ if let Some(resolution) =
+ resolve_conflict(base_slice, local_slice, other_slice, ®ex)
+ {
+ new_base_bytes.extend(&resolution);
+ new_local_bytes.extend(&resolution);
+ new_other_bytes.extend(&resolution);
+ } else {
+ new_base_bytes.extend(base_slice);
+ new_local_bytes.extend(local_slice);
+ new_other_bytes.extend(other_slice);
+ }
+ new_base_bytes.extend(&base_bytes[current.base_range.clone()]);
+ new_local_bytes.extend(&local_bytes[current.start(0)..current.end(0)]);
+ new_other_bytes.extend(&other_bytes[current.start(1)..current.end(1)]);
+ previous = current;
+ }
+ // Write out the result if anything changed
+ if new_base_bytes != base_bytes
+ || new_local_bytes != local_bytes
+ || new_other_bytes != other_bytes
+ {
+ std::fs::write(&base_path, new_base_bytes).unwrap();
+ std::fs::write(&local_path, new_local_bytes).unwrap();
+ std::fs::write(&other_path, new_other_bytes).unwrap();
+ }
+// The remainder of the file is copied from
+// https://github.com/martinvonz/jj/blob/main/lib/src/diff.rs
+#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+struct UnchangedRange {
+ base_range: Range<usize>,
+ offsets: Vec<isize>,
+impl UnchangedRange {
+ fn start(&self, side: usize) -> usize {
+ self.base_range
+ .start
+ .wrapping_add(self.offsets[side] as usize)
+ }
+ fn end(&self, side: usize) -> usize {
+ self.base_range
+ .end
+ .wrapping_add(self.offsets[side] as usize)
+ }
+impl PartialOrd for UnchangedRange {
+ fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
+ Some(self.cmp(other))
+ }
+impl Ord for UnchangedRange {
+ fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
+ self.base_range
+ .start
+ .cmp(&other.base_range.start)
+ .then_with(|| self.base_range.end.cmp(&other.base_range.end))
+ }
+/// Takes the current regions and intersects it with the new unchanged ranges
+/// from a 2-way diff. The result is a map of unchanged regions with one more
+/// offset in the map's values.
+fn intersect_regions(
+ current_ranges: Vec<UnchangedRange>,
+ new_unchanged_ranges: &[(Range<usize>, Range<usize>)],
+) -> Vec<UnchangedRange> {
+ let mut result = vec![];
+ let mut current_ranges_iter = current_ranges.into_iter().peekable();
+ for (new_base_range, other_range) in new_unchanged_ranges.iter() {
+ assert_eq!(new_base_range.len(), other_range.len());
+ while let Some(UnchangedRange {
+ base_range,
+ offsets,
+ }) = current_ranges_iter.peek()
+ {
+ // No need to look further if we're past the new range.
+ if base_range.start >= new_base_range.end {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Discard any current unchanged regions that don't match between
+ // the base and the new input.
+ if base_range.end <= new_base_range.start {
+ current_ranges_iter.next();
+ continue;
+ }
+ let new_start = max(base_range.start, new_base_range.start);
+ let new_end = min(base_range.end, new_base_range.end);
+ let mut new_offsets = offsets.clone();
+ new_offsets
+ .push(other_range.start.wrapping_sub(new_base_range.start)
+ as isize);
+ result.push(UnchangedRange {
+ base_range: new_start..new_end,
+ offsets: new_offsets,
+ });
+ if base_range.end >= new_base_range.end {
+ // Break without consuming the item; there may be other new
+ // ranges that overlap with it.
+ break;
+ }
+ current_ranges_iter.next();
+ }
+ }
+ result
diff --git a/contrib/merge-imports/Cargo.toml b/contrib/merge-imports/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/merge-imports/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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+rust-version = "1.59"
+# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
+clap = "3.1.6"
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+insta = "1.13.0"
+tempdir = "0.3.7"
diff --git a/contrib/merge-imports/Cargo.lock b/contrib/merge-imports/Cargo.lock
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/merge-imports/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+# It is not intended for manual editing.
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To: martinvonz, #hg-reviewers
Cc: mercurial-patches, mercurial-devel
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