New user guide for evolve

Greg Ward greg at
Sun Apr 27 19:45:33 UTC 2014

On 27 April 2014, Angel Ezquerra said:
> > Some of the things you can do with ``evolve`` are:
> >
> >   * fix a mistake immediately: "oops! I just committed a changeset
> >     with a syntax error -- I'll fix that and amend the changeset so no
> >     one sees my mistake"
> I don't think this example highlights any new feature introduced by
> evolve. Can't you already do this without evolve?
> Maybe you should say that this keeps the old version around, or that
> you can fix a _pushed_ revision as long as the remote repo is non
> publishing.

It's true that this has been possible forever with "hg rollback", and
for a while with "hg commit --amend". I was trying to keep it short
and simple and not confuse matters with precise legalistic wording.
But I think this might work:

  * Fix a mistake immediately: "oops! I just committed a changeset
    with a syntax error -- I'll fix that and amend the changeset so no
    one sees my mistake". (While this is possible using existing
    features of core Mercurial, ``evolve`` makes it safer.)

Anyone have a better suggestion?

Thanks for the feedback!

Greg Ward                  
<greg at>                       @gergdotca

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