New user guide for evolve

Greg Ward greg at
Sun Apr 27 20:39:44 UTC 2014

On 27 April 2014, Angel Ezquerra said:
> > However, it's important to understand that new changesets are in the
> > *draft* phase: they are mutable. This means that they can be modified
> > by Mercurial's existing history-editing commands (``rebase``,
> > ``histedit``, etc.), and also by ``evolve``. Generally speaking,
> > changesets remain in *draft* phase until they are pushed to another
> > repository, at which point they enter *public* phase. ::
> Perhaps it is too early in the guide to say so, but maybe we should
> explicitly say "until they are pushed to another publishing
> repository"?

Thanks! I think you're right that it's a good idea to at least mention
publishing vs. non-publishing repos. I added a paragraph that does
that with a link to the not-yet-written "Sharing Mutable History" doc.

Speaking of which: can anyone suggest good use cases to motivate
sharing mutable history? The "Alice and Bob collaborate on mutable
changesets" scenario is interesting, but IMHO it's super-advanced.
Perhaps a more useful and realistic scenario is a single developer
moving stuff back and forth between two computers. (One is nearby and
has good merge tools; the other is far away, only accessible via SSH,
but is setup similar to the production environment, so essential for
testing before final push.) Certainly that's how I use shared mutable
history, and I find it extremely useful. I suspect I am not alone.

> > This creates a new changeset, revision 18, which is a child of
> > revision 17. And lurking in the background, we still have to worry
> > about unstable revision 16, which was destabilized by amending
> > revision 15 with ``hg uncommit``::
> >
> >   [figure UG9: rev 15 obsolete, rev 16 unstable, rev 17 and 18 normal]
> >
> > This is where things get complicated.
> Is this really that complicated? It feels obvious that you created a
> new head in doing this.

Well, *I* was a bit surprised at first, and I'm no Mercurial newbie.
Once I thought it through and ran "hg --hidden log --graph" in various
scenarios, I got it. But it was not immediate. So the documentation
tries to walk the reader through the process I had to go through to
get it.

> Everything else seems great to me.

Thanks again for the feedback!

Greg Ward                  
<greg at>                       @gergdotca

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