New evolve docs, take 2

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at
Fri May 30 05:54:46 UTC 2014

On 05/28/2014 11:31 AM, Greg Ward wrote:
> Hi all --
> I've been slowly plugging away at the new docs for evolve. It's time
> for another round of peer review before I start sending drawing
> figures "for real" and sending patches.

Hooray \o/

Please send patches on mercurial-devel. I want this list to stay focus 
on user experience, not patches review.

> First, my fork of mutable-history is here:
> (Pierre-Yves: you keep saying that this is a publishing repo, but I
> don't understand. I've set phases.publish = false. The repo contains
> draft changesets. When I push draft changesets to it, they stay draft.
> If I clone it with SSH, I get draft changesets. If I clone with HTTP,
> *then* my draft changesets become public. I have no idea how to change
> that. I don't see anything relevant in the hgrc(5) man page.)

because the owner of the hgrc is not trusted by the user running the 
http server. See the `trust` section of mercurial config and find config 
file of the hgweb instance.

> Second, you can read the new docs here:
> If you have not reviewed any of the new docs yet, please start with
> the user guide:
> My next step is to redraw my hand-drawn figures using software
> (Inkscape? dot?).

Inkscape is probably the way to go, it is widely available and should 
produce acceptable output here.

> Before I do that, I want to be *damn* sure that the
> figures are clear, accurate, and correspond to the text. Please review
> the figures carefully and make sure they do correspond to the text.
> I've been over this so many times that I probably cannot see the flaws
> any more.
> Those of you who *have* reviewed the user guide: thanks! Please move
> on to the sharing guide:
> Note that I haven't drawn any figures for that yet. You'll have to use
> your imagination, or see test/test-sharing.t. (Every figure in the
> docs should have an "hg log -G" in the test script.)

The rest file and the .t file should be the same. That is the only way 
we have to make sure the documentation stay up to date.

> I'm going to followup with inline copies of the three docs under
> review right now (index.rst, user-guide.rst, and sharing.rst). That
> should make it easy to review by replying.

Pierre-Yves David

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